Winamp Heritage - Legacy resources of Winamp media player
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Archive Player

enables winamp to play archived audio files

enables winamp to play archived audio files

-should work with any command line driven archiver-although it was made for use with compressed mod's, since there's no sense in compressing filetypes like mp3, you can archive any audio-filetype supported by the other input-plugins

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July 16, 2001 by Mirko M�hlisch34196 downloads

Archive Player - enables winamp to play archived audio files

Staff review

Archive Player

Play archived audio files...changes to this version include: archives containing read-only files can be processed now; possibility to kill frozen extraction processes after seven seconds added; the In_Archive subdirectory exists only while winamp is active now.


Help file - There is a more detailed helpfile than in the package available at my homepage now. - July 18, 2001 by Mirko M�hlisch
