mykaL art is overrated
my third pack
my third packit's the last pack i will spend only a month to work on.
Download visualizationDecember 1, 2006 by mykaL reborn | 7716 downloads |
Staff review
Aesthetics over the technical side..A pack much in the vein of the "Hungarian school of AVS"... the visual side is quite nice, with soft colours and effects/tricks we're used from the likes of frames of reality and such, but slightly inferior to those.... the originality isn't on a high level here. There isn't all that much variety, and while some are great, most don't do all that much, and get boring quickly. It's a very good pack nonetheless, and you should check it out. 4.25-
He's not hungarian - He's romanian - May 25, 2007 by Mario Tanasescu
watch out for this guy - i just hope, that mykal stays in avs business after deleting his page on deviantart. talent! - January 20, 2007 by A Guy called Yathosho