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Version 1.04.

Version 1.04.

MilkDrop is a 3d-accelerated viz plugin that uses 3D graphics hardware to create a visual journey through sound unlike any you've seen before. Requires 3D hardware and DirectX 8.0 or later.

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November 29, 2003 by Ryan Geiss2738163 downloads

MilkDrop - Version 1.04.

Staff review

Nullsoft brings you MilkDrop

Milkdrop contains some rather nice visuals to entertain your eyes. So much has hanged in 2 years, increased beat detection, new fetures, etcAnd new version 1.04.500+ presets, textures shapes, custom waves, high speed, sprites, text messages. It has it all.More addon-on from Rovastar


7 years on and nothing compares or gives you as good as options! Magical, if a little dated now. - February 13, 2010 by EviL FazZ

se echa de falta la compatibilidad de versiones es decir especificar en que version funcionara y en cuales no, quizas ayude a no malinterpretar errores de programacion.god lucky-strike - November 29, 2009 by intrudere mierez

seemed offbeat - I didn't much like this plugin.. so i uninstalled it.. i severely didn't like the uninstall.. it opened some weird .exe in temp and added some strange values to my hijackthis log.. O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-1644491937-1500820517-682003330-500\..\Run: [ctfmon.exe] C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe (User 'Administrator') - March 31, 2009 by jason biggs

Absolutely Outstanding! - Without realizing it, I was enraptured for almost 30 minutes while exploring the preset material included in this plug-in and found very few sets that I didn't care for. It is awesome! I can't wait to tinker with it! - April 25, 2008 by Alan Rose

testing - testing patch - March 25, 2008 by Venkatesh Arya

Excellent! - Better than Milkdrop 2.0 - February 6, 2008 by Pawel Pawlak

Excellant - I like.... - September 18, 2007 by Tommy Rogers

Visual orgasm - This guy is a freaking genius. I duno how he works it, id love to, but far out. This is perfect in nearly every way. Most pc's can run it, no annoying adverts etc, good options, brilliant array of themes, and if you've had a little to much 'juice,' its the most trippy thing you can sit in front of. - August 21, 2007 by Ben Weigt

WOW Smooth - Fantastic visualization package I cant fault it. The desktop mode is spectacular since I have an empty desktop anyway it is the perfect edition to my Winamp plugin collection.Help menu is actualy helpful while being straight to the point & understandable. Nothing is a mystery with this plugin, it just works & looks fantastic. Great work Ryan, I love it & it is now a permanent fixture to my Winamp listening instead of letting the screen saver take over. Hell when I get tired of my music I just turn down the sound & let the plugin run on the desktop like an ever changing work of art. - August 16, 2007 by Neil Barlow

The best - Nothing else compares - August 5, 2007 by Rich Buffetta

Awesome! - This messege is for Ryan Geiss, maker, programer for Milkdrop. Love your program, would like to discuss Milkdrop in business manner. Contact me at My name is Stanford Carroll - June 26, 2007 by Stanford Carroll

Amazing! - This is the best plugin I have seen in a very long time! You never get tired of watching it, which you can't say for any plugin really. Amazing job! - May 6, 2007 by HeavenLee Posas

This is most def.... - orgasm for the eyes. - April 17, 2007 by MC Foto

Trippin Ballz - If you are tripping or high this is the most amazing thing EVER!!!! shit i was staring at the same visualization for 30 minutes. THANK YOU RYAN GEISS for giving trippers and stoners amazing eye candy! - April 3, 2007 by Ryan Deshotels

The BEST of the BEST!!!! - I've checked out all the visual plug ins. MILK DROP RULES!!! I'm serious, check it out!!! - March 25, 2007 by John Slusarz

