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> > AVS Presets

Zet Hikari

Beginner Crap

These are all but one of the presets I made. I'll be surprised if this gets more than 2 stars.

First presets I ever made.

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March 23, 2006 by Blaine Promer6015 downloads

Zet Hikari - Beginner Crap - These are all but one of the presets I made. I'll be surprised if this gets more than 2 stars.

Staff review

Better than it'd seem from the name and from the screenshot.

But still relatively bad and small. The preset in the pic is probably the ugliest of the bunch. The others, well, they aren't that bad. They're ok for a beginner. And the Rainbow Triplets preset is nice in a way. The author shows some talent, but there are too few presets, and, yes, it's still a beginner pack, so don't expect much.

