Party Mix
A pack made to visually enhance your listening experience. If you're dj-ing at a party: even better...
A pack made to visually enhance your listening experience. If you're dj-ing at a party: even better...New in this version:
* easy visualization style change
* customizable intensity scale from a bitmap file.
This plugin will draw you in: the visualisations are made to really make you 'see the music' on your screen. "Philips" will make you think you have a professional hi-fi equalizer equipment, "Spectrum Analyzer & Voice Print" will make you see the sounds you hear, "The Cube" will attract you with its movements...
As for the others, you'ill have the pleasure to discover them by yourself!
And one thing its sure: all the vis will adapt to your screen resolution!
July 17, 2003 by Andrei Toma | 72142 downloads |

Staff review
Solid Spectrum analyzer and other visualsThese look good for the most part... the concepts aren't very complex, but, they are done well. The full screen interface is nice and functional with the Winamp controls in the top right corner. You can also cycle thru the various presets in full screen mode, which is very useful.
Impressive !! - Nice clean visuals and design.Runs really smooth even on a slow system.Good job. - March 31, 2006 by Fredrick Nishanth
Ce plugin est incomplet - Il est incomplet. On sent que l'auteur n'a pas termin? son oeuvre. Il s'est ?parpill? dans trop de chose ? la place de terminer ce qui ?tait vraiment important. - September 7, 2005 by Manuel Viens
It's About Time - Ok I am old man with WINAMP, I was using it when it first came out. This one of the better (maybe the best) Spectrum type Visauls. Mad Props to the creator... It's bouncing away with Aerosmith Right now!! Again Thank You Robert in Secret City Tenn. USA! - September 4, 2005 by Robert Durden
Very nice! - Nice work, looks good on my stereo PC. - January 25, 2005 by Larry Brown
Umm - I can't believe it, I simply can't believe it. This isthe best thing ever since sliced bread! All you DJ's, grab this real quick, it's the best iin the world, trust me. Professional. Very. Professional. - October 26, 2004 by the bonehead