X-Plugin v1_0_1
X-Plugin v1.0.1 displays (defineable) speakers and Vis-animations. Please send me bugs/ideas etc.
X-Plugin v1.0.1 displays (defineable) speakers and Vis-animations. Please send me bugs/ideas etc.X-Plugin v1.0.1 displays many speakers and Vis-animations, all using DirectX 8.0 (at minimum).This is the first final release. The screen areas now can display most Milkdrop-presets. Although X-Plugin contains some presets (thanks to Rovastar for his presets), I recommend to install Milkdrop because it contains so many presets already that X-Plugin automatically will access.Unfortunately, X-Plugin does not support all features of Milkdrop so that some presets look different. But in the other way, X-Plugin contains features that Milkdrop does not support (rendering Specturm analyzers,e tc.).Regarding Designs: Currently, X-Plugin contains only the default Design HiFi-X, and also a wooden version Wood-X. But unfortunately, the Designer Studio still does not offer possiblities to create own Designs. This will come in the future.Any reports about bugs, ideas, comments etc. are very welcome.
Download visualizationMay 30, 2002 by Roman Komary | 1098729 downloads |

Staff review
X-Plugin ...booming soundsytemDeck out your Winamp with all those speakers that you wish you had in real life but could never afford. This plug-in is definitely food for all the audio buffs out there....it's almost overkill...haha... it's funny to see how big Winamp gets with all the speakers around it. Configurability on this one is tight... a good amount of options. Another cool aspect is that you can run several different visual presets in the different screen areas... so, that each display has a unique visual going on. Good stuff.
woww - I like it so much - September 19, 2009 by BerlinAleppo
hi - good - February 19, 2009 by trung nguyen
wow - woow nice! - August 19, 2008 by soon peng
book sirisom - 0870856347 - July 3, 2007 by book sirisom
super - tank you winamp team - March 17, 2007 by izetergun ergun
really amazing! - well, actually i wasn't going to prove it, but, you know... curiosity... actually, it looks great! all those animations along with the music... i really recomend it, good job - December 6, 2006 by Elias Reyes
sssssssss - dddddddddddddd - September 29, 2006 by zaxo zaxo
shows me what i want in real life!!! - it shows me how i want my speakers in real life. can you make the speaker positions matter (if you know what I mean), like ballence and stuff? - August 14, 2006 by Ashley Devine
The Ultimate PC Killer... - Pack your GeForce 7800GTX, because this plug-in looks so great, it just kills your CPU. My graphics card is so old my PC gets creamed when I fire this up... JUST HIT THE DOWNLOAD BUTTON!! IT LOOKS GREAT!! - March 26, 2006 by Stefan Rosic
How to use this plug-inwith other skins - I tried to use this plug-in with other skins exept the original skin, but it didn't work. So, after long tries, I found the answer! If you want to use this plug-in with other skins, go into the "options" (or preferences) window, then select the "Plug-ins" tab, and unselect the option "Disable build-in visualization when visualization plug-in active". That's it! Then it works perfectly! Anyway, I really love this plug-in! It's just what I wanted! It's perfect! I will wait for the next version (it's a beta)... - February 28, 2006 by Mihnea Vlad Pop
NIce - very nice! works with no problem and the speakers match well. Sweet plug-in! - February 25, 2006 by Alex Hutchins
Perfect - Congratulations! - January 13, 2006 by Goktug OCAKLI
WOAH get a load of this!!!! - It's the most PERFECT viz of all... but it would be even more if it could go for winamp modern:D Anyways... make another with even MORE BIGGER speekers... :D!!!!! that would be sweet! TY!!! THIS MADE MY MONTH! lol - October 21, 2005 by RoDmAn Rod
Great acheivement - It seems to me that this is the most complete plugin for the beautifull oldy-but-goody winamp skin. Congrats!!! Good Job! - September 9, 2005 by Nicu Mihai
