Visualization Keyled
small plugin use change keyboard led into visualization winamp!...
small plugin use change keyboard led into visualization winamp!...Winamp Visualization Keyled is a plugin for winamp for Change Keyboard Led (Scroll Lock Led, Num Lock Led, Caps Lock Led) to Visualization Winamp!...
Download visualizationJuly 6, 2001 by Anta Networks | 130289 downloads |

Staff review
keyboard led visualizationneat little plugin that will turn your led lights to a visualization effect to the music.
itS ITs aMAzing i LOvE iT its THE beST haha THANKS SO MUCH ItS AMAZIng - July 16, 2010 by jacob
Really nice...except - This is really cool... like if there is a party and your playing music i could be really cool! but if you have the sensitivity thing on HIGH its really hard to type! - April 1, 2007 by Andrew Weisz
Cool but.. - The XP bug Just gets verY annoyinG like kinda like This. BUt iT is awsoMe but I just wiSh tHis bug can get fixed. - February 24, 2007 by Kevin Phomma
thiS One woRKS as welL - But with WIN xp thEre is thiS litTle thingie.. . . BTw. wheN i use Both, ps2 and Usb keybOard at tHe same TIme tHEy boTh woRk. =) ctrL+ShiFt+k is GOod wAy to SwiTh plugiN on/oFf wHEn Writing Is NEeDed. - November 24, 2006 by jim taika
:) good - i cant download - October 25, 2006 by Mateusz Mieleszczuk
Nothing but sexy - I've got a modded computer with an el illuminated keyboard that is bound to the scroll lock button. This is the sexiest mod I have ever seen. My ENTIRE keyboard flashes with this awesome plug in. Definitely worth the download just for the show off value! - May 6, 2006 by Angie McGaha
tHiS ROX - ITs FUN tO wRITE wIThE tHe BEAt111 :0 - February 3, 2006 by pEter MANn
SuPerb - iT wAS an OLDeR onE that worKs onLY uNdeR wiN 9X And i CHangED my Win onlY fOR tHat pLuGin... bUt .. thi sworkS uNder NT to So I'm HAPPY :) it IS GreAT, coOL visuAl eFfect ;) and THe tYpIng IS niCE toO :p - August 19, 2005 by florin florin
I gOt A kIck ouT OF it - THIS PLUG-IN makeS iT FAIRLY HARD TO type....Oh wELl.. - February 9, 2003 by Paul Fillmore
It'S kiNda hard To tyPE - yeS, IT is KinDa HaRd to type whiLe UsiNg IT, bUt hey, whO CaRES, I LOoKS a bIT 1337 wHEn iT iS oN ANyWaYz... oNLy BAd ThING IS THAT it gEts LAGGEd WiTHouT REasON SomETIMES... - July 16, 2002 by Tim Ragnwald
Cool enough, but...... - I really like that the order of buttons can be changed, however it makes mouse movement very erratic. An issue I have with all of these plug-ins. - June 18, 2002 by Heath Kraft
THIS TOTALLY RULES!!!! - Whow what a great plugin!!!! I love it!!!! - April 9, 2002 by Spiegel Man
sIMPlY bRILLiANT Of ORIGinAlITY - reAllY brILliant! (And YeS I'm usiNG iT RIghT NOW ;) ) - February 23, 2002 by Giorgio Santiago
Impressive ! Grats ! - Although this is a simple plugin, the originality eats my whole 5 stars, good work ! - November 27, 2001 by Nicholas Gurekas
oooooh! - it is good, but distracting but who cares! - October 6, 2001 by Corbin Irvin
Wow! - This plug-ins is great! cause can run in my 486 computer! - June 9, 2001 by Bose Williams
Nifty! - Since I have a slow computer, this is pretty much the only viz plugin that doesnt jerk!!!! (and it's a great viz tool if you want to save your screen). i wonder - is there a way to use the power / turbo case-mounted led's too?... - April 28, 2001 by Aleem Juma