200 scenes of 3d visual goodies, blended with cool scene fades
200 scenes of 3d visual goodies, blended with cool scene fadesR4 is the latest version in the Rx series of visualizations (R1, R2, R2v2, R2/extreme). It has over 200 scenes, as well as many types of scene fade and overlay effects. It contains a host of neat features, including a web server to allow you to change scenes, options + control WinAmp from a web browser on another computer, and the ability to make your own scenes. To create all the graphics, R4 requires a lot of CPU and Video card power, so please don't download this unless you know your computer contains a GeForce 3 graphics card or better.
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February 9, 2004 by Gordon Williams | 1531787 downloads |

Staff review
Truely setting the level for the next generation of visualizations!*New Version*
Hundreds of scenes all up to a high level of quailty. A great self creation engine and using detailed 3d technology.
It has been a long time since a visualization plugin had so much graphical quailty.
A couple of teething problem on some systems on testing but worth presisting with. Oh turning off any antivirus software whilst running can help too.
Needs a good graphics card though.
juanqui84 - November 21, 2009 by abueloperucho
excelente - muy bueno, calidad execlente, y no es pesado, muy bueno y creativoslds MAX :) - March 23, 2008 by max old
Best openGL program ever - Like the developers said a good grapics card is a must with this. I have an nvidia quadro fx 3500m in my laptop which loves the r4. This should be at the top of the list and there is an R5 in the works now cant wait. - March 2, 2008 by David P
Awesome - A little bit too much to look at at times, but really that's being picky. Along with R2, simply the best vis (not just for winamp). OpenGL rules! - March 31, 2007 by Chris DeLucia
Just needs a little work. - Works great, but those registration reminder things get really annoying. My one gripe is that most widescreen resolutions seem to be missing or incorrect. It has 1200x800 listed, which should be 1280x800 and 1440x900 isn\'t even listed :( Luckily I can edit the resolution in the config file. - August 2, 2006 by John Christmann
super :) - super :) - July 23, 2006 by Adam G
WOW and beyond! - This is by far the best thing to ever grace my vidro card! The visuals are awsome, I never seen a vis plugin better. I could stare at this thing for hours! Its an awsome psycodelic trip beyond anything I ever seen. I ran it at 800x600 24bit color at 30+fps on a p3 533 with a 64MB GeForce4mx420 video card. I just upgraded my system to a p3 733, but I cant use R4, DAMN!... I switched to linux and will NEVER go back to winhell, I hate rebooting constantly and reformatting hard drives all day bucause of crap code in windows. Has anybody successfuly ran R4 on a linux box? Is there a native linux version? I rated R4 a 4 out of 5 because I hate that damn nag text that scrolls across the screen. Other than that its is flat out awsome! And I thaught milkdrop was good... This makes milkdrop look like S#%@!!!!! - December 2, 2005 by Justin Schultz
Awsome - It's great... i haven't seen any bug in this visualation. Good work guys !! - October 17, 2005 by Almiz me
This is awesome - This has some cool looking scenes but a few are a little domb overall awesome - October 4, 2005 by Matt Shannon
GeForce workout! - What a great plugin! I've only got an old 1.5Ghz Dell (Precision 330), but I recently upgraded the video to an XFXForce 6200. I don't play games, so the card never gets to flex it's muscles... until R4 came along that is :) My only gripe is the ?200 license fee (to remove the text nag) - fine if you are a multi-millionaire club owner. Would have been nice for a less costly licensing option for us ordinary folk. Still, a pretty amazing plugin that I have yet to get bored of! - September 22, 2005 by Turntable Terrorist
Just incredible!!!! - This is by far the best vis I have seen yet....just INCREDIBLE--beat syncro...PERFECT!!!....concepts...UNBELIEVABLE!!! - September 5, 2005 by IKANT p
Nice But THIS IS NOT FREEWARE BUT NAGWARE! - The Quality and sheer power of this Viz is mind-boggling. But there is a butt to everything nowadays... ITS NAGWARE AND COSTS 200? ! Every 20 Sec or so a Nagtext will float across your screen, just "remembering" this Vis schouls not be used commercially...... Just mind that before downloading - September 2, 2005 by humti dumti
