ZMatrix 9x
A Matrix style plugin for Win9x/Me
A Matrix style plugin for Win9x/MeZMatrix is a desktop enhancement which displays streaming code on the desktop similar to that shown in the film 'The Matrix'. The program also functions as a screensaver, and a Winamp 2.x visualization plugin. The visualization works by modifying the effect if it's already running. It does things like vary the color based on the frequency of the music playing, etc...
Download visualizationJuly 7, 2003 by ZMatrix Background | 123482 downloads |

Staff review
ZMatrix plugin and screensaver fro Windows 9x/MeI don't have either OS, so I couldn't properly test this one out. If anyone encounters bugs or problems, please let the author know so updates can be made where needed.
Gif backround, NOW MATRIX BACKROUND - I very like this! This plugin is very cool! In the desktop, i like moving backrounds. And the matrix, not like, love it! Good going, make more backround plugin! :) (and for winamp, it dosen't matter) Kancs?r Thomas, from Hungary - May 26, 2005 by Kancsar Thomas
AWSOME - This is the best backround and screensaver I have EVER seen. Not to mention the Winamp plug-in, I was wiating for that to start up when I realized that it IS the BACKROUND. The entire backround becomes the plug-in AMAZING. Not to mention the code itself is perfect, it looks exactly like the Matrix. I have a 260 Mhz slow ass machine, but this thing still runs perfect! I recomment this to EVERYONE who has ever loved the Matrix, or just thought it looked cool. - January 29, 2004 by Samuel Porch
Goood! - THis is the best program I hawe ever seen. Good work. from now on this is my defult background! Nice!!!! - January 26, 2004 by B�rd Fleistad
Best there is - This has to be the best one there is. It has the real font, the code doesn't all go at the same speed, some are faster than others, and you can also change the colors and font it uses. I highly recomend using this. - July 31, 2003 by Derek Highet