Installer Corrupted - Says "installer corrupted" by PIMP Installer :S can u fix this soon? I really want this. - April 26, 2005 by Bayasgalan Boroo
The Best Visual I Have Ever seen!! - I think this program is one of best visual programs that winamp's ever had. Who Ever made this program is Very good at what he/or she does. I can't wait until the next version comes out, I Hope. - March 30, 2005 by Grant Ramseyer
The Best Beat Detection I Have Ever Seen - This program is awesome. I encourage the other to develop it further because he has some real talent. I created a username just so I could rate this because it is that good. This is the only thing that I have ever felt was worthing of rating. I can't believe this is beta. - February 24, 2005 by Brandon Noyb
loodnica - best winamp visualization plug-in - February 6, 2005 by sando dimitrov
Cant get 7 thing to work. - This is a awsome plugin! I only have 7 things i dont get to work. :S It's the: Screen. Rigth and left power supply. Rigth and left Organ. Rigth and Left Sub-Screen. They wont "flash" there is only gray/white in those speakers.. I would like to get it to work just like in the picture. if anybody knows pleas send it to finsken @ msn.com - October 18, 2004 by Joona Hautamaki
Cool - This is the coolest plugin - September 22, 2004 by NugrohoCahyo Riadmojo
HOW TO Get it to work with modern skins - Well i really wanted to get this to work with my modern skin so what i did was this. 1.turn on old skin 2.load up plugin 3.move stuff where u want them 4.dont turn off winamp or plugin 5. simply change the skin to your new 1 6. sum of the speakers might dissapear, live with it 7.from now on everytime you load up winamp and turn on the plugin it will have the setup you made last time. - September 1, 2004 by NotAgOat gates
Please support modern skin - For a long time now, I've been using modern skin, and haven't paid much attention to classic skins. but your plugin is so cool that I had to go back to classics just to make it work, so can you please support modern skins too? - July 19, 2004 by Kyle & AynS JISC
Just... Classic... - This is definitely above and beyond your average vis. And it even runs beautifully on my craptacular PCI videocard! Very well done and professional. - May 21, 2004 by Feign Jurai
XP - Try to get it to run on Windows XP K? - April 24, 2004 by Gavin Kane
This is great but with a few bugs - this plugin is nice because of you can see your winamp with a lot of soundbox it\'s make this plugin great but i give it a 4 stars because a few bugs. - March 19, 2004 by Diego Augusto
its good but it a bug - i hav all ways tink tis is a gud but i whant it to winamp 5 tats all so is tis is reely the best of the best - December 20, 2003 by sven-magnus skeie
The Best of The Best... - before one year i downloaded this plug-in it was not bad, today i changed my pc so i tried to download some plug-ins and i download the "X-Plugin" it's changed since the last time i download it coz my old video-card was not working well, so if it's not working well on your pc try to check your video-card... by the way "WINAMP 2 RULES!". - December 2, 2003 by Mostafa AL-Zahawi
wow!!! - the best plugin ever.great great great.5 stars - November 1, 2003 by makis mpaltz
perfect - the best of the best visualization plugin - October 17, 2003 by ahmet ozturk
Oh my F-ing gods!! - The Visulizations takes half the processing power of regular AVS!!.. strange .. but on my system it is true. P4 1.5ghz with 1 gb rambus 800 Anyone else notice better processor handeling with this plug? - August 18, 2003 by Lil Budro
Very Nice - My favorite Visu - July 8, 2003 by Onkel Hoschie
WoW - this plug in is amazing. ive never seen anything like it. i look forward to using winamp, just so i can see this plugin in action. its awsome, and more than worth your while to download. - June 28, 2003 by Adam Puccino
Very good - but is just slow - June 26, 2003 by Mustafa Buyukardicli
