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> > AVS Presets


Breaking Boundaries

This pack contains my best presets from the last few months. Download to improve your standard of living ;)

This pack represents my finest AVS-presets made in he last few moths. The pack hosts presets made before the advent of the dynamic movement, including one of my best non-dynamic movement presets ever namely Colorful Disintegration. But the pack also has some of my latest work making great use of the dynamic movement effect. A very good example is my "Speed Merchant" preset. This preset is one the most speed-optimized presets ever. This preset will silence some of the people who are always complaining about AVS full-screen resolutions. It's an high speed preset which still has the beauty and variety, which makes me choose AVS above all other plugins. The pack also has some remixes of some other AVS-artists in it, Special thanks to them for letting me remix their work and ofcoarse thanks to all members of AVSociety. Now the time has come for you to prepare yourselve to be amazed by my latest pack ParaNoya - Breaking Boundaries.

Download visualization

August 9, 2001 by ParaNoya (Marcel Lauwerijssen)26878 downloads

ParaNoya - Breaking Boundaries - This pack contains my best presets from the last few months. Download to improve your standard of living ;)

Staff review

Solid AVS

Quality preset pack featuring some really well done colorful visuals... nicely layered. The movements change up ... so they stay interesting to watch for good amounts of time.


GEEZ! - Would you please stop making everyone look so bad!!? - March 3, 2002 by Nathan Kelmers

Solid AVS - ParaNoya does it _yet again_....if you were to ask me my top five preseters PN would be on the top of the list.....DL this now if you value everything that is holy...snooch - January 21, 2002 by Brain Lifter

Breaking the Rules - Here is one more example of a great work of a top artist. ParaNoya is a genius. Too much beautiful! - January 13, 2002 by joaquim jardim

Exelent - Exelent like evry Para Avs Unique - August 19, 2001 by Marco E. Muraca

whoaaa.......... - More ParaNoya-madness!!! I liked your last pack, but this one is even better!!! - August 14, 2001 by David Dark

Da bomb... Download these Bad Arse Mutha's - WTF nemoorange? I've had most of these for over a month and I'm saying these are the bomb... So much responsiveness, you'd think theirs 5 presets in one, so dl them NOW. -Peace - August 12, 2001 by Zen-X (Liam McLaughlin)

More and more ... - ... efects over Para style. It is his style so do not expect so much differens then before. But still cannot stop to watch them. - August 12, 2001 by Tonic (Yordan Vulchev)

More 'Noya greatness - The creepy, dark, mysterious aura that exists in the Paranoya presets still holds true to his latest pack. Unfortunately, nothing really new is seen. Just more crazy superscopes and moving particles in formation. The most original preset from his last pack has to be "Shallow Silence" which features quite an innovative Dynamic Movement with alpha blending. To sum it up: Fantastic creepy presets just like the last time. - August 12, 2001 by Nemo Orange

New Boundries made!! - This pack is awesome and an inspiration to preset artistes to reach the very limits of AVS (if there is any!!) T-K - August 10, 2001 by t-k KILDOG

what??? - three stars I whish I could get these great effects out of AVS. People should really have a better look at packs before they judge them. ParaNoya keep on rollin'!!! - August 10, 2001 by Dan Cooper
