Winamp Heritage - Legacy resources of Winamp media player
> > AVS Presets




I made many AVS presets.
and I know I never be a master Avs maker.
But I make a "Completion Pack" while I quit.
it includes my some interesting presets.

Goodbye AVS world...

please visit:

Download visualization

August 14, 2005 by xxl xxl7199 downloads

XXLtheLastCompletionPackEveR - XXLtheLastCompletionPackEveR

Staff review

Hmm.... goodbye to you too...

The fact that you'll never be a master AVS maker is quite obvious. Even if you have a good idea, you tend to ruin it with something that really wasn't needed, like the starfields on Strange Odyssey. Maybe, with the help of a "master AVSer" you would have become a lot better... Anyway, the pack's ok, but almost all of the presets are flawed in a way, and usually far from original. I've perhaps been a little too generous with the rating...

