The Matrix Sound Visualization v1.2
The Matrix Sound Visualization uses The Matrix style code to represent audio spectrum data.
The Matrix Sound Visualization uses The Matrix style code to represent audio spectrum data.The Matrix Sound Visualization looks and feels like The Matrix from movie The Matrix. Audio spectrum data is analyzed and then presented to you in the falling code. If you watch it long enough maybe you will begin understanding it. Requires DirectX5 and WinAMP, good video card is suggested.
Download visualizationMay 10, 2000 by Stefan Slonevskiy | 252854 downloads |

Staff review
New Version! Download this shiznat!I saw this and went WOW. My only bitch about it that with super soft music it doesnt do a whole lot. But play somthing with a beat and sit back. c-
it's a blank screen - It dosn't work on Windows Vista. - April 5, 2008 by Alexander Farmer
... - terible - January 12, 2004 by Richard B.
:) - didnt tested yet but i've downloaded :P - July 1, 2003 by Wesey UbuuIsak
Horrible! - The code does not fill up the whole screen! It says select 640x480 or somthing like that and thats not a choice in the drop down box. Also, where the code didn't fall or doesn't fall the screen is all messed up (streeks of color). - June 28, 2003 by DJX
where is "OK" button - I really don't know where is "OK" button after i configured this plugin !?! -_- - May 1, 2003 by Teng Li
Very nice...................but..................... - I'm using Win XP, and for some reason, I can't set the screen rez at 600x480 like the author suggests, and so it is all shunted to the left, and a horizontal green bar appears on the right hand side of the screen. If you can fix this, i'll give it 5 stars - July 30, 2002 by Chris East
It sucks. - It just does. - March 15, 2002 by The Skin Hacker
YE!! - This is cool shit man!!! My computer looks like a super computer in Matrix whid this plug in! - February 20, 2002 by Arpi Nagy
Encrypt your music with The Matrix... - I have been looking for something like this for a long time, and finally I found it, it's my favorite, I use it all the time, sure it may not be all "4D or even 3D" but I still like it damn it! My shit box is not all "high speed" so this one looks the best for it... It's like you can almost "read" your music, you don't even have to listen to it... - February 3, 2002 by David Houston
I'm sure it would be cool, but... - doesn't work. - July 19, 2001 by Valto Hulttinen
what's up with the ads? - this plugin would have been one of the best ones in my opinion if it didn't have these idiotic "mci 9 cents" ads and a bunch of other text messages (albeit it eventually fades out, it is *very* tacky) -- what the heck was this guy thinking? - June 28, 2001 by Kyle Davis
Oh my heavens ...this is aweful - This is THE most god aweful plugin i've had the misfortune of wasting my time downloading. I love the matrix movie, but this ladies and gents is CRAP. and ... everytime i put this plug in on I throw up on a guy in a suit. - May 14, 2001 by Gerard MacVicar
Don't eat the red pill! - Very nice... I had a screensaver just like this... except whenever it came on, some guy in a suit and sunglasses came and shoved a bug in my bellybutton... weird, huh? - April 11, 2001 by Cory Anotado
cool - if you want your computer screen to look like the matrix, this is the one for you... i got it to crank out stuff even with pretty soft music by messing with the control keys... try F7. - March 29, 2001 by b r