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> > AVS Presets

New People Selection Volume 2

compiled by yathosho

compiled by yathosho

visbot presents newcomers from the avs world, an all over of twenty presets.

[originally released apr 04, 2004]

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December 1, 2006 by VISBOT NETWORK10316 downloads

New People Selection Volume 2 - compiled by yathosho

Staff review

Not the best Visbot pack...

...but still better than a lot of what can be found today. While the packs contains presets made by some great avsers, they're far from the best they've produced, and while some of the new arrivals show great promise (franco's beveled discs is a particularly interesting preset), these are a far cry from the Visbot's "elite". It's a nice pack, but, knowing what some of these guys can produce, and what can be found here, it fails to impress. The colours tend to be pleasant, and it's a nice watch. Well worth downloading in any case. 4.25-