xraviex - ..saw a review sayin tha thing wouldnt work on ati cardz i'm runnin ati radeon 7500 and my pc iz only 500mgz pent 3..still workz great...what an accomplishment...thanx roman...if u got ne plugz for vizualz or speaker colorz though...that'd be kool - May 4, 2003 by christian bishop
HEELLPPP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - what to do when i am traing to start det plugin there is coming a box.... direct... help me - April 22, 2003 by Zippo Jacson
very good job! - congratulations!very good joob,very nice and easy to use! - April 20, 2003 by stefano x
Well done - This is one awesome plugin, makes me want to listen to all my favourite songs again. The "relative movement" stuff works brilliantly. Also like the power supplies heating up as the music gets louder hehe - April 16, 2003 by Fencheene Smith
WOOOOOWWWWW - I didnt know how u work it first...BUT now i know, IT IS JUST WAY COOOOLLLL. WOWWWWWW!!!!!!! - April 2, 2003 by Harry Singh
AWESOME - THIS IS THE COOLEST PLUG-IN EVER!!!! P.S But you could have more speakers! - March 8, 2003 by Atli Johannsson
oh my god - i have to say this is visualy one of the most stunning plugins yet. its so simple and easy to use and its so easy on the eye. i hope they will add some more stuff to it. lets hope they only make it better - February 6, 2003 by richard star
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Nihera sebe, vot eta shtuka, afigetj mozhno. - January 31, 2003 by Gintars Simon
the best - this is the best plug in i've ever seen - January 29, 2003 by mehmet ataman
Awesome - This is amazing, I used to have it but my computer crashed and now it won't appear in the Visualization menu in the preferences after I install it. More info would be greatly appreciated. You can e-mail me at [email protected] - November 11, 2002 by K Shap
Esta de Poca!! - Muy Original ehhh!!!, ojala y le aumentaran mas opciones, that would be great!!!! keep on it!!!! - October 27, 2002 by Orestes Renholder
how can I ...? - the plug-in es awesoma man, what can I say abou that, but it's impressive, the only problem is that, at least in my computer, doesn't appear those animations in the central speaker and in the big screen, what can i do ? please answer me at my mail ([email protected]) thanks (sorry if I've commited some gramaticl error, but I'm latin, from Chile) - September 13, 2002 by sebastian puchi
I'm very glad - 500,000 downloads is a tremendous rating. Yes - and, it is time my desktop speakers already on a dump :). Everything alive, Everything is twitches, everything blinks...It's Very-very funny plug-in... screenshot will not pass it. Author had to put the videoclip and so everyone before downloading :-) could taste all charm of this thing. Wow! This plug-in is really fantastic! I for a long time saw it, but only have now dared to download it. Yes! The "error (7)" has firstly frightened me, but the kind people which have left here the decision of this problem have installed in me belief and have presented the pleasure for me. Cool! Everybody had to download it! You'll not regret! Roman! We with you of the namesake and it is very fun! - September 5, 2002 by Roman S
i finally got it to work! - if you get an error (7), or "no windowable direct3d devices found", try going from 24 bit color to 16. i figured this out after installing milkdrop, so that might help, too. also, was wondering if there are any more designs out there, would love to see some - August 19, 2002 by Jake Buck
Simply Irresistible - The first and the last plugins I download in this categorie, doesn't need more than this one. A must have, go download it now. Really good job. - August 15, 2002 by GoD Dieu
WOW! - This is one of the greatest plugins I have ever seen! - August 11, 2002 by Robby Pace
Doesn't Work - I've got Winamp 2.8 and I couldn't get the plug-in to work. It says something like "Error (7): No Windowable Direct3D Devices found", whatever that means. - August 6, 2002 by Preston Jones
Email - Your email address came back as unknown, Roman. - August 1, 2002 by Nigel .
