See what your PC can really do! 10 3D, crossfading scenes that'll blow you away, and an in-plugin winamp control menu
See what your PC can really do! 10 3D, crossfading scenes that'll blow you away, and an in-plugin winamp control menuSee http://winamp.rabidhamster.org for screenshots and more info. This is the latest R2 vis plugin. It has a few bugfixes, 4 extra scenes (making 10 in total), and scenes have been massively optimised. Every scene has many options that can be changed, as does the beat detection and many other aspects of R2. There's even the option of displaying a comment/picture over the plugin for use at parties/nightclubs. The WinAMP control is amazingly useful, and allows you to change volume, track position, play/stop/pause, see the track time and name from within the plugin via an slide-in menu. Now with over 18,000 lines of specially-written code, its easily one of the most complex WinAMP plugins around.
Download visualizationNovember 16, 2001 by Gordon Williams | 678637 downloads |

Staff review
Rabid Hamster is backThis is a tight plugin with some saucey 3d visuals. Very well layed out and easy to configure.... the sleek f12 menu allows you to tweak while you watch. This new version has 4 additional scenes as well as some bug fixes.
2500+ fps - no joke, i easily get 2,500 fps in this... i need something that will challange my system, thats teh whole point of a viz for me. didn't cut it. - December 5, 2003 by Asp eritus
That's Cool ! - Great Vis! It really nice when fullscreen onto 21" monitor ! - May 1, 2003 by Mad Ness
oh, - oh, and now I CANT OPEN WINAMP!!!! - April 26, 2003 by Nathan Spratt
Simply the best - The absolute best visualization... Go ahead and download, you won't be disappointed. Great reaction to the music. - April 11, 2003 by Henrik Kr?yer
For those who can't work their own pc - I have an Athlon 2000XP, 512 meg of PC2700 (DDR333), an ATA133 7200 rpm hard drive and a Radeon 9000PRO graphics card with 64 meg of ram. I got max 394 fps on this vis. I used to run an Athlon 1ghz, with a Geforce2 MX 32 meg ram, and this thing ran smooth on that! This plugin works, it's excellent. If YOU can't get it to work, your machine is the problem. Incidentally, I run Windows 98. - April 7, 2003 by Francis Guidera
very nice - I think this is a good visualization, it has some nice effects and doesn't get boring when you watch it for a longer time. I couldn't share the experience that it ran too slow (lowest I had were about 100fps) as commented by 123 123. Maybe new drivers could help (or a new card). This plug in is worth a download! - February 19, 2003 by Michael Hundt
GABAGE! - This is CRUDE! I have a FPS of 1! THIS IS BARGADE!!! DONOT DOWNLOAD THIS PECE OF CRUDE!!!!!! - February 15, 2003 by 123 123
OK! - Real good graphics, but dificult to control, could be more related to winamp control system, could'n get to work full screen. - January 31, 2003 by Gintars Simon
You People I Swear - Steven C you dont know shit about shit... The GeForce 3 Ti (any of them) are faster than MOST Geforce 2s.. theres one 2 thats pretty fucking fast and is right next to the GeForce 3 Ti 500.. also the GeForce 4 ti 4600 is faster than all the 3s the 4400 is faster than all the 3s the 4200 is faster than the 4400 and all the 3s.. pretty simple shit eh - August 5, 2002 by Justin McCoy
fukin nerds. - How bout you two stop ur petty bitching about stupid ass nerd crap. It's a fukin party plugin, no one's gonna give a DAMN about 10 fps difference after they've had a coulple of bud lights. Oh, and Steve, the MX200GeF2 licks the sh*t off of the GeForce4's toilet paper, so shut the hell up amd go jerk off to your favorite Wired mag. - July 23, 2002 by Brian Morgan
