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Runarpack #08, featuring ten fresh AVS presets

Runarpack #08, featuring ten fresh AVS presets

Simple themes made into more or less grandiose and original presets.
Something of a comeback for me, not being present here in two years.

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November 12, 2005 by Runar B. Maeland5941 downloads

Skyscraping - Runarpack #08, featuring ten fresh AVS presets

Staff review

A sweet little pack.

It's not stunning in any way, but the presets are nice, pretty, and some are original in a way. The intro is the only preset that I wouldn't categorize as quite good. Maybe I'm being too generous, but in my eyes, this deserves it.


heyhey runar is back! - good to see someone making presets like this. loved many of the pack, good work on this one! - December 7, 2005 by Trompler Tam�s