Got a good video card? This will USE it. - I've run this on a 256mb ATI x800 with a 1920x1080 display.. and it looks amazing. Great programming, terrific visuals, and lots of amusing eye candy. - August 6, 2005 by dave o
Great Plug In - I have been using this plugin for over a year and now with my new AMD64 powered notebook and Nvidia powered board this plugiin really comes to life!!! I have enjoyed this plugin for a long time. My only complaint was that it took so long to load. My old computer was a 2.8g Intel Pentium with H.T. but being a AMD person I finally went and this computer and WOW!! AMD and Nvidia what a Great combo!! Any way more plugins like this would be great. Very Stable and U have Awsome Control over it from the computer or thru the web interface!!! Keep up the Great Work!! - July 19, 2005 by Stan Vaneekhoven
3D Glasses - This visualization is stunning with 3D glasses. Theres a few little depth glitches once in a while but other than that its totally fascinating. - April 10, 2005 by Tim Wilson
Best Geiss plugin since GForce! - I downloaded some addons fom R4s site whatever that is (Sorry its Sat night I am kinda crunk). But anyways it adds your web cam to the effecs which my girlfriend loves. Now All we need is a record option. Great Plugin though! - April 10, 2005 by genasys genasys
HOLY WOW !!! - Golly G.... This Viz is tops!! Just when you cant imagine the visuals getting any better.... Gordon opens a can of creativity! This isnt no ordinary box of crayons.. the colors are fantastic! You can almost see yourself in the reflections... nicely thought through! All this talent in such a small file... unbelievable! keep up the great work G! Looking forward to the next adventure!!! -BRUCE - April 10, 2005 by Bruce Melton
UNA VERGA - Esto es la verga andando, ojala en el futuro le agreguen opciones como DESKTOP. En fin, esto esta bien psycho. BAJENLO. - March 15, 2005 by Juan Perez
This is the BEST!! - I've read most of the reviews here and I'd have to say people need to READ docs and check out the website before writing some of these reviews. I'm running a 64mb ATI card (came in my HP laptop) and this program is great. 2.5gz processor and it takes 30 sec maz to load. Some of the scenes slow down to 30 fps but most stay steady at 70. If you have problems with the transitions being slow, hit escape and check out the options. You can change EVERYTHING here, from scene options, transitions, beat frequency and how much the scene reacts to beats. The list goes on and on. Another great feature is the ability to add your own message in the program. Don't like the R4 popping up all the time, read the doc, theres a program added to edit what is shown (mine is currently my Dj name). This program is so great for parties. With a projector, a nice white wall, a laptop, and some sound cables you've got a house party thats better than most clubs. This plugin ROCKS, but what can you expect from the maker of Giess! (I hope this is correct, I'm sure I saw it on the website) - February 3, 2005 by Aaron Bandy
Problematic Plugin get new version - This verrsion of the R4 is outdated. Don't waste your time on this one. If you install it you will get an eror message stating that the .dll files are outdated and it will shut down Winamp when you click on the button in the error message box. IF you want the plugin Visit the author's website and download the current version 1.12. This version works flawlessly and it's really cool, just make sure your video card can handle the graphics. I've got a GeForce 4000 128 mg video ram . Some of the modules look like liquid metal and others are way cool too. I give the new version 5 stars. Real Eye Candy ! - February 1, 2005 by Joseph LaBelle
R4 - This is, by far the best vis I\'ve seen yet. The 3d fxs are great, the water, metal and mirror fxs blow me away. The trans between each vis is excellant! There is enough different vis to keep you intrested for hours. GOOD JOB!!!!!!!! Would like to see more from G Williams - January 31, 2005 by gregg warner
ANETkA - it's the best - January 18, 2005 by aneta mordzak
