Sunflowers Visualization Plugin
Sunflowers Visualization PluginYou may not believe me but it?s a visualization plugin (honestly!). It presents a slightly different approach to visualize your favorite msx. Have fun! Waiting for none or good comments only :-)
Min req.: DirectX 8.1, 3D accelerator with at least 32 MB VRAM (latest drivers recommended), one eye.
May 7, 2004 by Adam Goinski | 169447 downloads |

Staff review
Very original and refreshing visual pluginFloat thru a sunny sunflower field among the bees... truly a relaxing visual experience. Ran fairly well in small windowed and in fullscreen mode on my meager laptop... started to hear some audio chop when I stretched the window to a larger size, but, fullscreen mode is better anyway. It would be nice to see some more scenes done for this plugin for a future release.
Escape from Cubicle Hell - Arguably the best plug-in around. Great reaction to the music. It's like like having a real window to the outside, you can almost smell the fresh air. - December 4, 2005 by broose tulloch
Great for relaxing music - This isn't exactly something that you'd look at for just any kind of music, but I swear it was designed specifically for Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony -- It's just perfect. It can be fun to watch it go crazy to some faster music, but as other reviewers pointed out, that does get old fast. I think the best way to judge is probably the position of the bees: If they always stay high above the flowers like they're afraid to touch them, the music is too exciting for the vis; if they tend to stay close to the flowers, it's just right; if they go down _into_ the ground then you'll be asleep in no time. I'd have given it a better rating, but it's bit glitchy -- it doesn't seem to like to exit fullscreen for me. Still, very original, and I'd like to see more by Adam - August 1, 2005 by michael miller
So cute - this is such a cute visual i love it.. - May 10, 2005 by venessa hill
A nice screensaver - This slowed down my PC so much that I couldn't use it, but if you want to get on with paperwork the plugin makes a nice screensaver, especially with classical music. - May 4, 2005 by bon shui
Very resource intesive - I'm running a 2.4Ghz Celeron2 and with 3D hardware acceleration on motherboard graphics and 256MB RAM, and this viz brought my whole system to a crawl. I had to end task Winamp. Unless you're running a super-computer with some kind of incredible graphics card I can't recommned downloading this. - April 22, 2005 by Vince Ugh
very pretty - This is very nicely done. Though the songs start to vibrate a bit when it's running. - April 17, 2005 by kapik jan
Good job - I love sunflowers :) and a bit of summer in winter is very very nice - January 25, 2005 by Dorota Kapturkiewicz
Niezle - Szkoda ze te sloneczniki to nie panienki z podskakujacymi balonami ale i tak jest niezle - sam pomysl jest niezly :) a tym bardziej wykonanie. Respect Adas :) - January 2, 2005 by Andrzej Chubert
Love it - When i first ran this on my desktop I remembered how much i hate my icons and want to be free and outside. This is a very nice visualization and makes me feel peaceful. It goes great to my old school techno. - December 5, 2004 by Josiah Bradley
AH! - This is a beautiful and clever vis. The desktop option is great!! :) - October 19, 2004 by Sara Lwin
Nice! - A really different vis! No, It's not totaly flashy, but uniqueness counts for something. Still, I'd like it even better if there was only 1 lower (or 2 or 3) that swayed instead of pulsed. - August 30, 2004 by Mike Zmuda
i think - i think the author has concentrated on graphics and he has had no time on codding. - July 22, 2004 by Peter Ljung
boring - very boring, nice sky and bees - June 5, 2004 by Mike Katzurin
not bad - it's not bad, but author should rather use this graphics to create wallpapers, maybe screensavers. it's original, but not to good for winamp plugin. i would rather stare at my own desktop during listening to the music, but as I said before, it's not bad. - May 28, 2004 by John Malkovic
nice background - nice background, nice bees and that\'s all folks. - May 27, 2004 by Steve Loosewood
unrythmic and boring - The welcome screen is promising, but visualization is boring and flowers move unrythmics - jumping even music is slow etc. - May 25, 2004 by Michal Jankowski
Short lived pleasure leads to system lock. - Initially pretty. Then annoyingly repetitive, finally just plain boring. And then the final flaw. When I attempt to close it, my system locks. Have tired all manner of configurations recommended by the maker. Result the same. System lock. Uninstalled! - May 24, 2004 by Grape Stomper
What a vis should be! - I love that it takes you to a different place. More scenic visualizations! You did a great job! - May 19, 2004 by Stupid Idiot
A nice unusual first of it's kind plugin :P - As i said in my title! It's a nice unusual first of it's kind plugin that i hope the auther will develop and include more images to select or invironment if you wanna call it that! I personly like it alot! Nice work Adam, keep up the good work! - May 8, 2004 by Pierre �berg