Featured Plugin, October 17, 2002.
Featured Plugin, October 17, 2002.A never-ending journey through 3D tunnels. Monkey is a 3D-accelerated Winamp visualization plug-in that takes you on a fascinating journey through a never-ending network of caves, tunnels, and passageways. Requires DirectX 8.0+ and hardware 3D. This is version 1.0, released 9/25/02.
Download visualizationFebruary 1, 2003 by Ryan Geiss | 447037 downloads |

Staff review
Justin thinks that this is kinda sexy...but then again he thinks that Ryan is kinda sexy too. I won't even get into the whole Freudian tunnel thing that is going on here. Another outstanding vizualization by Ryan Geiss. Great work man.
A 3-D Adventure - I like this visualition, but could you please make it so you can choose to have it in the Visualation tab or full screen like Milk Drop? - August 18, 2009 by Zedo Mann
Like "Rabbit Hole" only in OpenGL - Expertly done. Geiss goes with OpenGL and makes a real winner here. Never gets old. - March 31, 2007 by Chris DeLucia
it's like being swallowed - this guy rocks!!! ... he makes the neatest visuals ... thanx ryan! - November 1, 2006 by malisa moore
Brilliant! - Best visualisation I have downloaded. Wish list: Beat response - could we have a setting for travel only (rolling is a bit hard to take after a few drinks!). Default: Could we have saveable defaults for wireframe, flat, textures etc. More asteroids in the tunnels. - August 29, 2006 by denis campbell
My word, it's good. Really rather good. - Not seen any other vis quite like this (CJ's opengl 3D: sound tunnel is probably closest). Makes me think "ooh alien landscapes" - it's mesmerizing. That's a very good thing for a vis. Excellent. - June 25, 2006 by rob nunn
Live in tunnels - I like this plug-in. I want to live longer in the tunnels, more textures are needed. The best was if there was a capability of loading new textures as presets, saving the old ones. - March 29, 2006 by The Earthquaker
Stereo3d + this plugin= one very cool experience!!! - I thought it might be worth mentioning that with stereoscopic 3d glasses, this is the most badass plugin I have ever viewed. - March 14, 2005 by Paul Mitchell
DOWNLOAD NOW - Ryan Geiss never fails... Smooth and Chilled as you like Get it now - March 6, 2005 by Rue Davies
Kick A$$! - Where's my acid! - February 5, 2005 by aman s
WOW!!! - I've see dozens of vis, but I've never seen ANYTHING like the 3D motion in this one. It seems more like it's taking you somewhere instead of something just twitching to the music. It pulls you in. Another Geiss masterpiece. - October 14, 2004 by Frank Armstrong
hold onto your butts! - Another gem from Ryan Geiss! Some of my friends report feeling nauseous after only a few seconds watching this plug-in. Personally, it makes me feel great. If you let it run for a while new and weird things begin to happen. Try controlling it, or tapping the spacebar to change it up. Pure goodness! - May 5, 2004 by Damien Margo
Try with Shutter Glasses ! :-) - Real Psychedelic Flying with Shutter Glasses ! - March 19, 2004 by Oliver Falkenberg
MY FAVORITE - for a long time now - the best!! - March 8, 2004 by TLC THEFIEND
Mind Tripping all out HYPNOSIS! - Man, this is for me currently, up there with Acidspunk mon ami`s.... Well tailored for the minds central tranceathalon, monkey KICKS butt where no buds have been smoked before! ! ! CANT WAIT FOR ANOTHER RYAN, you dont get Paid enough dude.... Right on! Right on!!!! - February 25, 2004 by Gim Dean
well done - i liked the caves. it's beautiful tempo dedection. used simle colors thats very good idea.i can feel beat dedection easily when watching this. thanku ryan i made a big mistake before that. iwrote this review to triplex3 by mistake. - October 29, 2003 by Hasan Cengiz
Geiss is the king! - All of his plug-ins are original and mind-blowing. Why is he not working for you guys yet?? - October 29, 2003 by Dan Haun
download anything by Ryan Geiss - Cuz it's gonna be good :):):) - September 30, 2003 by Rafael Blanes
Uber-funky tunnels - Very, very slick. - August 28, 2003 by Stuart Bury
Perfect ! - The best plug-in I've ever seen! Very trippy, beautiful, clean, etc... - August 25, 2003 by Ed Skin
Excellent - Approved, very cool. - June 17, 2003 by Eric J
Kool Idea - Geiss knows his visuals...but this just gets boring after a while, where's the variation? You better have a decent 3D card if you want to really dig this baby...and don't do it drunk or you'll puke all over the place :D - May 30, 2003 by Mark B.
