Winamp Heritage - Legacy resources of Winamp media player
> > AVS Presets




three years after the release of 'the full circle', i thought it was time to release a collection of presets made between the very first days and now. this retrospective contains the most popular presets from previous releases and some rarities you might not have seen before. most presets were untouched, others were slightly modified or taken from version 2.

i hope this release gives you an insight to what you havn't seen before. if you want more, check my discography on visbot.

Download visualization

November 13, 2004 by A Guy called Yathosho10445 downloads

retrospective - 2000-2004

Staff review


The quality of these presets are mixed really, and in my opinion this doesn't include some of your best presets. But it's a really solid and pretty big collection, and the aesthetics level is quite high.

