SiSoies Visualisation Library
Spectrum Analyser + Vu-meter
Spectrum Analyser + Vu-meter-window size: 671 x 158-linear or logaritmicfrequency scale-linear or quadratic correction-smoothing and fading effects-8 movement directions-16 colorsets defined -userdefinable colorsets-11 presets-peaks-always on top
Download visualizationFebruary 7, 2002 by Adrian ION | 208229 downloads |

Staff review
Very nice Spectrum AnalyzerProbably the slickest Spectrum Analyser and Vu Meter around....very colorful... very responsive to music...very know it's all good when you have that many positive very's. Read author's descrption for full feature break down.
Awesome! - This can't get any better! I thought Classic Spectrum Analyser was unbeatable but now it is a tie: The only thing better about Classic SA is that you can resize the window to any size; this one is fixed, but still very nice. - December 1, 2008 by Michael Ludwig
cool - this is verry cool. looks nice near my equalizer. still... one question: can i configurate this so it can start when i start winamp? not when i press play, not when i press start plug-in! i want it to start when i start winamp! thanks - April 20, 2008 by a b
Full Screen Update! - This is a very nice spectrum analyser and i'm glad to see it has the option to use a logaritmic frequency scale!The thing i really want to see is a full screen option! - February 6, 2008 by Mista Mista
Spectacular Spectrum Analyser - This is by far my favorite plugin for winamp that I don't know how I have been without ift for so long. Whoever made this did an unbelievably excellent job on it. My very much appreciated thanks goes out to you. The only thing I would want changed is the ability to make the spectrum view about twice as tall. - December 18, 2005 by Corey Livezey
VERRY IMPRESSIVE...I WOULD HAVE PAYED - I edit music in my spare time using most of the high doller editing tool's of the time sound forge, cakewalk, newendo, and thay have no where near the visual efect as this plug-in has ...who ever rote this should be working for sony...on graphics desine...and geting PAYED.. verry impressive...the only grip i have is its no able to go full screan..:( but i may work on that little problem...and get back wiht the programer...keep up the good work . and dont stop wiht this 1 i thank u should revise it and sell it. - December 9, 2005 by shane curtis
Wow - Thats all, just wow. This was exactly what I have been looking for: A good spectrum analyzer for winamp, with a VU meter. And, I found it! - March 31, 2005 by Jerimiah 40
10 Stars - This is the most intuitive programming I have ever seen to date that involves assembly. My hat is off to the programmer. It is my hope that he never quits what he does because he has an intuition that is unsurpassed in regards to UI. SiSoies, I would program with you any day... - February 26, 2005 by Not Telling
This is what I want to see - Yeah, this is what I want to see. A good spectrum and also vu. GREAT work ! - October 12, 2004 by the bonehead
Didn't work for me - When downloading the plugin "SiSoies_Visualisation_Library.exe" I ran it and small file unzips called, "CALCCOL.EXE" When ran, a DOS window opens up waiting for input. It's at this point there are no instructions on what to do next. I tried anything from hitting the return key to entering numbers. Next it displays 65379 colors? when I say yes, it loops back to the start. When asked again, I just entered anything to see if it loads and the DOS screen vanashes, and doing nothing. Again, there were no instructions on how or what to do, and if any drivers or other plugins are needed. In the review it looks like something I need, but I was not able to get anything but a DOS window asking for Red Green Blue. If the writer would add some how too's and what is needed to make this work, then I would rate this product much higher then a Zero. - May 8, 2004 by Jerry West
best of the best - Awsome and FREE! - January 7, 2003 by Dell D
Bug fixed ! - I fixed the bug Ozkan Ozsoydan has mentioned. Have fun ! - July 23, 2002 by Adrian ION
Better but has bug - Cool but has some bug. It's lost on XP. - December 23, 2001 by ozkan ozsoydan
Jon Whitehead - very favorite - May 6, 2001 by Jon Whitehead