Smoke for Winamp
Featured Plugin.
Featured Plugin.Smoke generates rich and lively audio-driven visuals through the simulation of fluid dynamics. Now with an image quality that breathes new life into this plugin... watch the plumes of smoke burst forward, ripple and eddy in response to your music. Requires a good CPU (500+), minimal 3D hardware, and DirectX 7. This is version 1.06, released on 9/4/02.
Download visualizationFebruary 1, 2003 by Ryan Geiss | 556391 downloads |

Staff review
Geiss is a swirly poopyheadYes, yes, yes... Please download the latest opus from Nullsoft's very own Ryan "sexbomb" Geiss. It reminds me of the time Jon peed in the swimming pool, among other things.
Smokin' - Very nice visualization. Would do better in Visualization tab instead of it's own Window. - August 18, 2009 by Zedo Mann
!!!best ever!!!! - best and most psychedelic vis i've ever seen! many customization options. thanks ryan for giving this plug to the world. - September 18, 2006 by Burt Avoider
SMOKIN !!!! - Awesome plugin. Well done. Much appreciated.... Fluid, organic and captivating. Rock on - May 24, 2006 by Johnny Appleseed
Another Great by Ryan - This plugin rocks! Been using winamp since it was a baby and geiss has always been there. Another great one by Ryan! Thanks Bro! - October 10, 2004 by Joseph Sanchez
Best Fullscreen Vis Ever - This is great for just having on in the background when you just want to chill or you are doing work, and something like Geiss or Tinyfullscreen is too intense for the mood. Turn all the graphics and resolution up the highest they will go- and it still runs MINT!! (60fps for me on a 1200 MHz). Also built-in playlist and song title is always nice, and very customizable. Go to the homepage to d/l the latest version though... - December 6, 2003 by Rue Davies
Stunning - This plugin is amazing, the music response is accurate and smooth. The colours are brilliant and it runs well at 1024x768x32 with relatively little processor usage (It also looks good at lower resolutions). I registered at just so I could tell everyone how good this plugin is! Definitely worth having. - January 21, 2003 by Simon Orr
Geiss is a god damn genius!!! - I don't know what geiss is on.. but whatever it is I want some!! Nobody can mess with geiss... he is the master and deserves much respect for all the top notch plugins he produces.. And remember guys, he does it for free... Thank you geiss for another kickass plugin! - September 4, 2002 by Pablo Pringle
Best plugin EVER - Honestly this is the best plugin I've ever seen. I went through the trouble of registering on just so I could reveiw this plugin. The response to the music is amazing and the movement is flawless, even running at 1024x768 with all the bells and whistels turned on. I love it! - July 17, 2002 by Justin Simas
DragonOwner - It's the best I've ever seen!!! - July 4, 2002 by walter dalpadullo
Um.... - Well...I can't say I have downloaded it yet,but, I'm sure it will be a big hit among the stoner crowd....but nice work though.I give you props for doing something I surely couldn't do.:) - June 25, 2002 by Matt Garcia
Growin' Up! - Well, I'm so glad that the guy from Brazil learned how to review and respect other's artists works. Nobody have to like all the plugins here and everybody have the right and must express the sincere opinion. What makes me angry it's when people forget to have the respect. Amaral is giving his firt steps in the Avs world and now he has my respect again! Well, about the Smoke plugin, I think it's much better now, with the 104 b1 version. Great colors and much faster. And don't forget to take a look at Mr. Geiss' home page, there are always some incredible updates there! - June 8, 2002 by joaquim jardim
Sorry...... - One day I wrote "With one word I explain this S**T" I am here for say sorry, ok Mr.Geiss?????, this is a good plugin, but no that much.... - June 8, 2002 by Guilherme Amaral
Good bit of coding, but..... - This plug-in is full of cleverness but I think it needs developing a bit more. The colours aren't very vibrant and it doesn't have the same intoxicating effect as the orginial Geiss plug-in. I felt the same way about MilkDrop too. Don't get me wrong, Ryan is one clever cookie of a coder but I think he needs to polish up his work a bit. - April 1, 2002 by Ben Spencer
putrid bile - i never understood the hype behind geiss.. and this is even worse. if you want good plugins, try tripex, acidspunk, or any of the marvelous avs presets. - March 23, 2002 by eric capps
Yuk - I hate to be rude, but this plug-in sicks. all it does is splurt colored smoke, and then that just mushes up and you get a puke-ish color. - March 22, 2002 by [CBTK+STTK]Hullo AKA CrowbarTK Hullo
AWSOME!!! - I love this thing. I'm running it in 1024 X 768 fullscreen mode at 60 FPS, and it doesn't even come close to slowing my machine down. Although I am running a P-4. - February 28, 2002 by Grant Jones
Nice - Nice vis. Like it do more. - February 21, 2002 by John Enderby
Best - Good Job My Friend - February 18, 2002 by Desmond Baker
meh - It doesnt go with the beats at all. Now i play music with lots of break beats and stuff and all Smoke does is...lok like smoke. It would be nice if it fidgeded every once and a while when it beats. - February 17, 2002 by Jason Huff
