Mr.Gooochie! (Version 1.01)
Mr.Gooochie! is a cute dancing figure that dances with your MP3
Mr.Gooochie! is a cute dancing figure that dances with your MP3Basic Desc.Mr.Gooochie! is a small dancing figure (uses DirectDraw).It analyses your MP3 music played by WinAmp, searchs thewaveform for Drum Beats, Claps, etc..then producesa dancing figure accordingly. As a result you get avery accurate cute dancing.What else I can gotta see it to beleive it!-----------------------------In this new version:This is the second version of my plugin. First of all thanks a lot to Null-Soft for putting it on their site and reviewing it. And secondly many thanks to all you folks out there who wrote so many emails to me. I had stopped working on this plugin (new dancers, bug fixes etc.) but since Feb when your emails came... Yeah! It was your encouraging emails that helped me pull this second version of Mr.Gooochie!Briefly second version benefits are:1. More customizable sensitivity to beats, claps, etc.2. Transparent background bug; fixed for good, no more weird backgrounds!3. Mr.Gooochie goes Double Size, he ate the Marios mushroom!4. Mr.Gooochie goes full screen, but itll require Direct-X 5.00 + (boy programming this was real dirty and tough!, but this made Mr.Gooochie a lot better!).5. One compiled 3D background for FS mode.6. More efficient Delphi compiler to make things rock harder!
Download visualizationFebruary 9, 2000 by Sanchit Bhatnagar | 284454 downloads |

Staff review
I want Mr. Gooochie's bodyI don't care what you say: The adjustible beat sensitivity, 3 size levels of Gooochie-ness, and pure sex appeal rate 5 stars -DK
Crashes Winamp on Stopping - It's quite funny. The best idea is that u can use it as desktop dancer without background. The dancing moves and the beat detection are not really impressive. I just deinstalled this visual, because Winamp (5.55) hangs up, when I stop this visual. Needs more improvement. - April 20, 2009 by Julian H
wow - even my sister likes this one! - December 3, 2002 by Matthew Rozier
- 5 stars - BURN IT ON CD - AND BURRY IT DEEEEEEP IN YOUR GARBAGE!!! ROTT IN PEACE!!! - MR. OOOUCHY. - August 14, 2002 by andreas finken
this is enjoyable - He does not have a lot of moves. He certainly works better with faster techno, especially goa trance. Worked find on my computer....I would give it a try. - June 17, 2002 by Jay Anderson
Who da man?? YOU DA MAN!! - I think Mr Goochie is a quality bit of programming. Why is there not more of this originality in the world? Well done, Sanchit. - June 7, 2002 by Chris Pope
why? - that was a wast of my time downloading this. - April 24, 2002 by Matthew Laclair
Er, Um, Well... - This caused all kinds of crashing and warnings on my computer. Not so cool. Not to say it wouldn't work for ANYONE, but if it does that to my pristine machine, who knows what kind of havoc it could wreak upon some unsuspecting computer. Watch what you DL, kids. - April 18, 2002 by Sarah C
YEAH! - This rules! definitly not a virus it kicks ass! runs in low spec machines too so thats a good thing but aside from that its the best vis plugin EVER!!! - November 1, 2001 by Eoin Mcloughlin
IS A VIRUS TRUST ME - This is a VIRUS. I downloaded it on Saturday and on Monday night almost all the .exe files on my box were gone. None of my programs would run. I to run Antivirus software against it and it found nothing however I can tell you it did kill my box with in 2 days!!!! DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS IT SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THIS SITE!! - October 3, 2001 by freedss 00
Wonderfully Fantabulous - One of the best plugs I've owned, I keep coming back for it. And I think this is my third reformat =). Oh, and Stefan is smoking something, this DOES NOT contain a virus, not only that but it's exceptionally stable in my opinion. (Yeah yeah... but the reformats had nothing to do with goochie, trust me) If you guys haven't seen Goochie in action, d/l him now! He kicks butt! - August 19, 2001 by Travis Johnson
Really Cute! - This is not a virus! I have it installed on several machines, and have never experienced a problem. He is a joyful, happy little creature, who brings much needed animation to the desktop! He's great! - July 6, 2001 by kirsten bluehdorn
safe! - this seems to be a safe lil item, i have a few virii scans, and they came up wid nuttin, so to that klown who said it wuz a virii.... STUFF IT WHERE THE SUN DUN SHINE! - May 18, 2001 by W W
Kick azzzz - This cool little figure just KICKS ASS, really cool plugin and it reacts well to every mp3 i played yet... - April 3, 2001 by s k