Humm Sure thing - Im a computer tec for one and all I see is men talk to much.Saying things like its the best and its crap,depending on if some software happen to work on there computer or not.Wow good evaluation strategy.My first impression was the beat detection was strong,and the 3D was real.I only get 80 frames a sec but is it smooth,fluid as a waterfall.Nice engine running this thing because I only have a G force 3 128 meg card.Anyway if it doesnt work like I say you might want to fix up your computer.This R4 ROCKS! 3D!..........Latter the rest of the story....... - January 6, 2005 by clint adams
Anyone ever heard of MilkDrop? - I'm sorry to be the downer here, but as many new things as this visualization may try, it doesn't even come close to MilkDrop(v.1.04 bundled with winamp5). The sync to the music doesn't even come close to the level milkdrop achieves and milkdrop's transitions make this ones look downright sloppy. Many of the actual visualizations included herein are very impressive, if they had more variation, sync to the music, and transitions they might even defeat the great MilkDrop, but as it stands they are just the step in between the old fashioned AVS presets and MD. Essentially, in a world where MilkDrop hadn't set the bar so high for such a long time, this would be a 5-star visualization. Oh, and yes I know how to work the features and my video card(Radeon 9800) displays it all more then adequately. - December 27, 2004 by Ace Oproc
GREAT - I have never downloaded a plug-in before as because winamp is so powerful by itself, but this is awesome i use it everday if you look in the menu you wont have any problems you can adjust everything and it looks great on my computer keep up the good work everyone thanks bunches --Justin - December 25, 2004 by justin michael
Da Best Plug-In Ever I Saw - B-E-A-U-Tiful - December 20, 2004 by Robertas Reiciunas
R4 - EINFACH NUR SPITZENKLASSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - December 14, 2004 by andreas hertel
amazing. - The only thing is, is that all those problems that you guys are having... (No fullscreen, no hot keys to switch between scenes....) Yeah, check in the options within the plugin, by hitting escape. It's all there, you can do all of those things that you guys are reporting. Ran great on my old FX5200, and runs even better with my 9600XT. Amazing plugin. Nothing like watching it while.... well, you know. I run three monitors, and clone them all, so i get to see it on three 19inch flats. So sexy. - December 13, 2004 by ben blumenthal
Pretty Damn Good ! - I have been using this R4 for over a week now, just playing with the settings and seeing what i can do with it! I am damn impressed indeed. I have had a few visualizations before but this takes the biscuit. I dont use any other now R4 is on whenever i play my music (which is everyday). Great work. Only thing i can find wrong is no fullscreen but I can live with that, oh R4 and rise FM were made for each other lol !!!!!!!!!!!! - December 10, 2004 by David Kaye
I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111 - this is rad! stunning displays and options. i love the blur overlay... the only thing to me that is negative is the loading time each time it starts. - December 10, 2004 by alby 13
Sweet visuals! - Sweet visuals! - December 5, 2004 by Jason Willett
Awsome - Truely the best visual plug-in I've ever seen. The only thing that I think, that will make it better is if there were buttons to switch between scenes. Other than that absollutly awsome. - December 4, 2004 by Brandon L
It's excellent, but.... - The only disadvantage of this great plug-in is that it doesn't have a full-screen mode. If it has that it would be just perfect!! Davorin - November 26, 2004 by Davorin Milekic
absolutely the best - Wow! The best one I have ever ever ever seen! Great, go on with that kind of stuff... Thx, Mikeeblau. - November 22, 2004 by mikeeblau _
It's great - It's great - November 9, 2004 by teddy_beer_maniac teddy_beer_maniac
IT WOrks PErfectly - this is the coolest vis, BTW it works perfectly on my machin, my specs are, AMD xp-2400, 512DDR, ATI Radeon 9200pro (128MB DDR) so, it looks beutiful ;) i also like nvidia, but i trust ATI so, im happy - November 1, 2004 by carlos arias
