RabidHaMsTeRs Plugin v105
New version of my Plugin, with some neat new features, and It should now run on Voodoo cards.
New version of my Plugin, with some neat new features, and It should now run on Voodoo cards.Features a spinning 3D Morph, with neat motion blur and a trippy R thing. Also with a kickarse user interface - an onscreen 3D settings menu.
Download visualizationApril 9, 2001 by Gordon Williams | 198151 downloads |

Staff review
Sleek 3d visualsThe new version of RabidHamster...which features new features. Was that vague enough? Haha... don't worry, it's a very nice visual plugin that should be downloaded and seen for yourself. Shiny and enticing sparkles will morph and twist into sexy 3d shapes right before your eyes. Worth looking at. -dg
Great Job - very responsive to beat,nice effects,color. - November 1, 2001 by JOSE MUNOZ
Most excellent. - Yeah, it is DEFINITELY BITCHIN' -- Plus, it doesn't get old on ya.... - September 23, 2001 by Tamara Cochran
Very nice, potential for brilliance. - Very good compilation of different scenes, I like the recursive Snake effect. Good response to the music. interesting how 2D blur effects are are much slower than 3d but this is true of most plugins. I like the slight demoscene feel, perhaps demoscene demos could be used as inspiration for future projects, much potential here is clear. - August 22, 2001 by Richard Managh
want to try but... - when I downloaded the plug in, I got an error message saying that the installer was corrupted. Any one else have this problem? - August 14, 2001 by Adam Rollins
cool - simply Bomb! - July 17, 2001 by rajbir rehal
gordon,i have a question... - do you have anything to do with a screensaver named "morph2s"? - June 1, 2001 by Tai Chow Sing
Decent plugin - Still nowhere NEAR the trippiness of plugins like G-Force, Whitecap, Geiss, and AVS; Not really any of the "whoa" factor. - April 14, 2001 by Evan Clinton
Hmmmm.... Groovy - That's what I call a groovin' plugin babe. - April 11, 2001 by a dick head
Very Happy - "Jeeves, fetch me my drool bucket!" - April 9, 2001 by Trent Gore