awesome!! - wow! the speakers jam and the subwoofers bounce!! if only the computer speakers sounded as good as they looked on the screen! its actiually about 15 million stars, but they only let you put up 5...but--WOW! - July 31, 2002 by bryan stueck
digitalapocalypse - I really can't rate this one cause it dosn't work on my sys even after I installed directx 8.1 after running dependency walker found missing files if you could post what service packs you use on your sys it would help!! - July 30, 2002 by will smith
wow - Awesome plugin, but the only problem is it won't fit on my screen! lol - July 29, 2002 by Matthew nottelling
Kick'n, totally kick'n - I have never even given anything else a review but when I saw that only about 500,000 people had downloaded this I freaked. This is the single best vis plugin you can get. - July 26, 2002 by Andrew Buriak
Regarding your Problems - If anyone has some problems, please do not post them in here. Instead write me an email. Then I can help you directly. - July 22, 2002 by Roman Komary
I got probs - i've had older versions of dis one, and dey're fantastic. but dis one has probs, now i KNO dis is a great plugin, but has anyone had an error dat said "no windowable direct3d found"??? i hav directX 8.1, wat else du i need? even though i havent got it to wrk yet, im still gonna give it 5-stars. CAN SUM1 HELP ME?!?! - July 22, 2002 by Renown N
Trouble - I feel it is nice but i get an error no windowable direct3d devices.. can anyone explain - July 21, 2002 by Winston Williams
Tight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - TiGhT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - July 21, 2002 by Karen Reed
Awesome - This is the best plugin ever! The great part is that it's so customizable. you can move the speakers around and change the colours. Geat work! - July 16, 2002 by Byron Walker
the best - the best damn plug in ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - July 14, 2002 by Matthew Burke
The Bomb - Wow "cool my eyes"... great visuals, and the speakers are just awsome. Da Best Plug-in eva!!! Way to go...When is the next version gonna release??? - July 7, 2002 by zzz zzz
ALSOME!!! - THIS IS THE BEST PLUG IN EVER!!!!!! and for all you people who hate it... well you sure are sad people! and sure got a bad taste in plug in's so i suggest some help. But as for the creater EXELENT WORK! fix that graphics bug though. - July 3, 2002 by Bremt Tremeer
WOW! This blows everything else out of the water! - I've tried this with a 64 Meg Video card, Pent IV 1.6 with 592 meg of ram. I don't use plugin's as a rule because usually they aren't what they appear to be but this thing just made me sit back and say WOW! As soon as anyone has seen this running on my system is asking "Where can I get that?". I tell them of course. Far and away the BEST plugin I've ever seen and teamed with Geiss is nothing less than perfect. - June 30, 2002 by John Wade
Great!!!!! - This plug in is hotttt!!!!! Looks great, nice detail, resizeable vizualization screen is done in good taste. This plug in gives your winamp a whole new dimension, GOOD JOB - June 27, 2002 by joe b
Holy Plugins Winamp Man! - I must admit, out of all the cool Plugins I've seen, this one is my favorite, I enjoyed the very first one of these, and this ones even better, and what its only a beta??? AWSOME I wanna see the finished product, the only reason I didn't give this 5 stars is because the sound bars on the sides only had green lights, I think even for a beta they shoulda had some color spectrum. But other than that, keep up the good work on this plugin and make it even more awsome when its finished! You can bet I'll be the first to download it. - June 27, 2002 by James Palix
Beautiful - What an incredibly well done plugin. Runs trouble free and just looks great. Full screen visuals aren't the only way to go.;) - June 22, 2002 by Paul Clark
f*cken awesome - this thing looks bloody awesome! u kick ass!!! i thought id found the best plugin ages ago but no this pisses all over it! make more and better. should be able to import own pictures of speakers n stuff that would be cool but dude this is awesome anyway! - June 22, 2002 by DJ Svaana
OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!! - I have tested it with the following OS's: 98, ME & XP. The following video cards were tested: Voodoo 3200, 4,500 & Geoforce 3 128. It ran flawlessly in every instance. This is the plug-in I've been waiting for........Speakers that actually work! The trebel speakers only move when needed, for example. If you download one plug-in, this is the one!! - June 20, 2002 by James Paul von Helton
No NVidia - I wish i could use this version but my display card's not NVIDIA. Why is that for, Roman? Not all people prefer NVIDIA card. How about ATI or other cards people have out there. For this version, I give 1 thumbs up, 4 thumbs down! - June 19, 2002 by Gene Garcia
what?!?! - haven't even tryed this shit yet so HOW can i comment it?!?! are you guys NUTS?? haha, and moahan isn't even me.. i don't have an account.. haha.. ip-fault or am i just to tireed..? - June 18, 2002 by Moahan Raaj
Bigger Better Uncut - I like this version of the x-plugin a lot better than the original. some recommendations is to allow a full screen for the windowed vis Love the effecs dude!!! Keep up the good work. I highly recommend this download - June 17, 2002 by Ken Anderson