Awesome as hell. - I recently upgraded my media server computer and now R4 runs awesome. I am running it on an AMD 3200+ with 1Gig of PC3200 RAM, and a Nvidia GeForce 6800GT Graphics Card. It runs fast as hell, but the real fun is watching it on my 100" screen. I have a projector that projects on a 60x80 screen. Watching R4 on the screen with Winamp connected to my surround sound speakers and my Soundstorm Audio Chip encoding everything to Dolby Digital is just sweet! I would pay for it if it were not so ridiculously expensive. I mean I understand that people use it for professional uses, but I think he would make a lot more money if he would create a cheap home version that maybe had some of the more advanced options taken out. No way would I pay 200 pounds(around $365 dollars last I checked) to get rid of the scrolling text but I would probably pay around $50 or even maybe $75. Yes, its that good, especially on a projector. But maybe the man is making boatloads the way it is... Who knows? Seems a bit exorbitant but if thats what he wants to do I guess thats what he is going to do. I could crop my projector screen on the top and bottom a little and get rid of it, but I guess its alright. Although it is distracting... - October 31, 2004 by Patrick Alexander
Wow! Excellent quality - This is a great plug in. Smooth transitions and smoth frame rate even on my slow computer. Its every bit as good as Geiss or Tripex. - October 29, 2004 by Edwin Gorney
nvidiafanboy - FX series still laughing this works great on ati and ya can get 1.12 here http://www.rabidhamster.org/R4/download.php - October 29, 2004 by Davie me
Only For Nvidia - this plug-in what only made for nvidia users not crappy "ATI" why do you think when you install it, there an extra install for non-ATI users only, get it through your heads ATI can't achieve the same grahpics as nvidia can btw, i'm on a AMD Athlon XP-M 2400+ overclocked to 2.4Ghz running Duel 2X 512 Corsair memory on a GeForce 6800GT. - October 24, 2004 by Nelson Delafe
plug-in doesn't even work and makes winamp crash - used to be an awesome plug-in. now it doesnt even work on more than half the computers that download it. i mean come on. just because i have an ATi card? 1 star for effort - October 16, 2004 by Jeev Yatigammana
Mindblowing - I don't know what you f*cks have wrong with you, but R4 1v10 runs PERFECTLY on my ATi card, so STOP COMPLAINING! I love this visualization to death, not all are great but you can change everything, even logos and branding marks. My specs are: AMD Athlon Xp 2600+ 1gb DDRAM PC3200 ATi Radeon 9800XT I can run 1280x768x32 and still get 120FPS(I capped it there, im sure it can go a lot higher). 5/5 stars! - October 16, 2004 by huy t
wrong link - works great on my Ati 9800xt and looks amazing and i now get high fps just a shame the link to download is for the old 1 \"1.03\" - October 16, 2004 by Davie me
H0l3y 5#*7 - It took a couple seconds to load, but after that loading bar faded, I was hit by probably the coolest vis I've EVER seen! - October 12, 2004 by Andrew Werden
WOnderful - 100% worth downloading! i use this vis every time... not all scenes are THAT good, but you can select which should be shown and how often... so you shouldn't bother about that! beautiful! just beautiful... hope R5 comes soon ;-) - October 10, 2004 by Matthias Sanne
Absolutly Amazing - Wow I got a buddy who talks so much smack about PC's and how much better Mac's are he even said his I-Tunes visualizer was better than anything on my computer.. I think this will shut him up for a long while. Keep up the fantastic work - September 18, 2004 by Aaron Morley
Didn't work - Didn't work for me so...here u go. 1 star. - September 11, 2004 by Jacques Blais
lockup - program looks incredible and functions great, but locks up every time you exit. after closing, causes winamp to lock up as well. oh well, that's what you get for free. - September 10, 2004 by skot prazak
Wow - This is the best plug-in ever, and I thought milkdrop was good, ha. If it doesn't run on your pc its not the fault of the plug-in. It runs fine on my laptop, 1.7ghz centrino and 64mb ati radeon mobility. if ever you're board, just sit and stare, wow. - August 30, 2004 by Tom Watts
amazing - This thing is so hot. I've been waiting for this for a while. I've always been a hardcore geiss fan and milkdrop was kind of cool, but this beats the hell out of both of them. I wont be surprised if a lot of commercial versions of r4 get sold. - August 29, 2004 by glenn phenicie