lol... - Ok, i'm sorry, but you do NOT have a "top of the line" machine my friend... But even so, if you can only squeak out 60 FPS in 1280x1024 in any bpp, you're machine is either running WAY to friggen hot, or you just don't know how to manage your software. I've never seen my machine get a framerate less than 70 in any application resolution of bpp. and i only have the original 1.4Ghz "power hog" Athlon processor. Of course my GeForce 3 does beat the living shit out of GeForce 4's since it's not a low end "ti" anything. I'm sorry but you have the equiv. of an MX200 GeForce 2 there my friend. Learn to manage your computer better kiddo. - July 6, 2002 by Steven C
Very nice - Patrik Jansson is on crack. He cannot get over 100 fps in 1280*1024 mode, possibly in 1024*768 because I get that. I say this because I have a top of the line computer and I get around 60 fps on 1280*1024. Amd XP 2100+, Geforce 4 ti 4600 512 Mb DDR. It is still a very nice plugin though - June 8, 2002 by sebastian asa
Nice work ffs! :D - Really nice and great fps!! 1280*1024, 32bit and over 100 fps! - April 15, 2002 by Patrik Jansson
Whooo - This really is a nice plug-in - April 13, 2002 by Giselle Willemsen
good - i like it graphics are very good, (in mexico: Esta ching?n) - April 7, 2002 by Josue Avenda�o
Hubba hubba - the magic of 3d unfurls it cant get as good as it is in this plugin - April 3, 2002 by Vivek Anand
Really good - I have to say that this plugin is one of my favourite because it's very beautiful and this plugin doesn't want really good computer. Im using celeron 850, GF2 GTS, 320ram. My resolution in this plugin is 1600x1200 and it works perfectly!!!! I really love this. - March 25, 2002 by Raigo Kanarbik
Ask no questions! - Rabid Hamster, the ruler of all kickass plug-ins has done it again. There is only one plug-in that looks better - Tripex! BUT this one works better and is more reliable. THIS IS THE BEST STUFF YOU CAN GET! - March 23, 2002 by Kim Andersson
Hard ware - Hardware baby you have to have the hardware to run pluging like these... I m running XP with AMD Athlon 1.4 gig and Geforce3 Nvidia video card 64 meg ... and 1 GIG of DDR RAM NO PROBLEM WHAT'S SO EVER... GOOD JOB..!!!!. and for all of you that say suck and all that make sure your littel putter can handel something HIGH TECH!! ... - March 23, 2002 by Dragon d
lousy brits - The one vis i can get with this vis looks nice. But after about 10 seconds of it, I get 20 errors! When I am asked if I want to see the log file, and I click yes, it locks my machine. Can you say beta version!! I can after running this headache! - March 21, 2002 by Ron Cook
2 Thumbs Up........ - Man this is one of the great ones! Wanna see just what your video card is made of? This is the one! I'm running an AMD XP1600+ with an ATI Radeon 32mb video card........WOW this one really kicks the llamas ass!!!! - March 19, 2002 by DC 1471
Whhoohoo - This Plugin is @#$!n awsome i recomend it to all however you do get bored of it after a few hours it needs more visual stimulation... - February 23, 2002 by Stuart Bahaal
SMEGGIN' BRILLIANT!!!!! - KOOL visuallisations pack!! The reason i give it 4 stars is 'cos the bubble vis' are kinda jagged edged rather than smooth & slick!! Oh, and i've got an AMD Athlon 1100mhz machine with pentium 3 processor so i doubt it could be to do with my machine, lol!! but still TOTALLY KOOL!!! - February 22, 2002 by Lee Cosgrove
A masterpiece - Awesome...this guy has talent!!! As for Jeremy Bomberry below...ever heard of AMD? - February 20, 2002 by Sam Dingus
SPeeD? - KEWL!!! it on of da best ive seen! a little speed problem but still kewl!nice work dude!!!!! - February 15, 2002 by nac_nud kile
5 stars - It could not be better! - February 15, 2002 by joaquim jardim
4 frames/second ? - This plugin is probably pretty cool when you get more than 4 frames per second. Maybe someone can give me some ideas. I have, 1.5gig P4, 256meg DDR ram, 64meg nVidia GeForce 2. [email protected] - February 13, 2002 by Jeremy Bomberry
Not bad - Bit like doing the mad onion test on the vid card...too much of the one thing - February 12, 2002 by Joseph Burnett
