thepresets v25
new era
Updated with six new presetsSix new presets and modified old presets
Download visualizationFebruary 22, 2001 by Tuomas Kinnunen | 210314 downloads |

Staff review
Avs presetsVery impressive stuff. over 15 presets, and all of them KICK! Great visuals. Check this one out!
punky - i want to have a correct description of the plugin, what it does and explain all the technical terms. here are some abusive words from the language Konkani. Chedye. zhovnya. fodri. potnya...... - June 12, 2002 by mike alva
NO TANKS.. - funny funny funny hahahahahha.... - April 26, 2002 by ho joseph
Very Original - Very phsycadelic, very colorful, lots of movement. Good work Tuomas! - April 23, 2002 by Doctor Shim
hyvin menee! - Jatka hyv?? ty?t?! Viel? on opittavaa, mutta ty?si ovat jo hyv?ll? mallilla :P - April 13, 2002 by ilari ritakallio
very goooooodd - esta muy bueno, que espectacular - April 1, 2002 by Hector Ruben Sanchez
New Era - A classic pack from Tuomas. - February 16, 2002 by reynaldo paes
s'ok - G_R_E_A_T~~~ - December 10, 2001 by S.L.I.C.K Nostaz
Its pretty cool - this one is pretty cool. its better than others - July 22, 2001 by Andy Shirer
it's cool - Most are sweet but some could use work. - June 21, 2001 by Steve Wojciechowski