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Better eight than never

late but new

48 hours later than usual comes the latest summer compilation from the VISBOT camp. for more!

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June 28, 2005 by VISBOT NETWORK96057 downloads

VISBOT - Better eight than never - late but new

Staff review

Some interesting takes on some old ideas. Visually some of these put a few other separate vis plugins to shame.


pushing up the overall rating - I can't say it often enough.. if you can't get it to work, ask about it in the forums and *don't rate* it here. If you don't like it, write some constructive critisizm instead of simply saying 'it's a pile of crap' This is top notch, get it and get visbot 9 too, althoug this one is better. - November 10, 2005 by Warrior of the Light

Stylish and more diverse than ever. - Always a pleasure to get a good visbot release and this is one of them. Well not pushing AVS as far technologically as other releases the style and quality of these presets shines through. Ignore the low scoring reviews; these people don't appear to understand what they are reviewing... the spread of stupidity knows no bounds Peace zen-x - October 9, 2005 by Zen-X (Liam McLaughlin)

WTF - I can't get it to work or even find it to make it work, Thumbs down for this one :-( - October 1, 2005 by mark unruh

Oh this is... KOOL! - its great! contains some reaaaly kool presets, only prob is 2 of em doesnt work, says unknown render something, any idea? :) - September 17, 2005 by Jude_Morrissey Cruz

really now - What else would you ever expect? Has Visbot ever put out sub-par releases? Always something new & fun. - September 13, 2005 by Nemo Orange

i hate it when this happens - this is ridiculous. this pack contains some the most coolest presets of now, and is most definitely a good download. for those who don't know what the heck it is, DON'T RATE IT! - September 13, 2005 by Jonathan Pham

all good - everybody at visbot did a great job here - September 10, 2005 by les Noobiens

for the sake of it. - igor. stop this underrating. okay you made it for my pack, thats okay. but for this pack too...ehhh. - September 9, 2005 by Trompler Tam�s

VISBOT - from my point of view this plugin is a pile of crap - September 9, 2005 by Igor Neyazov

sexy baby - another pack from the visbot people that makes the viewer drool over the screen. some style that you wont ever get bored of. - August 26, 2005 by Trompler Tam�s

Cute - Visbot would be good for Voltron fans, but hard on the eyes and lacking in functionality. - August 25, 2005 by d0ze Allen

tight collection - d0ze Allen: if you don't know what you are rating here, don't rate it. it's a dope set of visuals, not some skin or picture. great work from everyone at visbot! - August 25, 2005 by A Guy called Yathosho