The Best - When you delve in to the world of software visualizations, you “the consumers” are open to countless of options. By far, the best and luckily free choice would be MilkDrop by Ryan Geiss. It delivers top notch, visualizations ready for any million dollar downtown night club, right out of the box. Of course you would need much more equipment for a night club besides these amazing musical triggered works of art. But this will complete any professional image like icing on a cake. The way I would describe this plug-in is; like a zenith of today’s modern visual technology and creativity, a simple yet complex imagery designed to impress, and leave viewers in awe. I highly recommend this to noob’s and pro’s alike. When you install this, granted you have a decent system for high quality 3d rendering, you will be amazed as your music comes to life in a plethora of mini-animated scenes called presets. Press “H” to jump through them, or “L” for the listing. Navigate your favorite music through futuristically impressive worlds and images. Milk Drop is simply the BEST software visual plug-in for WinAmp. - March 17, 2007 by gene page

how can i download it - please can u tell me haw can i dawnload it??? - January 4, 2007 by alketa galiazzo

Beautiful Stuff! - Whats a good Plug-in for Winamp?!?! Have you ever tried the desktop mode? join the visz. on the desktop behind your icons in very good quality and even without a big cpu usage! BEST PLUGIN I'VE EVER SEEN!!! 5/5 (1000/5 ^^) - December 9, 2006 by Jonathan Weber

Erste Klasse - Ein absolut top plug-in ! Ein muß für jeden der gerne Visualisierungen anschaut. Im Menü (F1) lassen sich diverse Einstellungen für Anzeige und Konfiguration der einzelnen Visulaisierungen vornehmen... man kann auch selber welche hinzufügen. Fazit: Danke sehr gut angepasster Beat-detection macht es maga fun sich die Visualisierung reinzuziehen... PS:Es gibt auch eine funktion zu 3D-Aktivierung->MegaFett! - November 5, 2006 by Frank Viola

best ever! - If you liked Climax then you will love MilkDrop!!! I have tried several plug-ins for the visualization portion of Winamp and this it the best one hands down!! Its' seamless transition from scene to scene is flawless and the ability to control a hard jump to a scene or transition into another leaves all the controls to you. I have seen others that come close, but MilkDrop has way more scenes and visualizations than any other I have tried. I will never go back to the others. This is a must have!!!! - September 25, 2006 by Wes Coleman

Wow! - This is a great visualization the ability for it to take over your desk top is an especially awesome feature - September 17, 2006 by Hue Jazz

best one out there - this visualisation is state of the art. totally free, source code free. Amazing effects. Brilliant customization options. A must for winamp users! My favorite!!!! - August 8, 2006 by exploding blister

Wardog - Blow you AWAY ! Graphics. I ran this for the first time last night, and spent two hours just saying WOW ! over and over again. I changed to several other plug-ins, but kept coming back to this one.............nothing else compares. Milkdrop ROCKS ! - August 7, 2006 by Paul Lipinski

Extreamly Neat! - It never seems to ever do the same thing twice, it goes with the sound and the beat of the music perfectly no matter what your playing. THANKYOU Ryan!!!! - July 5, 2006 by malisa moore

Heavy hitter... - Milkdrop is a solid vis set, but I wish there was a gui for vis developement (other than the screen menu). Still, 5/5 because that wasn't expected in the first place! - June 27, 2006 by Charles Raitt

CAN DISPLAY LYRICS -- AS THEY ARE SUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - If you use the program EvilLyrics, at, you can have it send the lyrics, AS THEY ARE SUNG, to MilkDrop. NOTHING is cooler during a party. The best visualizer ever, PLUS lyrics! - June 21, 2006 by Clint Lipinski

WONDERFUL - it is the best plug in I found. and it doesn't slow down when used in fullscreen mode. Same thing with the desktop mode. and thank you for having put the 1440*900 resolution... GREAT GREAT GREAT plug in (sorry for the English, I'm french... ;-) ) - March 13, 2006 by ar mi

The best - Many times i was looking for something that realy "use" my 3D card... not only games, MilkDrop is right answer. Is the best!!! - February 21, 2006 by Polux Serech

