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Preset Pack 3

12 *normal* presets + 5 addionals, in varying styles for you to enjoy.

12 *normal* presets + 5 addionals, in varying styles for you to enjoy.

The pack is not too big (12 'normal' presets + 5 additionals), but I hope I can still make you smile, wonder and laugh out hysterically but mainly I want to let you enjoy some visual goodyness. Some presets are more serious than others, but hey - I may hope that you know me by now.. ;-) Also, check out the 'secret files' with abandonware and some remixes

Download visualization

July 3, 2006 by Warrior of the Light23052 downloads

Preset Pack 3 - 12 *normal* presets + 5 addionals, in varying styles for you to enjoy.

Staff review

WOTL's back with a 4.25- pack.

The pack is definitely mixed bag. Originality is high, obviously, and some of the presets are great ("Blow Me Away" for example). Gary's Mission is a great, funny preset too. Aesthetics vary from ugly (Box Case, with a great idea, and a completely flawed colour scheme and Breakthrough) to beautiful (Blow Me Away and the Got Water mix of Got Bones). A lot of presets (not just the abandonware) just feel unfinished. It's damn hard to rate a pack like this.. a 4 and a feature...


le bien, le mal - A seriously mixed bag... I don't like exclusively 3d presets, there are better mediums for creating those sorts of visuals, so I'm gonna avoid commenting on them. With some of rest you seem to have thrown asthetics out of the window for querkeness... so I'm gonna have to give this a 4, bumped up by your individuality and the spongebob reference :P Peace zen-x - August 15, 2006 by Zen-X (Liam McLaughlin)