What a plug-in but... - Hello, This plug-in is very well. It's original and very good-looking. Meanwhile, It is very bugged, i dont know U but on my PC each time I lauch it there are many display bugs on the elements and I must move them several time until they are good displaying. I am under win98 and I have got direct X 8.1 and a Geforce TI200... ps: excuse me but I am swiss and my english isn't very good bye - June 15, 2002 by Laurent Toast
Awsome - This is the best ver so far. I have had every verison you have made, keep up the good work Roman! - June 14, 2002 by Brett Pierce
Wow! - This is just tight!!! Download it now! - June 10, 2002 by Jeremy Emfinger
Tech - OMG!!!! I have NEVER seen ANYTHING like this! If this guys getting paid for work like this, it's OBVIOUSLY not enough! And if he isn't he must have more money than he already knows what to do with :P GREAT WORK MAN SERIOUSLY!!!! - June 10, 2002 by Frank Sanford
Brand New Version! - I used to have a lot of fun with this plugin some time ago. But with so many news that are always happening here at Winamp, there's was a long time that I didn't play with it. And now that I'm browsing at the 3D plugin pages, see what I find! X-Plugin is back with a brand new version. I'm so excited, that I'm downloading it now, while writing this, and I'm sure it still looks great. Welcome back, Roman! - May 31, 2002 by joaquim jardim
THIS IS AWESOME!!!! - I have been corresponding with Roman Komary for years now, and have been looking to review this plugin! Trust me! This man has put TONS of work into this, while it is still in BETA, I have it come up by DEFAULT when I play a song! The only VISUAL plug you will ever NEED! And ROMAN! HURRY! I can't wait to see all the Visuals you have planned! - April 4, 2002 by Brian Stevens
f*cking exelent!!! - this is the best plugin on earth! even though rowan hasn't developed the big screen yet (which apparently will kick ass) this has been my default since version 0.1! keep up the good work rowan - March 29, 2002 by Moses .
the best - This is the best plug-in - March 1, 2002 by G�bor Csala
Excellent - This one's got pretty good timing with the music. It'd get that extra star if the display and the left and right spectrum did something. What would be totally beyond cool is if you could get something like G-Force to show up in the flat display. That would just flat out rule. Keep up the good work! - February 24, 2002 by Booger Jones
Flat Screen - I would have given this 5 if it weren't for theflat screen with nothing on it. If you could make it so there was another wisualisation on that screen or so hat a user could be running two at a time with x-plugin and another one in the screen it would be getting 5. I await the re-make. - February 21, 2002 by John Enderby
Wow - Very goooood,a one problem,no have skins - February 14, 2002 by aaaaaaa fffffffffffffffff
i hv wait for a long time - i very like this plug in. why dont u finish it. Some of the speaker isnt work. i hv wait and wait for a long time for yours x-plugin. I very 1 to know when we the users can download it. I still waiting since last year 2001 - February 8, 2002 by kent liu
looks grate - This is tight but what it lacks is that the flatscreen dont show anything it will make this plugin much better. but over all it is one of the best on me list get it if u are in to making things look hella fancy. - January 29, 2002 by Chino JCrew
WOW!!!!!!! - Thats all what i gotta say!!!!!! This THE BEST plugin i have downloaded ever since i got winamp!!!No plugin can keep up to the standerds this one has!! if i could, i would give this plugin 10 stars, but alas, i cant! so a full 5 will have to do!! excellent job!!! *:-D - January 27, 2002 by The Skin Hacker
What can i say?????? - PERFECT!!!!!!!!Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!Best of the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!I can't express it with words!!!!!One of the best ideas i have ever seen!!!!!!!Excellent Work..........................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - January 19, 2002 by george923 tourtsis
This is cooooooool - I am from Latvia. And i can say just - this is coooooooooolllllllll Download this right now!!! - January 10, 2002 by Guntars Petersons
Ingenious Work!! - Ha ha. Re: remain civilized... Anyways... this plugin is really neat-o. It gives winamp a whole new look. I was shocked to see that the speakers are draggable! Awesome work whoever did this! Thanx!! Daniel - January 2, 2002 by Daniel Maynard
Great! It's almost like my stereo! - Great! It's like listening music to a real stereo! I would have liked also a skin which matched the loudspeakers... - December 31, 2001 by Andrei Toma
I love you - *hugs creator* - December 21, 2001 by zach phillips
I want one - I wouldn't mind owning a real sys like that ;) really really good so far, just need something on the Flat Display, I found it goes well with all skins but especially the Shining Metal skin because it looks like a car stereo. Slate 8 if you're still looking for a good analyser get the Sattan at http://www.winamp.com/plugins/detail.jhtml?componentId=3277 - December 16, 2001 by Scotty .