Great! - It is slow, but still great on my office box, but rocks the socks off on my home box. five stars all around. - January 23, 2006 by James Fuller

Crazy Wafers! - After using winamp for so many years, I have finally found the best visualization plugin. Although some of the visualizations can get choppy on older machines, my new laptop can handle every one seamlessly at 60fps. What I really like about this plugin is that its not just the same old sound curves dancing around in various ways. It's got everything form dancing fractals, spaceships manuevering thru space, to melting metal. My favorite features are the desktop mode (allows you to have the plugin replace your wallpaper, so you can work with the vis in the background. And the rating system, allows you to have your favorite plugins come up more frequently, and your less-liked ones rarely come up. One great thing about this is the sprite function, which allows you to program messages or pictures to fly accross the screen, dissolve, or do any number of things at the touch of a button, following your own custom scripts. For me, this plugin was twice as good as my second favorite, Geiss 2. - January 18, 2006 by Matt Sandy

WOOOW!!! - The best vis ever done...ever! i looked at it for like 2hrs and nothing came up twice!!! Good job ;) - January 4, 2006 by Yannick DeBlois

Amazing - I have tested a lot of visualisations, but this one kicks your eyes. I use a resolution of 1920x1200 the effect are incredible with this resolution. Absolutly clear and the colors are so differated, it's the best visualisation I ever seen.... Greetings Psymush - December 26, 2005 by Steven Weber

makes me smile like a smiley - best visualizer i've seen and my favourite. particularly love those pucci color fades.. but the vulcanic glow is perfect too. absolutely gorgeous. respect mate. - December 7, 2005 by henryk von_tolkewitz

M?thi? Abii - Ba?ka visu..... bilmem nelere bakmay?n bunda 50 civar? ?e?it var sper yaw - October 31, 2005 by Sinan Dogan

Never-ending variety of riveting effects - I may be new to the very latest visualizations out there, but this one is the most mesmerizing that I have EVER seen. Several of the others, like AVS are really good, but you'll soon see repeats of the various effects. MilkDrop will fill HOURS of enjoyment without any apparent repeats. It is truly incredible how much variety and quality they have put into this plugin. I can tell they spent a lot of time and artistic intent on the color schemes and effects, too. MilkDrop shows REAL TALENT. - October 25, 2005 by Dan TheMan

Way too Cool - By far the best Viz I have ever seen. The transitions are are excellent, the color schemes the movement the melds the the the .... oh you really really need to watch this one trippin - October 22, 2005 by Alister Mac

I'ts simply the best - For the moment i never see another visualization like this one. And i knew it a long time ago. So many preset with very great visual. I only regreat that i was stay too long over my screen for watch it :p - October 19, 2005 by Vera Rave

Top Notch!! - This Vis rips!! I was the biggest fan of Sonique for years and years!! But then Antwon RE-turned me on to WinAmp and believe me, this Vis has made it all worth it. Of course the new 5.1 surround version helped out a lot, too. The last vers wasn't playing out of all my speakers!! But MILKDROP, baby!! Fucking rules!! (Goodbye, G-Force...) - October 13, 2005 by Jon Franco

Excellent - Awesome plugin. It is faster than AVS, and it has very nice presets, it support Anisotropic Filter, Antialiasing, a lot of display modes, etc. In fact, the customization options are too completes. - September 27, 2005 by Fernando Soto

One word: Amazing - It is fast, it is mesmerizing and it surprises me everytime. I switched to it from AVS and never looked back. - September 15, 2005 by Vitaly Belman

great, but I got a headache "problem" ;-) - best plugin I installed, only thing that nervs me is that I'm just sitting here at 5 o'clock in the morning, hearing some groovy House-Music, and the animation is so fucking bright, so when you've drunken some beer or something else, use sunglasses ;-))) Really, animation is great, but they are really fucking bright and I can't see a button to make them a bit darker..... - August 12, 2005 by Niclas Kastner

