ZMatrix NT
A Matrix style plugin for WinNT/2k/XP
A Matrix style plugin for WinNT/2k/XPZMatrix is a desktop enhancement which displays streaming code on the desktop similar to that shown in the film 'The Matrix'. The program also functions as a screensaver, and a Winamp 2.x visualization plugin. The visualization works by modifying the effect if it's already running. It does things like vary the color based on the frequency of the music playing, etc...
Download visualizationJuly 9, 2003 by ZMatrix Background | 175063 downloads |

Staff review
Screensaver worked fine...couldn't get the Winamp visual to work thoStill couldn't get this to work as a Winamp plugin. Running Win2k and Winamp 2.91. The standalone screensaver worked fine. However, the Winamp visual didn't do anything after hitting the 'start' button. The configuration menu is there so I know it was installed ok; but, the visual doesn't work from Winamp. Hopefully this will get sorted out...cause otherwise it's a screensaver and not much of a Winamp plugin.
Nice - 2nd thought: Great3rd thought: WOOOOOWnow : YEEEEHAWUHAHAMUWAHEEEEEYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAgeeez don't get me wrong but this is the fucking grates thing EVER! to the guy from the staff: install it and look how ur background changes while listening to the music :D:D:Dand then rerate please - October 23, 2007 by Simon Beeck
AWESOME-O! - This is the screensaver I have been looking for for years, it's absolutely perfect, you are a genius! I love it. You have thought of everything, being able to change colors, fonts, text and the wallpaper transparency thing is just astounding. You can set this thing up any way you want it. I have never posted any reviews on here before but I had to on this one, thanks alot man, right on! - January 16, 2006 by mr tallchief
looks cool, but.. - Looks cool, but couldn't find out on how to use it as a visualisation. Cool thing is that it "codes" your wallpaper - January 9, 2006 by Sleepwalker Designs
ZMatrix NT: Dual Monitor Support? - It's a good plug-in to have. I would use it for show as well, not just as a visualization. I like the fact you can customize the coding strings and having it display your wallpaper and all. However, it doesn't support dual-monitors. It would be cool if it did, then I'll have something to show! - September 9, 2005 by Jonathon Gosselin
it DOES work - there is no manual or anything stating it, but the winamp VIS plugin DOES work ; you just need to run Zmatrix on your wallpaper or as screensaver with winamp on and the plugin activated. not incredibly responsive, it modulates the colours or the frequencies of the data strings that zoom across your screen, looks nice though. - June 2, 2005 by Piet Paaltjens
Very Nice. - everything about this plugin is good work. its really sick. Check it out. - April 2, 2005 by Chard Davis
it work - this is not a stand alone plugin. you have to activate the main program in order to work. but it is a nice plugin. - March 8, 2005 by Christian Kromarek
Not too shabby - I have a slow computer (333 Mhz 64 MB RAM) and it runs very smoothly as long as I don't try loading anything. If you don't have adequate RAM, shut it off before you load stuff. Easy to shut off with a System tray Icon. - February 22, 2005 by Kyle Hebert
Love it! - Love it! - December 5, 2004 by Jason Willett
ZMatrix NT - very easy to install.. and looks fantastic..very impressive.. - October 22, 2004 by jan sweeny
Not very original, but well executed nonetheless. - Not bad, not bad at all. runs smoothly on my ancient pos rig (1.71ghz, 786m ram, raedon 8500), and looks neat. Good job! - October 17, 2004 by Tim Stevenson
AWESOME!!!! - This is THE BEST i have ever seen!!! Dude, you have put many long houre into making this... and it has paid off. Only one small bug... the screensaver doesn't clear the screen on startup... if you had that option... IT WOULD BE PERFECT!!! Well done my man! Pat on the back for this masterpiece! - July 16, 2004 by Travis Brown
ZMatrix - This background didnt work on my winamp but it has installed itself as a background on my desktop! and now i dont want it I CANT UNINSTALL IT! BE AWARE. - June 30, 2004 by Paul Haley
Pimp Shit - I like it... - May 3, 2004 by Tony Territo
awsome - I wold have to say that this is the best program that i have download all year its awsome.... GOOD JOB buddy... I give you praise for your work... - April 17, 2004 by Matt Smith
Wow - I'm using win xp and i have tons of programs running, this is so cool! It runs perfectly and has a great atrix look to it! Download this now if you haven't already... - March 4, 2004 by mark berryman
nigelxxx - i am very new to win amp and i now know what i been missing in my life (and no it is not sad ) yet this is sooooo cooooool to a matrix fan thanks - February 21, 2004 by nigel oldale
Amazing... defintitely a keeper - Impressive, especially when compared to the other so-called Matrix AVS presets. Zmatrix changes your desktop into a matrix display incorporating your wallpaper as well. The winamp plugin just makes your desktop(w/ Zmatrix turned ON) react to music. Also includes a screensaver. Lots of configurations to play with. Use with your favourite wallpaper. - February 19, 2004 by John Arc
ZMatrix NT - Works great on XP. Both as a screesaver and as an active wallpaper. v.nice.. it even works on my twin monitor setup where most screensavers only work on the primary. paulh - February 16, 2004 by paul h
best there is - This has to be the best one there is. It has the real font, the code doesn't all go at the same speed, some are faster than others, and you can also change the colors and font it uses. I highly recomend using this. - July 31, 2003 by Derek Highet