OMFG - 0_o I was stunned. I was shocked. I could not believe that I was seeing what I was seeing on my computer (to be fair, I did just get a somewhat used 1.53GHz Athlon w/512MB of RAM and a GeForce4 card as a gift from a friend). If I ever start up a nightclub, I'm definitely going to spring for the commercial version of this sucker. - July 26, 2004 by deus diabolus
Performance - I've seen a few gripes about performance - specifically startup time -in other reviews. Yes, R4 has a slow startup time (not THAT slow though - I dunno what was wrong with the PC that took 20 mins, but obviously something wrong there). My PC is a getting pretty long in the tooth now, it's a 1.2 gigaherz Athlon running XP Pro with 640 Mb RAM and a Radeon 9600, and R4 takes about a minute or so to start up for me - and that's WITH the Rovastar addon pack installed (which is a factor, because the time is taken by R4 preloading all the effects) As for performance once it's up and running - R4 is silky smooth all the way. I can get 30 FPS consistently at 800*600. There's the occasional lurch when it hits a particularly complex transition (where it's rendering two scenes at once AND doing the transition effects), but even these don't slow it down much, and you can always tweak out some of the heavier ones if it bothers you that much. - July 18, 2004 by rambozo theclown
Nothing short of spectacular! - This has to be one of the best and most high end visualization software packages out there, allthough winamp has version 1.03, they are up to 1.08 (not too much difference, a few more scenes etc.) I love it, i usually have winamp playing in the back ground on my comp, so i usually put R4 on as a screen saver for when i need to duck out, or if i have friends over chillin. The most fun thing i find though is that it doesn't only work with winamp, it monitors all the sounds being output through your pc, so for instance, for a bit of fun, i set my mic port off mute (so you can hear it real time through the speakers as you speak into the mic) and i change some of the audio settings such as pitch etc. (thanks to the drivers of my soundblaster card). I whip on R4, set it to a skull visualization that opens and closes his mouth to audio, and start chatting away, and the skull follows along...... hehehe, i dunno... seemed pretty funny at the time. But anyway, back to the point, excelent vis, love it. A highly recomended download, may be a bit needy for those slightly low end systems, i'm on a 2ghz processor with a 128m geforce fx 5200, runs fine :) - June 28, 2004 by Max Richardson
The BEST Vis Plugin! Keep up the good work! - After starting this baby up on my machine it put me into awe and I was immediately put into a trance. CAREFUL THIS WILL GET ADDICTIVE IF YOU LOVE VISUALIZATION PLUGINS!! A highly recommended plugin for anyone with a powerful system to run this on...especially with an ATI Radeon card. WOW! Also, this even works great on my work laptop. Which is a 1.6Ghz Centrino with an ATI Radeon 7500 Mobility Card. (Don't plan on doing much work though, very system resource intensive! ;-D ) Still can't figure out why it tends to crash when I go full screen though on the laptop. (Full Screen works fine on the Home PC.) Have fun with this little gem! - June 23, 2004 by Drexman _
Great but... - This is a great plugin but... the transitions are VERY slow and I've got a 2.8ghz P4 with 1024 Ram and a geforce 5200. - June 23, 2004 by Bachelier olivier
A God Among Plug-in's - For the small download size of 2mb you've packed quite a punch into this. The visualization runs beautifully on my machine, especially 'Meta Fire,' and I'm currently trying to view all of the scenes. Smooth graphics and unique transitions, it's a wonder that you didn't charge people for this. - June 14, 2004 by Reverend Myrkskog
Very heavy! - What kind of computer do you need to have in order to run this plug-in, i've tried it twice and twice it crushed along with winamp. beside that the plug-in is very impressive... sat satan rav - June 8, 2004 by Axi Nadeel
Kick Ass! - Kick ass, best visual i've ever used...only reason it gets 4 stars and not 5 is cause the transitions could use some work... NICE WORK! - June 6, 2004 by Joe S.