My favorite!! - I get the best results with this visualization. It is simple to use and just beautiful. My computer is not the fastest, but this isn't choppy like some of the others. It rules, get it now!! Great job, Ryan!! - July 28, 2005 by Thomas Lindsey

It's a Classic!!! - Where have all the vis artists gone? Everything seems to be centered around AVS stuff. I myself have been caught up in this whirlwind of AVS, so much so that I haven't used a proper vis for ages. I just booted up Milkdrop, a vis that I loved years ago, and found it sharper, clearer, better than any AVS stuff out there. I swear to god, there was water in my eyes when I saw what I had forsaken. Andy OMeara's gone commercial, you have to pay for his best shit now. Pay?!? PAY?!? We of the internet generation don't pay!! Besides Milkdrop always kicked the crap out of G-Force, - July 22, 2005 by Dooda Licious

Awesome Vis - This is the best Vis plugin I've ever seen, its smooth and on perfect time. It has so many different presets too, I've had it for years and its still poping up new Vis presets - July 21, 2005 by Sean Ashton

Excellence in art! - One of the best visualizations for sure! Lots of effects and an up-to-date response to playing music. Excellence in art! - July 20, 2005 by Tani Potii

WOW amazing - This plug in is an example of realy good programing it is 100% in time with music and even my old Ti4200 cna handle it in full screen/desktop mode On the subject of desktop mode i will say wone word "amazing" it looks so good just set your task bar to auto hide and the icons off and set it so you cna see winamp and you have an animated skin in time with your music greate if you have your pc sitting there at a party jut leave it like that and let people use winamp - July 17, 2005 by Andy joy

There is none Higher - I use a Sony VAIO with a ATI RADEON X300 128MB VGA graphics card and a Intel Pentium 4 540J 3.20 GHz with 800MHz FSB and a 1MB L2 Cache and This is THE BEST visuals available. This Ryan Geiss is always Tip - Top, and his MilkDrop is no exception. If your computer can handle it, take the ride of your life! I will give this as it deserves - 5 Stars. - July 16, 2005 by stanley wilson

Sweeeeet - This is the best visualization I have ever seen with Winamp! It is very techno and colorful. Psychedelic for sure :) - June 15, 2005 by Ken Erp

Best viz ever - Of course i didn?t see every viz on this planet-but i couldn?t imagine anything better than this !It beats them all!!!! - June 11, 2005 by Oliver Boesnau

One of...If not the BEST!!!! - This is by far one of ....if not the best... visual out there! You'll be lucky (or not ) if you see the same visualization twice. Configuration for beat / screen changes makes it easy to adjust to your kinds of tunes..your kind of visuals..... - June 7, 2005 by Randy Mielo

No Title - It's hard to explain what Ryan Geiss have done here, I use Geiss's PlugIns since Geiss first plug. It's something wonderful, amazing, something that can take your mind to places where you just see the music in a visual way. I have no idea how can I explain it. Note: ALL WinAmp Users should have this one in WinAmp, and also the native Geiss plug!. It's not a recomendation from me, you HAVE to have it. - April 24, 2005 by Ruben Delpino

Crazy Visual - This thing is crazy. It's like flying. - April 15, 2005 by Will Tai

Winamp Rocks - This is the best plug in I have ever found!!!! - April 14, 2005 by Mark Kroeker

Milkdrop. - Wow, its like a never ending sequences of new images... It rocks. - April 2, 2005 by Matt Holloway

Awsome - This is the best visual I have ever seen, Simply Awsome - April 2, 2005 by mark unruh

Milkin the graphics card! - I have used MilkDrop for four years now. With every version it just keeps getting better and better... I could just stair at this all day. Oh wait I do. Keep the awesome visualizations going. - March 29, 2005 by Bill Tarrh

