Featured Plugin, January 23, 2003.
Featured Plugin, January 23, 2003.3D accelerated visual plug'in : Nebula is back. NeBuLa2 0.2c / (FLEMTEAM)Copyright By Pascal Dallongeville 2002NeBuLa2 is a 3D accelerated winamp vis plugin. My first preoccupation wasto make something fast and that reactive well to music.It needs DirectX8.1 and a 3D card in order to run.NeBuLa2 is actually the second version of Nebula, I totally rewritten thecode from scratch in order to get a better compatibility (now support old3D cards like Ati Rage Pro, Voodoo, ...) and speed . Try it now !Read "vis_nebula.txt" file for futhers informations or check my forum at
Download visualizationFebruary 1, 2003 by Pascal Dallongeville | 234729 downloads |

Staff review
Overall solid visualsNice visualization component for the most part. 3d accelerated psychadelic patterns for the most part (similar flavor to Geiss). Configuration is easily accessed during viewing by pressing f1 or right clicking. The only problem I really ran into was when I went fullscreen (or close to fullscreen), the cpu usage went up really high to the point where the music was constantly stuttering and dropping out. I have a p3 1ghz machine with a geforce2 32meg card, and have so far had no problems running other fullscreen 3d visuals plugins.
Nice!! - Looks good runs good no complaints - February 15, 2006 by Bryan Blackburn
Trippinnn!! - Best visualization ever. Runs perfect on my comp wich is a 1.6Mhz, 384 Mb ram, 128Mb Radeon gc. Yewhaa - September 19, 2005 by Nils Lowenmark
Good Intelligent Plugin - Really smooth and efficient plug-in, i like it as much as milkdrop, the same good programmation. No heavy 3d that can't fallow the music at all. It's all about the representation of the music, and this program represents music very well. Great programmation. 1 bad point I have some difficulties with the menu, the menu texte should be anti-alliased + some reseize problem in window mode. But it's five stars anyway. - January 12, 2005 by Peace Lord
Good efficient vis - Though not awesome like the new built-in Winamp vis, this plugin is efficient. It works great on our slow laptop in fullscreen mode. We thank you, Pascal! - September 26, 2004 by Chris Lowman
This is the best vis plugin ever! - I've been using it on 1400x1050 resolution and I've never seen any plugin to be so smooth at resolution like this! And the presets are just AMAIZING! GREAT WORK! - September 25, 2004 by Jere S
Perfect - Configuration is easy, and customizing it is simple. It looks absolutely perfect. - July 19, 2004 by Nick Widowski
coool - This is one mad plugin... so fast, smooth, responsive and sweet to look at. The 3D acceleration does wonders... all plugins should have it. Good stuff Pascal Dallongeville - August 7, 2003 by me myself
Awesome! - Man, this visualization is so freaking awesome! - July 21, 2003 by Matt M
What Can i Say!!! - This thing ran at 290fps WOW!!! thats on a duron 1ghz, 384MB RAM and geforce fx ultra 128MB!!! this thing can fly if you up the frame limited to unlimited!!! pretty cool - July 3, 2003 by Rob Morgan
Yeah Baby Yeah......... - This was one of the best visualization plugins I've ever seen besides Geiss but in Geiss you can only run at 800x600x32Bit! I'm running this plugin at 1600x1200x32Bit with no hickups at all...... and at 122FPS to =P I have a p3-700 @ 952MHz and a GeForce 3Ti200 @ 244/500! Be good/Blanco - February 24, 2003 by Blanco King
Prefect - Loved it from beginning to end. Works great and got huge slow down at all...Visually just stunning...and I was even stoned when I watched it.. AMD 2.4 Geforce 4 TI 4600, W2K 1.3gigs of PC2700 memory - February 16, 2003 by Death Bringer
Best I Have... - I love this Plug in. I use WA2 and run the plug in at 1600x1200x32@75 and runs perfectly, and get over 120 FPS, I haven't ran into any problems running at any resolution, I use a Geforce4 MX440 with 64MB DDR ram on P4 1.6GHz processor. - February 9, 2003 by Michael Bryson
IT'S AWESOME!!!! - Performance is AMAZING! I get (when set to unlimited) ~100fps when it's set to 1280x1024x32@72hz. It's looks sweet, with all the great elements of Geiss, Milk Drop, and every other amazing visual, but with twice the performance. - January 24, 2003 by Doug Longnecker
Some details... - About Mohammad Ali remark: sound become choppy when resolution is very high (on my GForce DDR this happen in 1600*1200 16bpp or in window mode near 1280*960 in 32bpp). This isn't a probleme of CPU usage since CPU usage doesn't reach 100%, actually this is because GPU usage is 100% (this explain why at full speed plug'in doesn't use 100 % CPU usage, especially with fasters CPU in high resolution video mode). I also noticed this "bug" doesn't happen when I use NeBuLa2 under WA3 (through claasic vizualization component) althought speed is still the same. Is it possible that it is a problem that come from how WA2 "manage" visualization plug'ins ? I tried to fix it but in vain... this seem to happen when the GPU render to texture with big texture size (2048*1024 or 2048*2048) at full speed (calling D3D8 DrawIndexPrimitive() API). I will add effects on NeBuLa2 as soon as I can. - January 18, 2003 by Pascal Dallongeville
great component - okok perfect with resolutions but...we hope just a little more...because this plugin looks like milkdrop..pascal update and amazing us !! - January 10, 2003 by WAFR WAFR