It's boring - It's all right and all, it's just not very interesting, i prefer Milk Drop - May 16, 2003 by Paul Fillmore
The Best of all times! - I play No more computer games cuz all I do is Stare at this for hours ps You should make this into a computer game. - April 11, 2003 by Nathan Spratt
Makes me feel like sperm on an endless mission!!! - I Love It! - April 8, 2003 by Chris Stein
Ryan Geiss is god - Surely a magnificent piece of work, though it tends to become a bit dull after a while. Too much of the same, but still nice :) - February 28, 2003 by Kim Kep
hypnotic - Another winner from Geiss. Hypnotic journey into the unknown. A great visualization from a great developer. Nice!! - February 28, 2003 by Henk Prins
awsome - This is all i need 4 winamp. i had like 87 plu-ins and bye bye to all!!!! - February 22, 2003 by Richard Morley
???????????????????? - wot is it a pile of crap?? - February 3, 2003 by THE KING
MONKEYZ!!!!! - Oh, man, I've downloaded like 50 pluginz for good ol' Winamp, and I just deleted 'em all! Throw 'em away, boyz and girlz, 'cuz Monkey is all you need! There is none greater than Monkey, and there shall never be one tha can top it...(at least not until v2.0 :) - January 21, 2003 by Night Life
Thanks Ryan - You have made the ultimate "TRIP" Requests "FLIGHT" & "SWIM". works great in XP [email protected] - January 15, 2003 by Albon Forbes
Awsome - I have stopped watching TV... - January 10, 2003 by michael collins
This one is choice. - If you havent downloaded DirectX 9.0, do so then check this plug in out. - December 24, 2002 by Randy Koonsman
._. - I can't install it. I have Winamp 3. Can you make another version for Winamp 3? Or am I stuck with this? ;x - December 23, 2002 by Jon Waltrip
hmmm - geiss finally goes completely 3d... maybe we'll see milkdrop-esque scene developments, possibly by the milkdrop gang e.g. unchained,rovastar,illusion,dbleja,idiot 24-7,eviljim,etc.... - December 14, 2002 by Tai Chow Sing
getting dizzely.... - this ROXX0r !!!! d00d, j00 4r3 t3h_b3st !!! - December 8, 2002 by The Cat
Monkey: Spankin' Good. - Geisswerks never ceases to amaze me. This plugin looks cool even untextured... Only thing i would add is a farther draw distance for when fog is turned off. Ryan > * - December 3, 2002 by phil kelley
I LOVE MONKEY! - i wish u'll allow 10 stars or more in future :> - December 1, 2002 by Bird Man
Trippy! - One of the best VIS plug-ins i've tried. Very smooth graphics. Excelent for those ambient/progressive/deep sounds of electronika!!! Just try it with Dave Seaman and you'll have the trip on a lifetime!!! ;) - November 30, 2002 by Victor Arce
gldndragn2708 - THE MOST AWESOME vis I have used yet. Totally 3D!!!! Way to go Ryan!! - November 18, 2002 by Ron Douglas II
I creamed! - If you have any music that has gotten your heart beating, don't try this one! You'll have a heart attack! It is so smooth, and when you listen to it with a good Teisto song to it (sugg. 'the Anthem', majik journey') You'll cream your pants. - November 13, 2002 by ProperMethodz Magnano
OMFG It's great - I haven't seen many plugins which deserve 5 stars, but this one definitly does deserve it. It's just that good looking! A great piece of work. - November 4, 2002 by Peter Davids
Boyakasha!!! - I ain't even finished DOWNLOADING the thing and I'm giving it 5 stars. If you see the words Ryan and Geiss you can BE ASSURED IT IS THE SHIT!!!! MilkDrop - fuckin awesome Smoke - fuckin cool Geiss - fucking LEGEND!!!! - November 3, 2002 by lord blackmancer
ti koxo - DirectX initialization failed. (GetDeviceCaps). This means that no valid 3D accelerated display adapter could be found on your computer. If you know... - November 1, 2002 by BLUTUUT BLUTUUT
MultiOrgasmic Psychedelic Trip - Beautiful, cosmic, psychedelic--take a mesmerizing trip through glowing chromatic caverns that sweep past you, threaten to smash you against a wall of colour, but then draw you through another entrance to new realms and dimensions. Best viewed (I think) with New Age Space music--Kevin Braheny, Constance Demby, Mark Isham, Michael Stearns, just to name a few. - October 19, 2002 by Michael Woodhead
Fantastic - Could sit for hours playing with all the options, all it needs now is to render a visualisation as the textures :) - October 19, 2002 by Andew Bell
LOVE IT - Very Nice Great F1 the minute your screen comes up to see what al the buttons do, and they do a lot... - October 16, 2002 by Death Bringer
Geiss is God. - I love this plugin! Although there is very little reactivity to the music it is quite nice to look at. I would love to see those hairs swaying in some wind or something, maybe even in time to the music, just make it look natural. Those floating rocks freak me out a little though..since theyre defying gravity.. - October 13, 2002 by Chris Daley
Monkey - Fabulous and hypnotic! Classic painting technique where you are drawn in to the light , just around the corner but out of reach. Freudian as all get out! I love this guys stuff!! Make sure you read the tweaks in the doc and sync the refresh rate to your monitor for best results - September 30, 2002 by Tim Coulson