negative equity again
3d OpenGL visualisation plugin
3d OpenGL visualisation pluginMarvel as a colourful sphere distorts in time to the music, whilstfireflies dance, also in time, around it.The new version toggles between fullscreen and windowed mode with the spacebar.negative equity likes a machine with a good OpenGL ICD. nVidia cards work well. Voodoo cards, in particular, do not.
Download visualizationApril 20, 2001 by Paul Randall | 284566 downloads |

Staff review
Negative Equity visualVery nice pulsating color blob complete with sparkling satellites that dance in a flashy orbit. Fun for your eyes...just make sure you have a good computer. -dg
Very Nice - Like A lava lamp, only more manic ;) Don't see what other people have against it. - April 6, 2003 by James Lee
not so bad at all... - a nice looking little pluggie,don't know what all the raters have agaist it... - August 14, 2002 by andreas finken
HELP ME!!! - cant start it ... gives error message like : Plug-in executed illegal operation. Restart of Winamp is Recommended (2) "OK" ..... :( My system : Asus A7V133-c, AMD athlon Xp 1800+, 256Mb ram, voodoo3 3000 AGP, windows 2000 pro. HELP ME! [email protected] - June 11, 2002 by Jan-Erik Johansen
Tight tight - ok ok ok itz pretty cool and it iz way beter than nothing. - August 2, 2001 by bluelionroar ????
Help - I cant start it ... gives error message like : Plug-in executed illegal operation. Restart of Winamp is Recommended (2) "OK" ..... :( My system : Asus A7V133, AMD 900 MHz, 640 MB RAM, Voodoo 5 5500, Creative live, Windows ME ..... help me plz Email : [email protected] THX - July 21, 2001 by Bas M
Good for a rotation - Not bad, the mouse control is innovative I believe, nothing like being able to switch between wireframe, and other modes on the fly when it suits you. If only the amount of time you would press could do something else.... oh well. - July 1, 2001 by Robert Atkinson
It' OK But.... - It's not bad at ! It looks like a blob with lights coming out .But watching the same thing going for the hole song is not very entertaining. There could have been something better - June 30, 2001 by Anthonyo Alvarenga
Negative Eqaulity Again - A very nice plug-in. Keeps up with the muzic very well. I really like this plugin. Everyone should have this - June 29, 2001 by Dustin D.
PEEEEEEEEEEER_FECT - I LOOOOVE this one, one of the best ever....Goooooooood work, dude :D - June 24, 2001 by Sabrina DEDOVIC
Pretty slick... - Cool plugin, VERY responsive to the music. Needs a fullscreen mode and a config screen, tho. - June 23, 2001 by Peter Epp
TNT for the brain - hmmmmmmm I LOVE it - June 21, 2001 by Ashley Remien
pretty sweet bubbling orb to watch - runs smooth and looks nice - June 3, 2001 by jor mustermeir
dis sum bad azZ sh!tz - wow, das tyte..... jus wanted to give propz.. - May 28, 2001 by jennifer fan
"negative equity again" - absolutly Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love the colours - May 24, 2001 by Bronwen Huysamer
Ohhhhhh MY! - This is deinitely one of the phattest visualizations i have ever seen... Runs Smooth as shit on my 64MB ati rage card too :)... - May 15, 2001 by Colin vereen
Negative equity again - Duuuude this sh** be phat yo!! - April 22, 2001 by bryan hill
Sammy - If you like 3-D abstractions, this is a great one to add to your library! - April 20, 2001 by Samuel Colby