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New People Selection Volume 4

compiled by yathosho

compiled by yathosho

visbot presents newcomers from the avs world, an all over of twenty presets.

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January 15, 2007 by VISBOT NETWORK9068 downloads

New People Selection Volume 4 - compiled by yathosho

Staff review

Another very good New People Selection.

This one contains some truly great presets, like tomylobo's "Home Of The Dragons" is brilliant, and grandchild's "omegawd..." is also really good. mr nudge provides some of the better presets in the pack, and drew's chaotic "hatevibe" was a pleasant surprise. There are a few more good/great ones, but unfortunately the rest is quite mixed bag. Some presets lack originality, some are too static, and some just have a low aesthetic value, and one or two that lack all of this. Still, the pack is a very good download. 4.25-

