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> > AVS Presets

Somner Ilicidad

19 presets designed to blow yo' mind

19 presets designed to blow yo' mind

3-D environments of color and motion responding to your music. Art, variety, versatility, creativity, it's all in here. It's what El-vis called "the next generation in AVS." I think that says it all

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July 30, 2001 by Nemo Orange7959 downloads

Somner Ilicidad - 19 presets designed to blow yo' mind

Staff review

Definitely some keepers in this pack

'soft as glass' and 'tilex' are both outstanding presets... great textures and movement. This collection in general is definitely creative and solid throughout... worth downloading.


Masterpiece - How can an impressive pack like this have less than 700 dls? - March 1, 2002 by beth matos

Nemo's Touch - This is a real 5 stars pack. - February 16, 2002 by reynaldo paes

Excellent - You gotta see it to believe. Excellent work. The stairway to "Skies Fall In". - January 13, 2002 by joaquim jardim

Very Nice - These presets are all great... My favorites are Tilex, As Soft As Glass, Alahambra (lens bulge) and Tsunami Dragon. You need to let the folks here at experience Skies Fall In! - December 1, 2001 by David Hansen

cool dude - cool dude - July 30, 2001 by Josh Mecham

WOO HOO! - these are some awesome gotta dl and check 'em out now! - July 30, 2001 by Eric Guess
