PixelTrip For WinAMP
Featured Plugin, 2002.
Featured Plugin, 2002.FullScreen and Windowed Visualization. Have WinAMP will Travel ... PixelTrip!Sit back, grab your seat and enjoy the ride.
Download visualizationFebruary 1, 2003 by Brian Spangler | 196781 downloads |

Staff review
Very hypnotic visualThis one looks especially nice in full screen mode... definitely something you can stare at for a long time and get drawn in. Good amount of liquid movement and colorful entrancements...solid visual.
COOL - YES - January 7, 2007 by wendy savage
Houston.. we have a problem - Couldn't really get this to work in full screen mode. May have something to do with having two monitors. The Window boarder flashes from time to time and distracts from everything else. Don't see this issue with other plugins. I had to uninstall this one. - February 1, 2006 by Signal 64
Beautiful - This has become my default visualization. The colors are harmonious and it is fluid rather than jerky: it doesn't have a lot of squiggly lines and I like that too. For my taste I decreased most of the settings. At least 2 "omigods" per minute. - October 24, 2005 by David Hammer
Always the best... - I listen to a huge variety of mixed genres of music, classical, new age, trance, dance, hard rock, pop, so on and so forth, and PixelTrip has alwasy given me the most pleasure while doing so. Play with the bounce settings until you get the effect your looking for. I also think PixelTrip is the most responsive to the beat of the music. Excellent Work Guys!!! - October 18, 2004 by Alissa Harvey
nothing special - good work in the illusions department, other than that nothing special - June 17, 2003 by Barry Veale
Very Very Cool - Very nice visual effects, and I'm happy to see a plug-in that's not just a trial version. Plus it actually worked on my puter, Just keep doing what your doing! - June 16, 2002 by Kat Wampler
Great Job! - I really, really liked it! In fact right now it's my default! It is colorful, sleek, and keeps changing unlike some vis. Keep up the good work! - June 13, 2002 by John Griepentrog
a good thing - small, but yet entertaining - June 10, 2002 by Maxi Lewenhaupt
Nice - Been done before a bit admittedly but it is nice to look at and a well addition to the vis plug-in world. - Rovastar - May 29, 2002 by John Baker
Meh... - Cool, for a while. But its been done - May 23, 2002 by Josh Hamilton