Punkie 172
Featured Plugin.
Featured Plugin.Punkie !! Punkie v1.72Copyright (c) 2001 By Pascal DallongevillePunkie is not just another Geiss-like plugin.It has a reactive zoom effect that look pretty cool, let's have a try !You can use it even if you have a single P200 (but in 8bpp mode and with the mirror effect).You must only have at least DirectX 7.0 with a directdraw compatible video card(most of them, the old cirrus 5446 1Mo is ;) ).But I recommend you to have a fast processor with MMX and a fast 2D video card (3D is not usefull) to enjoy all effect of 'Punkie' in best conditions.Note: MMX is needed to have fullcolor mode (32, 24 and 16 bpp mode)This release fix stupid bug that prevented background mode to works when plugins windows is minimized,little improvement too on worm effect.I HIGHLY recommend use it with trance, techno musics since Punkie react a lot on varietyin music (bass, beats ...) !!Hope you'll Enjoy it !!Last updated version of the plugins can be found at:http://www.multimania.com/scalpel .For any futhers informations, please read the 'vis_punkie.txt' file included with the plugin(installed in '.../winamp/plugins' directory).mail: [email protected]
Download visualizationFebruary 1, 2003 by Pascal Dallongeville | 174619 downloads |

Staff review
Punkie updateNew version of Punkie. This plug-in moves very fast and can really draw you in. Updated as of 1.72: provides smoother background mode...as well as improvement on the worm effect.
DAMN Skippy! - Download this visualization, which installs quickly and easily, and pop U2's MOFO into winamp!!! Been looking for something like this for years!!! Took me a minute to find additional cfg settings so I could turn the song title off... while running the ap hit "h" and then "d"... You guys ought to be proud man... - October 18, 2004 by Alissa Harvey
Punkie 1.72 - This plugins great i gota P4 1.8 with a Geforce 2 card and its bril i got it in 8bit at 800x600 res its ausom the colours and speed its faster at 640x480 I highly recomend the download :-) in fact i give it ****** stars ;-) - January 22, 2004 by Raymond Heather
tough luck - Though the color scheme is amazing... it is pretty ordinary with nothing much to boast about... - November 7, 2002 by Kunal Mukherjee
OK - It's pretty tight...i wish it had hardware acceleration. - June 9, 2002 by Lil Man
Finally found it - Had tried so many others and this one has everything that I was looking for. My only wish is that I could give it 6 stars - April 13, 2002 by jeff kirk
Not a dis - As I said, Punkie is worth the download. I still have it and use it alot. I just wish it was a bit quicker. I'm not dogging it at all. I could never write anything like it, and it's still way cooler to look at than a lot of other plugins. I was just explaining why I didn't give it five stars. - March 3, 2002 by Nick Bair
Punkie isn't 3D accelerated - Nick Bair> Punkie doesn't goes very fast in high-res because it don't use 3D acceleration, it is all software and all work is done byt the CPU. So in high res in full-color mode (because 256 colors mode is lot faster) this is slow because of the high amont of datas that is manipulated... as far I know Punkie is one of the fastest visual plugin with software effets.. - February 25, 2002 by Pascal Dallongeville
152 was better - This is good but Version 1.52 was much better. It ran better on my old machine and it has much more color. - February 21, 2002 by Matt Barszcz
Awesome! - This rocks! Goes HYPER fast and has great beat-detection. One word of caution for those who download this: Don't eat and watch at the same time. You'll get dizzy and probably barf 'cause it goes mad quick. - February 17, 2002 by Alex Aben
I Got Them All - Hi Thomas. If you want to have the earlier versions of Punkie, send your e-mail. Give a sign at the Punkie's review page and I'll make contact. - February 14, 2002 by joaquim jardim
excuse me, but... - ...if you only put one plugin on your Winamp, it damned well better be Punkie... this bright little gem just keeps getting better and better, and with all sorts of controls for those of you out there that like to "fiddle with functions"... frankly, I just sit back, let it do it's own thing and LOOKOUT! - January 30, 2002 by Gary Parish
Punkie 172 - weren't there earlier version or at least different versions of this plug-in on this web site? I like the newer versions, but there was something about the earlier versions.....the options perhaps. it would be nice to have a choice between all the Punkie versions........there are a lot of great visualization plug-ins out there, but this was the first I ever found, and it still has my fondest favor. if you have alternate versions lying around, please post them. - January 17, 2002 by Thomas Brinsley
Fast and Furious - Great beat detection, i'd say the best of any visualization code. Great visuals, fast.... Just plain awesome! - January 12, 2002 by Jack Spade
Can You Say EyE CanDy!?!? - WOW!!! I t-o-t-a-l-l-y love this plug in!! The best i've EVER seen...I have a voodoo card and a 19 inch monitor and let me tell you this plug-in is impressive! A must for all!! - December 28, 2001 by Laine Rose
Absolutly the best plug in I have ever Used - I have never seen a plug in that responds to sound like this one. Bring it up to full screen mode and hit F9, its such a better view! You will not be disapointed with this one - December 13, 2001 by Exknoll Exknoll
Cool 4 older PC's!!! - This plugin runs even on older PC's. (My PC: AMD-KII 366MHZ) - October 17, 2001 by Mr. Fluckz
Not very good. - This plugin uses not very attractive color combinations and the effects are very simple and uninteresting. Moreover, they're very uneasy on the eyes and look pretty bad. stick to milkdrop :) - October 12, 2001 by Eran Goldin
6 STARS plug-in !!! - FORGET ALL OTHER windowed and full screened plug-in (even 5 stars rated)! This is the only one that really REACTS on music beats !!! It has tons of effects, is very FAST and customisable. TRY IT NOW: you won't regret it! - October 5, 2001 by Alex Drinkit
tripamatic - all i gota say is w00t... tripped my bals off to this thanger.. beter than ive ever seen... need a fast pc tho.. p33c3 - September 4, 2001 by jim herron
It sucks!!! - It Sucks!! - August 23, 2001 by Roy Frost