Stunning - I could watch this all day. It's smooth, the beat detection is pretty much spot-on, and there's a large number of different animations. Maybe I sit a little too close to the screen at times, but some of the more spectacular ones make you feel like you're falling into the graphics. By far the best visulization I've seen on any platform. It beats some of the "professional" ones I've seen at clubs. The track naming/messages makes it a complete package. And 3D glasses support? Gotta try that... - March 1, 2005 by Philip King

Wouldn't Recommend It - As soon as I downloaded this avs and tried to play music it froze then would not respond. Not to mention my virus program immediately detected a trojan after downloading this & Had to re install Winamp. No other avs file has done this so I would not recommend downloading this until bugs are fixed. - February 15, 2005 by Traci M

good stuff - this is the best vis out there. thx geiss.. - February 13, 2005 by bill win

absolutely amazing - I've downloaded a lot of visualisations and this is by far the bast one i've seen - February 11, 2005 by tony barnett

alex - many vizualizations, many options, i love it and is the best i have gotten for winamp - February 11, 2005 by alex butler

niiiiiiiiiice - - February 1, 2005 by shawn mcguire

one hell of a visualization milkdrop - this is a great visualization and it's not emensely resource hungry either, thanks for all the effort that went into creating this great piece of art nuvo. this is blasting. - January 14, 2005 by steve marsden

Mmmmm.... - This is simply amazing and smooth ! Keep up the great word :o)= Al - January 9, 2005 by Althair Eaglenest

wow - I've been looking threw a lot of plug-ins, and all I can say is: this is awesome. - December 26, 2004 by stina westlund

Amazing... - totally wicked plugin best vis around get it now - December 7, 2004 by ben condrad

... - geiles ding - November 20, 2004 by markus haubner

yeah, great!!! - thx, ryan, for your genious inspiration! your vizualisation is one of the great things that make me sure technology development has its positive parts as well! the patterns combined with the music are uniquely and none of the sophisticated motives are the same at any milkdrop session!!! peace and love to all you milkdrop lovers out there! :D - November 16, 2004 by bu gl

I think MilkDrop fractalized my brain penis. - I have seen milkdrop plenty of times but WOW. All I can really say is CLOWN-SH*T-FEVER-SALAD!!! I think that watching milkdrop for long periods of time might provide one with the same feeling you would get from having a koala bear crap a rainbow in your brain. If you have not downloaded MilkDrop yet, get it now. - November 4, 2004 by Buddy Scott

Propably The Best Vis in The World - This has been my favorite Vis a long time. Updates have only been bustin' my love to this visualisation! - October 27, 2004 by PhilipJ Fry

Hands Down - Amazing visuals that have to be seen to believed. Nothing else compares. It is no coincidence that this is a top download. I have recommended it to all my buddies. Hundreds of mind blowing images dancing on the screen. Great for house parties or just to unwind and get lost in the storm. Keep an eye out for crazy sh!t like skulls and ghost. Then ask yourself if your mind is playing tricks on you. 4:20? - October 27, 2004 by bishop king

Now I have moving desktop - I don't speek english very good. I like this skin. It's very difficult to say my opinion, why I like it. - October 24, 2004 by Tibor Steiner

Exquisite! - Absolutely top notch plugin. Some excellent effects means I could create presets all day! It being hardware accelerated means it runs pretty good on my average PC. - October 18, 2004 by Inventive Software

What distinguishs Geiss from the crowd? - I'll tell you.... His visualisations are top-rate. But it's not only that, it's more...... He *listens* to music - beat and timing detection are spot on. He can program - his stuff doesn't crash, 'it does what it says on the tin'. He understands ppl - configuration options are plentiful, but easy to understand - especially with his recent contributions. So many other 'wannabes' in the visual plugin department. Don't get me wrong, a lot of them are good, very good. But this is the man they should all aspire to. What the hell are you waiting for? Stop reading this and download! - July 14, 2004 by Mr Walrus

