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Sickliberty AVS

Wicked Sh1t

Wicked Sh1t

This is the first SickLiberty AVS Package, but dont hesitate to get it if you like weird and original ideas. Check out the band SickLiberty on www.SiCkLibERtY.comFor those who collect skins, check out Animated SickLiberty Skin.

Download visualization

July 31, 2001 by fat pharm3282 downloads

Sickliberty AVS - Wicked Sh1t

Staff review

Definitely solid visuals

Not overly complex or fancy, but, they get the job done in a solid manner.


??? - UHHH I LIKE IT, WHAT ELSE CAN I SAY? - November 20, 2001 by DooS Punk

- - This is some crazy imagination you had, fat, cuz you gotta be a psycho to enjoy this. - November 20, 2001 by bob psycho

SHEET - 6016adm529dgo16 - this is the password username - mymama P.S.:Oh yeah, good AVS there, I enoyed it. - November 20, 2001 by Alice In Jam

This is Wicked - For sure--prepare to be unbored. These are more original presets than I have seen in awhile. - August 1, 2001 by Jim Mathis
