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Release 2

Remixes from my last Storm pack...

Second release of the LP3 Remixes. Now updated with 6 new remixes (1 from me and 5 from Alt-iii). Thanks to Q3a, Yathosho and Alt-iii for the remixes.Enjoy this pack and look out for my new pack (LP4 - Digital).

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April 12, 2002 by Sander Kupers5365 downloads

Remixes - Release 2 - Remixes from my last Storm pack...

Staff review

Very nice presets

These are some really quality remixes in this collection. Original styles and flavor... great use of layering, color and movement. Definitely check these out.


What A Trip! - Man, you drive me crazy with your presets. Dan Joe said it all! - April 18, 2002 by reynaldo paes

Unique style - A good combination of great techniques and art style. Skupers has very unique style here, his works are pretty much like 'animated' traditional paintings to me, which is funky! Grab this and you'll see what i'm talking about... - April 14, 2002 by Daniel Joe Tandiman

Top Work! - Great! I rated the "Storm" pack with five stars when it was released. With the new Remixes presets I think it deserves more than five, but.... For those who don't believe in this kid talent, take a look at his homepage. - April 12, 2002 by joaquim jardim