excellent - person who has made this is a genius - November 29, 2001 by saurabh kathpalia
Even Works on Windows XP! - I have never commented on a plugin in my 5 years of using the worlds best MP3 player, Winamp, but this one is something special and deserves a quick note... I was actually looking for a spectrum analyser that?s better than the one on iTunes because all the Mac users here think iTunes looks the best - well I sure proved them wrong! Excellent response from the speakers and it looks great with the Kenwood skin at http://www.winamp.com/skins/detail.jhtml?componentId=64466 I've tried it on Win2000 & XP - works a treat! Thanks, Roman, this is the best plugin I have ever seen and I think I've download 90% of plugins on this site! Recommend it to everyone! - November 23, 2001 by Slate 8
Great. Looks like performance speaker system - This is a great plugin with a variety of performance looking speakers and the lights add a good touch to add some color to it. I would also like to see a similar plugin that takes up the whole screen around the winamp. - November 21, 2001 by Hank Dettlaff
AWESOME - Great plugin,Very cool,Very responsive. Gives winamp style.Mine runs with no problems. - November 1, 2001 by JOSE MUNOZ
bnuk thinks it's great - I AM BNUKEMX, so I think this is the greatest I have ever had. I mean it's like having your own PRO stereo with all the speakers, subwoofers, and stuff. -BNUKEMX - November 1, 2001 by John Longenecker
Great Idea, Needs Debuged - Great concept, very original design, however, speakers can sometimes get 'lost' and will not show up again without restarting winamp or right clicking and reconfiguring placement also, a GREAT addition would be to show avs in the flatscreen, also, have you thought about making a skin for winamp 3 around this plugin? It would be one of the top ones on my list of "must have" skins and probably many others, think it over. - October 29, 2001 by Nathan Moore
Very well done! - This is a great vis plugin. Its very responsive and has the best visuals ever. Great job. Doesnt look like a beta. Except for the screen that doesnt work. - October 29, 2001 by Eric -
Proton - Man, this is da best yo, everyone should get this for their winamp. - October 26, 2001 by Eric Jones
All you people - Hello there all you people whoi are saying it sucks! But did he say this is a BETA version therefore not everything is complete! - October 16, 2001 by Giles Cotterill
Good!!!! - Hey, i really like this and this is like the 10th plug in ive downloaded and only one i really liked, put something on the tv, that would be awesome. thanks for the awesome plug in ;) - September 30, 2001 by Angel Morgan
WOW!!! - THE BEST PLUGIN EVER!!! WHAT ELSE CAN I SAY?... - September 26, 2001 by Rick Kyle
PHAT - this is the BEST PLUG-IN I HAVE SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - September 15, 2001 by Punk munky
Woah! - This is one of the most awesome plugins I've ever seen! I started to get bored of the regular full screen colorful dancing lines and waveforms things, but this really breaks the trend! It's just a nice change of pace, and I was surprised that the speakers actually respond to stereo songs and their frequencies! that's ####! and the graphics rock! Keep up the good work, Roman! - September 12, 2001 by Brian Harrington
Wow !! - What a best plugs in. Good, I hope You have more intresting speaker next time - September 9, 2001 by Yap Sze How
exellent - its exellent, just like everyone would say, you need something in the flatscreen, some of my friends, mix this plug in, with azs, and the put it in the flafscreen, but you really need something there, anda a really big woofer for the bass effects - September 1, 2001 by Miguel Berlanga
SWEET!! - This is a sweet plugin it makes your skin look like a BIG stereo - August 21, 2001 by scott winiecki
BOMB ASS PLUG-IN - This iz 1 bomb ass plug-in i just wish u could put a visualization in the flat screen. now That would ROCK ASS - August 18, 2001 by Jonathan Joy
Not bad! - it's really great plugin. I will give you 5th star when you work with displays and things. - August 18, 2001 by Edgar Sagadejev
B~E~S~T - This is the coolest plug-in of all the ones I've had! - August 13, 2001 by Liquid Silver
