From the author of G-Force, see what first broke all the rules in sound visualization.
From the author of G-Force, see what first broke all the rules in sound visualization.Version 4.0 is here, and only serious viewers with serious computers need apply.
This plugin is very unique--it rose quickly on the Mac side and did the same under Winamp under veersion 3.4. Fullscreen as well as windowed, highly customizable, usable as a screensaver, featured in many DJ productions, and is 100% free. DJs, math-jocks, and programmers will especially love this plugin.
March 12, 2001 by Andy OMeara | 337644 downloads |

Staff review
White Cap is back... and still top notchOne of the original great visual plug-ins returns in style. The beauty of WhiteCap is that it doesn't rely on fancy visual gimmicks... rather, it uses super quality programming and great concepts to catch your attention. This is indeed a very entrancing plug-in to watch. Complete with transitions between presets... truly an essential visual plug-in to download. Includes stand alone version as well. -dg
The most amaizing job! I enjoy it from release 1 - September 9, 2010 by Sergio Bernal
Blahhhh - Very boring vis, will put you in a comma - March 15, 2008 by David P
I't amaizing - good job - March 19, 2007 by izetergun ergun
Impecable - This is an absolutely great visualization. The transition between visualisations is just impecable. Well worth the download (and the install and a lot more). - April 25, 2006 by Hifas Faiz
I Love This - This Is The BEst plug in EVER. Download now don't think - October 23, 2005 by Dennis Tomczek
A must have - Just check it out and decide for your self.I put it in the same catagory as Geiss,G-Force,Pixel Trip and Acidspunk II, and you know they all kick ass. - September 14, 2005 by larry padilla
.............................................................. - .................. The words can not describe how great this is! And I really mean it!!!!!!............................................ - March 31, 2004 by Joonas Aulamo
OK, NOT - THIS IS THE WORST PLUGIN I HAVE EVER HAD. IT IS CRAP! - February 15, 2003 by 123 123
WiteCap is the $hit - Everyone should download this Plugin... Runs smooth doesn't freeze or anything... GET IT NOW! - August 4, 2002 by Randall Janney
wow - great job but I think it should still have the names on the bottom - July 19, 2002 by Matthew Rozier
**-=WoW=-** - Only one word describes my state of mind after staring at this thing for a few song...visually stoned. It's amazing what people can do with lines. Keep up the good work! - June 24, 2002 by Michael Vasilevskis
3D best - the only plugin with better fx is R2 but as a plugin this is waaay BETTER and it got lot of presets - January 20, 2002 by Anjanakrishnan Kannadath
ohmygod - Its like a planatarium lazer show. WOW. If you dl one visual plugin this year... - January 15, 2002 by Andrew Grimmke
AWESOME! - This is the best plugin I have ever seen.Very good beat detection.Animation and color KICK ASS!Great job Andy. - November 22, 2001 by JOSE MUNOZ
Sweet! - It morphs between the frames in the "slideshow" and has different patterns for everyone. It's neat to see a great 3D rendering visual aid that doesn't just use another bunch of blur and mirror effects. A must have! - September 24, 2001 by Christopher Herff
It's great - I like this one very much because you can choose between so many It's very cool u need to have this one - June 10, 2001 by Stephan van Rooij
What's so special ? - Myself, I don't find this plugin good, even if it's from the same guy who made G-force (that one rocks). Lines, lines, and lines... that doesn't impress me much... Keep on working, and someday, that plugin will really worth the download. - April 15, 2001 by a dick head
Andy is GOD. - Originally, WhiteCap didn't create the amazing impression on me that G-Force does. However, after using it for a while, I've noticed it's just as cool, sometimes almost dizzying. Where G-force generally feels more 2-D, WhiteCap makes you feel like you're actually IN the vis, spinning around a constantly changing wire-frame waveform. Also works faster on slower computers than G-Force does, though at times not by much. If you like this enough, give the man some money, there's a donation link on his homepage. - April 14, 2001 by Evan Clinton
amasing vis advancements - This vis is one of the best. its morphing wavform is amasing. I would be interested in seeing some more configurability in this one. Andy's vis makes me cream my pants - April 4, 2001 by Jesse Miller
Very nice - this plug-in is very unique and good as it is not too complicated and yet still manages to addict you. - March 30, 2001 by Fred Greene
Feel the Force - Whitecap. GForce. They are the best. This wireframe based rendring system is something else. From animated flags, to landscapes... Tubes to twirly things... Bouncing blobs to hundreds of lines... This has it all. And on my 1Ghz Athlon, it **Rawks!** -- Warning -- Do not download if you have limited spare time. -- Warning -- - March 29, 2001 by Peter Street
Wow - this unique the best the only one in him style - March 29, 2001 by Marco E. Muraca