Wow... - This definitely is the best plugin I've downloaded yet, and I have over 100...and none compare to this one, 5 stars and 2 thumbs up! - February 3, 2002 by Super James
My Screen was smokin..... 1280*1024 - 62+ FPS - Even when running at 1280 * 1024 it was still pumpin out 62 FPS. This one finally replaced trusty old GEISS on my winamp.. DUDE, YOU ROCK !!!! - January 26, 2002 by Theo Ekelmans
Nuff said! - This one will fulfill whatever fantasy you have. 3 thumbs up!!! - January 22, 2002 by All Havoc
Cool - Best, that what can I say about this skin - January 19, 2002 by naZrI Othman
Top-of-the-line, Kick-Ass visualization - "Wow!" - That's what I said the first time I ran R2v2. This is the greatest fullscreen plug-in I've ever downloaded. Awesome, original graphics combined with a robust in-plug-in settings menu and winamp controls put anything by Geiss to shame. I've yet to find another plug-in that even comes close. DOWNLOAD IT NOW! - January 15, 2002 by Matthew Brady
r2v2 - very coool very very coool very very very cooool very very very very cooool - January 2, 2002 by robin van klaveren
Excellent!!! - Nuf Said! Download it!! - January 1, 2002 by Dangerous Dan
WOW - this is cool shit i love it!! - December 23, 2001 by shawn stanley
oooooooo - Very very swish....give this man all your money...he deserves it. - December 21, 2001 by Me Mo
crashes on exit - all good and stuff,runs at around 200 fps on my p4 1.4 and geforce 3 except when i try to exit it,winamp crashes. - December 17, 2001 by Tai Chow Sing
I'm Speechless... - You've done it again and wowed us all, Gordan. Keep it up! - December 15, 2001 by Ike Fox
Mmmm nice! - Excellent beat detection. Very off the wall. Organic, flowing visuals. - December 12, 2001 by Anthony Whipple
o look at me - hehe i can see my writing.!, kevin is a loser - December 3, 2001 by Agent_777 dfjal;
The only complete visualisation ever - if only the cursor faded away automatically - December 1, 2001 by Anjanakrishnan Kannadath
forever - best 3d plugin. nice graphics. need some new presets :D - November 25, 2001 by Mantas Venckus
Pretty, fast, stupid. - It's pretty, it's fast, it locks out your system and you have to reboot when you're bored with it. - November 23, 2001 by Kevin Gadd
The Best - Yo this the best out there gotta download this plug-in. i especially like the the green tunnel and the water droplets. yo man keep up the good work and hit me when you make another version. - November 22, 2001 by Luis Rivera Jr.
I like it but... - I dont know why this happenes,on windows 98 it worked great,but now on XP I get only 1-5 FPS - November 21, 2001 by killer lsd
Up there with the best - I must say this is the best plug-in ever it runs fast in full screen unlike some plug-ins, but still looks fucking ace. This is even as good as the almost naked babes dancing and thats saying some thing. I could watch and mess with stuff on this plug-in for hours. Well done mate u sertanly hit the nail on the head with this arse kicking plug in. - November 18, 2001 by jonny F
Very nice - This plugin really whips the tuna's tail - and then I mean a 700kilos tuna, but enough about tunas. This plugin is a combination of your classic geiss-style plugin, and also have some really cool 3d-scenes as well. Only part that annoys me a tiny bit is that when you install a new version it overwrites your former announce file. I should maybe given this five stars, but Im still saving a 5 star rating 'till I find a plugin so good I'll be blasted away... - November 18, 2001 by Arve Siitonen
Really good.... But it crashes! - When I ran the plugin it was looking great, then when I try to close it, my whole freakin' PC restarts. I think it only happens in Win XP. - November 17, 2001 by Jateen Narsai
yeah - very nice very nice! i just gotta check it out first closer! keep up the good work - November 16, 2001 by Laurens Hilgersom