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Winamp DAF

Delete and Forward

Deletes currently playing file

This plugin allows you to delete (actually, move to trash) the currently playing song as the same time it moves playlist to the next song. This plugin does what Winamp Deleter V2 usually do. But on Windows 7 64bits Deleter wasn't working anymore, so I decided to make my own and simply plugin to do the job.

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June 12, 2013 by [email protected] 1031 downloads

Winamp DAF - Delete and Forward - Deletes currently playing file

Staff review

Delete The Currently Playing File

This did what it claims to do though it did have issues if there are no other files in the playlist editor causing delete failure messages. Also unless you force the icon to be always shown in the notification area, it is not particularly convenient to use. Some sort of global hotkey would make this easier to use when the icon is hidden and you do not want to find it in the notification area.

