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> > AVS Presets

Quiche_on_a_leashs Inflamed Sickness

My debut AVS pack, it contains 15 presets

My debut AVS pack, it contains 15 presets

This my debut AVS pack, it contains 15 presets.
It contains morphing superscopes, metaball, inverse square lighting, patical emitter and generic dm with synchronized superscopes.

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May 27, 2006 by Scott Ellis6877 downloads

Quiche_on_a_leashs Inflamed Sickness - My debut AVS pack, it contains 15 presets

Staff review

Quite good for a first pack.

The quality of this pack is quite uneven. It starts with an average to above average intro, continues with a great morphing torus preset, only to get buried in some below average presets. Some nice concept presets make for the middle to the end of the pack, including a flawed-but-fun Pong game. The outro of the pack is just lovely.
All in all, an impressive debut pack that would've really benefited from coming out a bit later (assuming that the author kept his level of quality), and without the bad ones. 3.75

