Vizualisation MUX
The definitve vizual plugin stacker
The definitve vizual plugin stackerMUX enables you to run up to eight windowed vizualisations all at once! ____ Presenting a new look on the way that you run your winamp!!
Download visualizationApril 17, 2001 by Mark Patterson | 51558 downloads |

Staff review
Stack visual plug-insVery cool plug-in that allows you to run multiple windowed visual plug-ins at the same time. The resulting effect is not unlike watching a wall of tv's at Circuit City or Good Guys or whatever... except, instead of a football game, it's a bunch of different Winamp visual plug-ins. Good stuff. Up to 8 at once. Make sure to read the readme to find out about which plug-ins not to use, and which ones work best. -dg
Beta, but good - The setup should be redone, a simple zip is better then a unprofersional selfextracktor. A nsis installer wouldn't be that hard when you can make this! It gives errors when I opens the config window and hasn't chosen any plugins. Max 8 you say? Hmm secret... I know! Stack it!(not tried) - April 12, 2005 by Henrik Andersson
The Original Author - I'm not saying anything. But Jason Crawford ([email protected]) was the original author of Visualisation MUX. Am not sure whether Mark Patterson had authority to take over the project. Even though it still says Jason Crawford in the about box in the plug-in. I still got the original zip file posted/submitted by Jason Crawford. - December 17, 2004 by Kevin GPO
Excellent for LCD/VFD vis and Geiss2 - I like this plugin alot. I run it with the LCDC - September 18, 2003 by Bunker man
Amazing! - A fine plug-in indeed, iI wish I had come across this earlier - March 31, 2003 by Eric J
How handy - I have a parallel port LCD, and can use this swoit plugin to run the Winamp AVS as an OVERLAY, and the LCD spec. analyzer at the same time, when I use my PC as a jukebox. w00t. Windowed my arse ;). - March 17, 2003 by Squall Strife
Original! - There's no other plugin like this. - July 2, 2002 by reynaldo paes
Cool plugin - If you download this plugin you will not be sorry. Just thisnk about it 8 visual plugins toghether. You can make your whole screen a customizable visul plugin. It's COOL. - March 30, 2002 by Patras Vlad
Sorry, wrong plugin. - Sorry, I commented on the wrong plugin. Disregard. - January 1, 2002 by Tim Gort
It's cool - It is indeed unique, in a good way ofcourse, otherwise I wouldn't say five stars. I think it has the quality to be on the front page too. - September 3, 2001 by Larue Kim Wisener
Er... - Pete, actually it won't crash your comp... that is, if you have something a bit more advanced than a 286... which you obviously don't. Then again, I'm sitting here on my 1.2 ghz athlon with 266 of fsb and 512 DDR ram... - July 3, 2001 by Mike Call
Realy Sucks - This will mess up your Computer! SUCKS!!! - April 23, 2001 by Pete Jessen
OK thats it... - Alright nullsoft thats it! I work on my masterpiece and put all of my avs and skin creations on hold to give you a unique new plugin and what do you do? FOUR AND A HALF?!?! I always wasnted to see one of my plugins make the front screen and all of my beta testers assured me this one would. I guess I might have to take my skills over to sonique.?.?.?. - April 21, 2001 by Mark Patterson