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les antipodes

a different kind of retrospective

a different kind of retrospective

les antipodes tries to capture the two most moulded sides of yathosho's carreer: simple, clean designs and complex patterns in a more grainy look. this pack features 12 of each style, taken from through-out the back-catalog and carefully selected from some of the more rare packs. visit for more!

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August 31, 2010 by A Guy called Yathosho4446 downloads

les antipodes - a different kind of retrospective

Staff review


24 regular (still high quality and solid) presets/remixes from yathosho going from +12 to -12. the presets which really got my attention were surfacing 8 (by nemo) remix and the interlude:P mainly because of their simplicity. (ok interlude is for taking a break between the 2 parts, going out for a coke or a sandwich or whatever:D)

