Tv 13
Tv 13
Tv 13Tv 13
After 4 months of nothing
May 2, 2006 by Lukasz Goralczyk | 5285 downloads |
Staff review
Well, it's better than previous TV's.One of the scene's less known and prominent groups strikes again. This time they've avoided most of the clutter and unevenness in quality that plagued the previous packs, and made a pack, that while not groundbreaking, by any means, still has some genuinely nice presets (Aztec Temple comes to mind, Aid, and Extremely Dirty Children as well). Some of these AVSers have improved a lot over the last year, and it shows. However, there are some presets that shouldnt've been nowhere near the pack, and most are just above average/good. Still, this is a nice download.