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visions vi

in case you were waiting

in case you were waiting

visions vi
by zamuz

here's the sixth pack in the series. hopefully size won't matter.

Download visualization

April 17, 2007 by gonzalo munoz47101 downloads

visions vi - in case you were waiting

Staff review

A true masterpiece.

Well, one thing is certain. This rock. It's one of the best looking packs ever. Every single preset is beautiful in its own way, the colours, the design, everything. Just download it.


The Art Work is Stunning - Each preset awesome. The visuals are jaw dropping smooth. A must have! - November 27, 2007 by Sindri Joynton

Virus! - DO NOT DOWNOLAD!contains virus -trojan! - August 30, 2007 by bizz alv

Trojan - Well, I tried to download this one but my anti virus software detected it as a trojan... I don't know now how I should think of this... - April 27, 2007 by Andre Bremert

pack of the year! - it's very hard to imagine this pack could be topped this year.. if not by visions 7 ;) - April 25, 2007 by A Guy called Yathosho