Complex Is Not Always Best - Thsi thing requires too much. You know, simple stuff, but not junk are the best. Not too complex. This requires too much. I'm not wasting 10 min. of my life for DX7, or $300 of my hard work for a 800MHz CPU! - February 16, 2002 by Mark Lu
One of the best I have ever seen - Again Fine work from Mr. Geiss - February 13, 2002 by Matt Reid
Smirkin' Jerkin - He's done it again! - what a blinder (not literally you understand). Makes my brain go all wibbley with a hint of wob. Works Great on 500Mhz @ 640x480 16b windowed. - February 12, 2002 by Slate 8
what the hell - the colors look like crap and piss all mixed together - February 1, 2002 by Ian Morse
BadAzz - LoVe It! VeRy ReTrO. a MuSt HaVe! ~~~~@________))_____ - January 31, 2002 by Shadow Night
Aethyr13 - If the aliens are trying to communicating with us through a fluidic color language, this plug in is the embodiment of that language. - January 29, 2002 by michichan briefs
too cool - totally bitchin'. even my daughter loves to watch it and she's 5 months old. - January 27, 2002 by love john
THIs ISh BORINg!!! - yeaH thiS viS. haS a cool effect but i hate to change mY resolution and it doesn't have "FLARES" and doesn't do much... it would be betta if it had more effect that sync with the music.. otherwise it sux!!! - January 20, 2002 by Der Vang
It's boring as hell... kut troep dus - It's boring as hell... kut troep dus - January 18, 2002 by appel boom
It's good if ... - ... if you want a small window next to other windows. Otherwise, I still prefer JET for my full screen rides. - January 14, 2002 by Tiz Dale
This is so freaking cool. - I could stare at this this for hours! Very sexy indeed. :^D - January 12, 2002 by Martin Elmer
Hey!.... trippy - Finally, something I can trip with. Very smooth, almost relaxing. It goes well with chilling out with my favorite trip-hop shizit. I like how It morphs and moves. Its not too fancy, but its always changing and making a new blobular form. - January 11, 2002 by jacob schmugge
This really smokes!!! - Smoke runs great on a 1.3 P4 at 30 FPS at 1280*1024 using 32 bit color. The color detail and realistic motion are fantastic to watch for an extended period of time - I can't believe a PC can do so much work so successfully! Great programming - the best plugin I've seen to date. - January 2, 2002 by Leo Feret
Trippy, but... - It doesn't work in certain resolutions! *cough 1280x1024 cough* I like it, but I don't want to switch resolutions just to watch it. - December 31, 2001 by Nutty Schmo
Very Nice - This is a very good plugin. Despite the 800Mhz+ CPU warning, I downloaded it, installed it and ran it, and it worked pretty well on my Pentium Celeron 366Mhz with 128 MB SDRAM and a Diamond Monster Fusion Z-100 (Voodoo Banshee) 16MB PCI video card and Windows XP. I got 14.5 fps fullscreen and 17+ windowed. may not sould like a whole lot, but it looked very good - December 31, 2001 by Christopher Richardson
INCROYABLE!! - C'est... Magnifique!! Le mieux est de l'utiliser en fond d'?cran, si votre ordinateur le permet! Avec 1 GHz et une carte 3D, ?a marche... Pour les non-frenchies : try it as a wallpaper, it's so... Liquid!! Amazing!! Thank you Ryan Geiss!!! - December 27, 2001 by Julien Bidault
Swirly... - Nice flowing viz, only gripe it crashes my pc when I stop it :/ - December 21, 2001 by Me Mo
AWSOME!!! - This is one of the most awsome viz. I ever seen. The flow is so smooth. I would have given it 5 Stars if only their would been some 3d effects. Like waves in the water or something. But FULL respect for U man. Johnie B - December 21, 2001 by Johnie B
A smoothie with a bug in it - Reminds me of those lava lamps that you can get. Unfortunatley i keep seeing the winamp title bar and seek bar through the smoke animation- very annoying. I'll be looking out for the next version - December 20, 2001 by Paul Curran
sucks... - i hate this........ - December 20, 2001 by lindsey wore
Mad CPU cycles????? HA - great plug in, but this thing does not even come close to needing 800mhz + cpu to run, this runs fine with my Pentium 3 450 @ 600mhz, just remember cpu clock speed isnt everything!!! peace - December 20, 2001 by Jake martin
better than best. - this one is great. get it now if you haven't!! - December 19, 2001 by Disturbed Goth Girl
buhh not again - it aint too hard to create 25 plugins that all do the same not is it... ryan, ditch the lame grid-effect and come up with something new please - December 11, 2001 by Mike Karai
SWEET! - Fluid dynamics at their best. This just makes kicking the Llama's ass that much more enjoyable. A definite download! - December 7, 2001 by Adam Bennett
Very smooth - Not very flashy like most vis plugins, this is very soothing and smooth. Runs great on slow systems and has a hypnotizing effect. Very responsive to songs, but the prettiness is icing on the cake. - November 19, 2001 by Matt Senne
Smokey Indeed! - Geiss's latest vis plugin sure hits the spot! With swirling colourful smoke coming in from all directions and blending in it looks f*king fantastic! Kinda reminds me of a lava lamp...Only downside is the need for a more upper-end CPU. I gotta 550MHz P3 and you can definatley notice the 'lag' but hey its still great! - November 13, 2001 by Josh Levett