goody :-) - that's it, real plugin - May 28, 2004 by John Malkovic
This thing is the sh%^&%*%^% - This is the coolest and best-running vis plug-in I have ever downloaded. It takes a few seconds to load, but once loaded, the flow is super smooth and completely dwarfs all other video card-based plug-ins I've seen. The preset colors are amazing. Hopefully in the next version, the "not for commercial use" banner will be removed. The plug in is great but the banner is kind of a buzzkill if you're really into it. Still the best plug-in I've seen overall. Best presets, coolest looking menu. - May 20, 2004 by BigDog Master
This Rocks :o) - This gets 5 stars - It has some extremely impressive visualisations, great transition effects, endless customisation options and it runs very smoothly. I have antivirus, firewall and IM programs running in the background and the frame rate still never drops below 60. The switch to full screen takes just under 10 seconds, during which you get a status screen with progress bar to let you know what it's upto. Truly a must for all vis lovers. (Note: My PC is about a year old, running WinXP Pro with an Athlon 2000, 1Gig of DDR memory and a GeForce 4 128MB.) - May 8, 2004 by Krazy Stuart
AMAZING!!! TRUELY AMAZING!!! - I dont know who could give this a 1... but I have an AMD Athlon XP 2400+ (2.0GHz) 512 MB ram. nVidia GF FX 5200 128MB ddr. Amazing graphics, the only down side, and it is small, is that when i run it, the sound gets a little crackily. It only takes about 5 seconds to load on mine... Either my computer rules, or your computer sucks... - May 8, 2004 by Austin Hughes
AWESOME!!!!!!! - This plug-in is the best visualization that I have ever seen. It has a great quality and once u get it up and the settings straight it will be even better. Some say it takes a while to open it and even longer to go to full screen, well i say differently. yes it takes longer than usual but a few seconds and it will be up and running great. I may have a higher end system but even low end systems should have it up and running in a few secs (just remember to have ure video card settings set to OpenGL). Well i give it 5 stars only because i can't give it more... hope u enjoy this wonderful and beautiful program. - April 25, 2004 by Bob Smith
DANG - DUDE this thing is nuts! bery tempermental weither or not it actally pics up on the source. but when it does, man! seems to pic more slower more mood orientated scences depending on the song. example an upbeat song would get very upbeat visulasations and a slow song would get more blues and glowy warm sorta stuff. doesnt seem to be just random. transition between scenes can be laggish. takes 6 seconds for me to load. he has not limited this plugin in any way. he has truely gone mad with the grafics, as in he didnt care if any machine could run this beast at full speed. nice choice with the OpenGL as well. (athlon 2800 @ 2.7ghz with 1gb pc3200 and 5200FX non ultra) - April 4, 2004 by Bahamut Xero
Amazing - oh my gosh.....i got chills when i saw this. it is the ultimate techno visualization. everything is incredibly fluid, the transitions are very nice and it is by far the best example of eye candy i have ever seen. you must download this immidatley. - April 1, 2004 by Steve Kessler
Marvelous! - Been an avid fan since R2 and I'm still faithful. I am in awe to your shining talent, captivating concepts and stunning designs. Keep up the brilliant work. And for those who complain about it not being able to run on their PC because they are inadequately equipped. I stand by my beliefs. "Although size shouldn't really matter, bigger is definitely better and it sure makes the difference when you know how to use it =) What better to put my beliefs to the test than R4! - March 23, 2004 by Gex Agetro
