the recapture suite
101 - remixes, old presets, new presetsFRAMESOFREALITY PRESENTSTHE RECAPTURE SUITE This pack contains the original recapture release (77 presets) + the surrounding ep's released at visbot and devart. (an additional 24 presets) that's a hundred and one. like those dalmatians, how f'ing cool is that? Thank you for downloading
Download visualizationFebruary 18, 2011 by Károly Berczi | 121052 downloads |
Staff review
How do you rate 101 presets?With two words: Get this. You can either browse through the presets, looking for things you missed earlier and the new material, but this also makes an excellent collection to let your computer shuffle through while you listen to your favorite music.
reports threat infostealer pasgame from norton - March 28, 2011 by [email protected]
[email protected]: the download is safe - the installer is known to give false warnings, your filter is to blame, not the software. - March 15, 2011 by Warrior of the Light
When I went to download this, it said unsafe download. - March 5, 2011 by [email protected]