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> > AVS Presets



Second pack.

20 very variated presets. Hope you like them!

Download visualization

August 6, 2002 by Runar Maeland5397 downloads

Runar - Cyber-Voodoo - Second pack.

Staff review

Solid collection overall

Many different styles here; good stuff for the most part. Interesting textures, patterns, and movements. Some could use some tightening in terms of flow and design; but, overall, these are worth checking out.


Definitly worth a download... - Overall I'd say this is a pretty solid pack and that your comments almost match mine on the wierd front, but I didn't give you five stars only because you need to develope your own idea's more, the ones which are the strangest in this pack are the best like 'chased by ghosts'. Peace Zen-X - August 8, 2002 by Zen-X (Liam McLaughlin)

Very Good - - Very Nice Pack U Have Made Progrezz In AVS :) - August 8, 2002 by Danny Golubking
