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Particle Engine... something. an exploration into particle engines using AVS and evalib.

Particle Engine... something. an exploration into particle engines using AVS and evalib.

PED, Particle Engine... Something. i forget.

PED is an exploration into creating particle engines with evalib and the million item megabuffer. you will find physics such as gravity well physics and also how particle engines can be used in real situations, such as cloud rendering.

there is also a tutorial and extra's bundled with it so you can create your own powerfull particle engines.

i consider this to be more of a demo pack than a full fledged preset pack :)have fun!

Download visualization

June 9, 2005 by gord moo14734 downloads

PED - Particle Engine... something. an exploration into particle engines using AVS and evalib.

Staff review

mmm particles...

I love this pack be it a 'demo' or not (as the author says :) )

also have a look at the extras included (you'll need to manually extract them but it shows the time and effort that's been put into these (just look at the Misc/Comments for the presets!)

Well worth getting these i think


Oh my! - This is as you said a useful pack. I found it very attractive, all of your prests are awesome, and as quoted before they are useful. I created an image with your avs presets. This is a must download. Even for the pros, this is a must download - June 11, 2005 by Victor F_L