Kids, don't try this at home - R4 is hugely impressive, but if you are thinking of using it for your home computer, think again. Loading took a full three minutes on my very reasonable rig, and the program takes so long to switch to fullscreen you would be forgiven for thinking it had hung. The good news, however, is that when you are in, it runs like a dream. R4 has to be one of the most responsive visualisations I?ve ever had the pleasure to come across. It is smooth and good-looking, and has a huge selection of widely varying presets to choose from ? the transitions up the ?wow? factor further still. Bottom line is, R4 is industrial-strength visualisation. Use it at your next party, but not to distract you from your homework. - March 22, 2004 by Tom Edwards
Goddamnit. - Wtf. "Cannot Detect sound". I'm giving this a five only because I see the quality of these visualizers, and I'm sure you made it awsomely. It's a user error on my part that it doesnt work. - March 21, 2004 by Scott Kuehnert
NICE !! :) - I love the prog... i have used it since R2. I only have one problem with this... i am using R4 with winamp 2 and it doesnn't seem to give the memory back after closing the window (still using 129mb ram).... not that it is bad but i thought i would tell the people. - March 13, 2004 by Jan Hosper
Awesome - This vizuilazation plug-in is freaking amazing...try watching it while listening to trance techno. - March 2, 2004 by Travis Hort
Holy crap! - This is by far the sweetest vis ever! Runs smoothly on my machine...no problem. This is the kind of thing that makes me wish I had a monitor the size of a drive in movie screen. - February 28, 2004 by Vince R
Bad one - Sorry, but this Plugin was very slowly. I use a P3 1GHz with 700MB FREE RAM. So when the Plugin started, the loading time was 19min. 23 sec. I never seen a slowlier Plugin bevor. If you are use a faster Machine. So try it, if you want to. - February 25, 2004 by Joker131 Walter
R4 is great - R4 is a really multi-functionally visualization: _-It renders all in fast OpenGL and not in $$$$Micro-\\\"I am so rich that it smells\\\"-soft$$$$-direct-sh*t-3D. _-Here you can see a really good work. _-Whit this Visualization you can improove your next party or your disco. _-It has the possibility to render 3D scenes which includes live-video from your capture-device or webcam. There is a special cube which uses the live-video data to display each side of th cube....and many more video effects (If you do not have a real capture device, try luminositi-softcam www.luminositi.com) However there a just one or two litle, litle, litle bugs: R4-vis plug-in does not only use winamp to get audio data. It uses the mixer too. This can cause trouble if you play midi and sampling is activated before you the plug-in start.) If Winamp stops then only the vis-plug-in stops all its activities: R4-HTTP-control and visualization does not work if you pause or stop anything in winamp. However the stand-alone version of R4 does not have the mentioned bugs. F?r alle deutschen Benutzer gibt es hier eine deutsche Beschreibung http://www.mpex.net/software/details/r4vis.html - February 13, 2004 by Borg Number_One
R4 really whips the Ilamas ass. - R4 is a really multi-functionally visualization: _-It renders all in fast OpenGL and not in $$$$Micro-\"I am so rich that it smells\"-soft$$$$-direct-sh*t-3D. _-Here you can see a really good work. _-Whit this Visualization you can improove your next party or your disco. _-It has the possibility to render 3D scenes which includes live-video from your capture-device or webcam. There is a special cube which uses the live-video data to display each side of th cube....and many more video effects (If you do not have a real capture device, try luminositi-softcam www.luminositi.com) However there a just one or two litle, litle, litle bugs: R4-vis plug-in does not only use winamp to get audio data. It uses the mixer too. This can cause trouble if you play midi and sampling is activated before you the plug-in start.) If Winamp stops then only the vis-plug-in stops all its activities: R4-HTTP-control and visualization does not work if you pause or stop anything in winamp. However the stand-alone version of R4 does not have the mentioned bugs. - February 12, 2004 by Borg Number_One