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> > AVS Presets



Thirteen new presets...

My third presets pack. While my goal with Static was to be more selective, this time my goal was to keep tweaking the presets until they werre perfect. I hope you all like them. Thanks to EL-VIS and NemoOrange. Full developers comment included.

Download visualization

March 8, 2002 by Sander Kupers6476 downloads

S_KuPeRS - LP3 - Storm - Thirteen new presets...

Staff review

Smooth presets

This is a quality visual collection... plenty of solid presets with interesting styles and well thought out flow. Good for your eyes.


Mical's Nightmare! - So there comes another mental troubled. After rating with 0 star, Tonic's black & white masterpiece, this stupid rates with 2, this beautifulpack from Sander Kupers. Why would he lie 'bout his age? Have you ever heard 'bout littlebuddy? He is 12 (maybe 13 now) years old, and he's not a promisse, but a reality in the avs world. If you think he's lying 'bout his age, is just because, YOU are a liar! - March 26, 2002 by joaquim jardim

Lovely but... - I dunno but this is somewhere below average in terms of aesthetic judge. 14 yrs old??? You've gotta be kidding. I could also announce to people here that I'm 12 yrs old, how do you prove it??? - March 25, 2002 by Bukhbat Mical

The Future - With only 14 years old, this kid soon will be one of the more important names of the avs kingdom. Here is just an example how good he is. I think that anyone that wants to take all that avs can give, should have a computer that suit it. Don't make any sense to take off a star, 'cause your machine can't do the work right. Congratulations Skupers, me and my family are your fans. - March 14, 2002 by reynaldo paes

Slow?????????? - My computer runs these excellents presets the way it should. Fast and Nice! Beautiful work! - March 10, 2002 by tais jardim

Good presets - but most of them are very slow, that's ok if you got a fast computer but otherwise..... - March 10, 2002 by Janne Kayhko

Amazin' math arts! - He is now becoming my favorite avs wizard among the others. It seems to me that he knows every ins and outs of superscope and dynamov. Highly recommended!! - March 9, 2002 by Daniel Joe Tandiman