UHH - Very, very, very great, good plugin. One of the Best! - August 11, 2001 by Martin K�mz
Sucks big time - Don't bother with this one. Big disappointment - August 10, 2001 by Ian Newman
This is the Stuff - X-Plugin is the things to get if u want a sound system....this is worth it...I would give this 25 starz if i really can. This i s Tight - August 9, 2001 by Dante Dizon
Excellent - I believe this Plugin tops all except one....Roman's other Plugin the "Power Plugin" which can be downloaded on his website. If you haven't yet noticed this plugin isnt finished. A visualization will be put on the screen up top and all objects will have animations:) This plugin of course will be the best once it is finished (it is currently in the BETA stage). I think I speak for most of you out there when I say, "I hope Roman Komary continues making plugins so we all can enjoy winamp." - August 5, 2001 by Joshua Roberts
This is one of the most incredible plug-ins I have seen yet. - Wow, this is great, I have never had a problem with it and it doesn't hog ram. It is fully customizable and the speakers respond very well to the music, WOW! - August 5, 2001 by Chris Paul
this is so damn aweome! - holy crap, i've been searching for something like this pretty much since i got winamp. its un-b-leeve-able! dude, Roman Komary, in my opinion, keep work up like this, i will no doubt keep downloading this stuff! this is definitely worth the like 1 1/2 minute download! GREAT JOB 'B'!! - August 2, 2001 by jonny b
it wont le...... - IT WONT LET ME PLAY IT!!!!!!!!!!! - August 2, 2001 by bluelionroar ????
Could Be Better - Yo man i think this X-plugin is cool but it can be better by adding A (VISULIZATION)on the blank black screen up top. So if u hook that up u'll get more DL's Well i relly like it and hope u try to do something like to what i said. - July 31, 2001 by mark bob
Y We R Impressed. - How many other peeps do you see making a speaker setup that actuall works?!? I don't see you making anything like that, so pipe it. = ) - July 25, 2001 by Larry Tennison
Cool - its a nice plug in - July 12, 2001 by Jake Clawson
Thumbs up dude! - what a fantastic plugin!!! But I hope u could add in some features like changing the color of the speakers! That will be a BIG PLUS to your plugin!!! - July 11, 2001 by Rob Bin
So Sweet :) - Great plug, best i've seen in a long time, something different for a change...haven't had any probs with the beta, this is a groovy little plug and a lotta fun...i have to concur with the other reviewers and give it a big fat five stars...btw, y'all ever notice that no matter how cool a plugin or whatever is, there's always some dork who gripes about it and downs it like that halevy guy? someone could make a plugin that jumped off your desktop and gave you a bj and there'd still be some jerk who'd give it zero stars and bitch about it? usually their posts make little or no sense, either...just a thought. - July 7, 2001 by Patrick Welch
x-plugin - it cool. great job - July 4, 2001 by karol perkowski
* W * a * W * - ********************Great Plug-In.************************ - June 28, 2001 by Jaroslav Dudas
This this this - This is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY GOOD VERY VERY VERY...!!!!!....!!!!! :-) - June 19, 2001 by Mateo Kustic
Daemnnn - Wow, thats what i always wanted to have. That was a very good job and i think its awesome.... pimp is right....^it is a lil sensitive but still it's tha best plugin and it's fun.....well thats enuff 4 now - June 17, 2001 by Ivan Andrijevic
SWEET - What can I say! Killer job dude. Can't wait until for some updates. Rock on! - June 15, 2001 by Michael Tremblay
Great Plugin! - This one blows all the other speaker plugins out of the water. But um, wtf is up with that flat display thing.. is it supposed to display anything? Having it somehow grab the AVS plugin (via VIS_MUX?) would be nifty. Keep up the good work, looking forward to something eye-catching on that screen. - June 12, 2001 by Brian Mason
This thing is awesome!!! - it makes me fell like i have a huge stereo, and it also thumps to the music. - June 6, 2001 by brendan hutchins
