Skies Fall In
BeautifulBrazenSix at Deviant Art said this about SFI when it got Daily Skin: "Skies Fall In by nemoorange is one of the most beautiful preset packages i've ever seen. Including a stunning 18 presets, these are some of the most eye pleasing and smoothly done presets ever to grace the world of AVS. Just by viewing a handful of these fantastic presets, you can easily see the amount of hard work and effort that went into creating these wonderful pieces of artwork in motion. If you aren't into AVS presets, then these will definetly change your mind. Download now!"
Download visualizationDecember 14, 2001 by Nemo Orange | 33032 downloads |
Staff review
Impressive visuals hereThis is a quality collection of AVS. Good amounts of originality and variety here. Some enticingly tastey patterns, colors, and movements. 'Firewall', 'Liquid Zebra', and 'Life in Pearl City' are all great examples of flavoful AVS work. Good stuff all around.
On my Head! - Yes, the Skies fell down right on my head! These presets just knock anyone down. What a beautiful pack! - March 29, 2002 by reynaldo paes
This guy knows what he does - I think This guy knows what he does... - January 7, 2002 by Jorge Rios
Sure he does! - Hi Nemo Orange, here I go again to celebrate with you the sucsess of your beautiful pack. Everybody loves it. Hey Mr. David Hansen, i don't know what "disemboweled" means, but surely that Janne Manne deserves! joaquimjardim(from Brazil) - December 25, 2001 by joaquim jardim
waaaaaaaaahhhhhh - i dont normally do opinions but this pack deserves one, just download it, its beyond words - December 22, 2001 by Ben Woodhead
excelletn presets - Hey Dave, these are really some great things you've got here. It's obvious that a lot of effort and time went into making these. My favorites are probably Liquid Zebra, Life in Pearl City, Lily, and Ice Faeries, but everything in here is skillfuly made and beautiful to look at. Great work. David PS - Janne Manne deserves to be disemboweled. - December 18, 2001 by David Hansen
EXCELLENT!! - This is the best pack I've downloaded in a while! - December 17, 2001 by Chris Skuller (Solamon)
Top quality and above - To see some of the latest techniques and innovations please do downlad this so that you can feel the ultimate pleasure.Yes? - December 16, 2001 by JaY FaTBoY
Excellent!!! - A veeerryyy good collection with many (very) good presets. Specially "megalux speaker" was cool - December 16, 2001 by Janne Kayhko
juice to get loose - another of my favorites this year. definitely worth more than rated! - December 16, 2001 by A Guy called Yathosho
Why not 5 stars ? - I just cant believe why the gyus at Winamp didn't gave 5 stars for this pack!? Maybe because the Rainbow preset didnt work? I dont know but these are very stylish and beautiful presets! BTW: You said you liked the AVS artist called Tuomas...I liked he's presets too but he said that he has stopped making AVS presets...ins't that Sad?? - December 15, 2001 by Jani Lindholm & Antti Ahokas
Cool - Very original... definitly worth a download!!! Looks a lot better once you've downloaded it :o) - December 14, 2001 by Heidi Flyce