pimp - its awesome but u should make the subs and speakers and stuff less sensitive to just voices and limit them to like only bass hits and stuff. and try to do something to the tv thing like that one person did with the vidamp-v1.0 thing. that would be sweet - June 3, 2001 by bryan zumbahlen
the pic i made - http://members.nbci.com/mtggeek/zvocinki.jpg - June 2, 2001 by WAR DOG
this is 3d? - funny the way people keep coming up with interesting way to utilise 3d hardware power.... would be cool looking on a dark desktop...perhaps on a big screen in a club you could show a black desktop with winamp running this...it'll be really funny - June 1, 2001 by Tai Chow Sing
WOW! - what can i say, this is the best part about winamp. the speakers make the whole experience 1000x better! great work, i suggest moving spectrum analizers on the small screens and video capabilities on the flatscreen. (if thats possible!!) good luck! great work - May 28, 2001 by matt wyant
What a Plug-in - Are you kidding me? This is one of the best Plug-ins I've seen in awhile. The speakers alone are OUTSTANDING. Just how they move to the beat is the best. And the LEDS. Nobody can top this. If you can well, Let's see it.... - May 27, 2001 by William Morrison Jr
Outstanding - I had a basic speakers plugin before, but this one is from a different planet! Looking forward to the next beta release, ad seeing something on that screen!! - May 16, 2001 by Mark Pud
Yeah! - It makes WinAMP look like smth. enormously hi-tec thing. - May 14, 2001 by K. Kulikov
WOW - This is a great plugin. I hardly ever download plugins but this one is excellent!!! - April 26, 2001 by Lethal Weapon
opiniao - tenho pena e que este esta incomplecto - April 25, 2001 by hugo soeiro
5 stars, hands down - Best ive ever seen, thats it - April 23, 2001 by Eric T
X=Plugin - And I say another 5+++++ stars! This is by far the BEST plugin I've seen. You can also skin this thing?How cool is that! PLEASE let my know when u get sun skins for this!!!!!!!!!! - April 21, 2001 by Tony Paullin
EXCELLENT! - This is absolutely excellent. I just can't get over it. Graphics are good and it is differnet, different from all the others which are just colours,patterns and lines. The freaky thing is I was just thinking that some one should do this kind of idea and then I find this. This is a must download!You would be sorry not to. !!EXCELLENT!! - April 21, 2001 by Pawlu Saliba
This Rocks - This is one of the best plugins I have ever seen. They did a great job. - April 21, 2001 by Joe Smithers
Out standing! - This cool plugin can now boost your speakers,and other additional stuff like for example if you move the speakers around,the sound changes! also direct x suport(7.0x) I would highly recomend this bada$$ because its got suroung sound! the sound is so superb that you can hear it at the end of the street! which my steet is quite long!,but had to put it up full blast,the result?.....Very good quality! you can see loads of speakers on your desktop,It also looks good and runs on any modern computer! please please reviewers out there,do take advantage and get is A.S.A.P!!!!!!!!!! - April 20, 2001 by jack insole
Awesome Look!!! - Very nice speakers, You made my wish come true.Im looking foward to ur next release.and A cool effect to that screen would make it even more awesome. Great Work. - April 18, 2001 by Reginaldo Soares
Nice..Very Nice - This a great visual, I'm really impressed! Keep up the work on this, hopefully you've got an Idea for that screen, sorta a visualizer inside of one! Nicely Done! ~Rzowe - April 18, 2001 by Jeremy Rowe
bad a$$ - hey Whats up guys this plug in is truley bad a$$. Only one coment make the speakers bigger. Also i was just wondering if the screen did anything. P.S. if you come out with a nother beta let me know thanks sean [email protected] - April 17, 2001 by sean bielman
WELL DONE!!! - great piece of work, i have been waiting for someone to do speakers, the ones that i had if put next to yours would be given -5 stars. Great job - April 3, 2001 by Harry Singh
The Blast - A very nice plugin. It looks very nice compared to my speakers :) Get nice & expensive speakers for free! Can't wait for the next version. - March 31, 2001 by icebox cool