Great! - The 2nd best best vis plugin. The first being, of course, acidspunk. - June 25, 2004 by Bidit Mazumder

By FAR my FAVORITE!! - This Plug-in is just Visually STUNNING. More Pre-Sets then you can beat with a stick, and just the coolest plug-in i've seen at WINAMP.COM in the last 6years. Winamp just isnt complete without MILKDROP!! - June 9, 2004 by Pharaoh Rameses

cool - the best plugin 4 winamp!!!! - June 3, 2004 by mantas shaqras

Wow - I went and shelled $11 or whatever for G-Force...then I found this, and wished that I hadn't. This is EASILY the best vis for Winamp ever created!! And they have more even stuff on their website (which I don't have in front of me)! It's organic, yet strangely alien. I LOVE IT!! - May 29, 2004 by Mike Hemmerling

This Thing Rules - Ryan Geiss is a genius. I have used a few other visualizations but either they messed up my system, or just plain sucked. MilkDrop is candy to the eyes and if you're like me, the only drugs you need to enjoy this is the music. DJJDSoup - May 18, 2004 by Jesse Simon

THE GREATEST EVER!!!! - This is by far, the greatest visualization ever. Just staring at it for hours can be one of the most entertaining things you can possibly do in life! I have an Athlon XP 2500+ @ 1.83GHz, nForce2 chipset, 256Mb PC3200 DDR RAM, and GeForce4 MX440 SE w/ 64Mb AGP video card. This runs perfectly on my computer, even if all settings are maxed out! I've also ran this on an old Pentium II 400MHz machine, and it was pretty darn good on that thing too! IF YOU DON'T HAVE THIS ALREADY, DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!!!!! - May 16, 2004 by Kevin Wallace

Killer App - Call me nuts, but this plug-in is cool enough to deserve its own turnkey system. Full screen frame rate will take advantage of your expensive 3-D hardware. Good music + Winamp + Milkdrop + linein:// = instant rave! Grab a video projector while you're at it. - May 5, 2004 by Damien Margo

Get it! - Works great with WA5. So darn good I had to come back and give it 5 stars! - April 24, 2004 by W G

Entertainment - I spent hours when I first downloaded Winamp trying out different AVS presets and deleting/editing them so I had the best collection. I also spent hours trying to discover if you could change stuff like having the song title different sizes or durations. Also it runs SO SLOW on my computer (1.5gig, 256mb, 64mb GeForce 3)there was almost no point having it up any decent size because it was so pixellated. I'm not sure why I bothered. Milkdrop runs fast and smooth even at 1152x864 and does so much more! It can run as a desktop background, has custom messages and sprites you can invoke or do automatically and can display any text (including titles) in any font you want! I usually have it as a desktop background and can sit there just wathcing and marvelling at the sights of it doing its stuff. If you go to you can download over 3000 presets in simple to install zip files. I am defnitely going to set up a projector at my next party to provide the music viz with Milkdrop! - March 28, 2004 by Ed Byford

SIMPLY AMAZING!!!!!! - THE BEST VIZ EVER MADE!!!! Does had anyone noticed that this viz. is literally 3d engined?? If you have a pair of 3d glasses you can use them and see the presets in reall 3d coming out of your screen!! Really! You can select the colors of the lenses and customize it to the colors of your glasses lenses! I spend hours cause is like I am inside of them while I have the 3d glasses on!! - March 4, 2004 by Jonathan Cartagena

Incredible!! - I have tried many visuals before but damn this thing is the best ever! You must get this. It has the most visuals and they are all amazing, makes you feel like you're rollin when you're even not. I couldn't keep my eyes off this thing for hours, download it now because it's probably going to be the only thing you'll want to look at. - February 29, 2004 by Jerry Sylavong

fsssgrbblllll - All hail anyone and everyone who made this stunning ASP. With my radeon 9800 pro and multisampling whacked up full this hypnotic devil makes me gawk at my monitor until my head slams against the desk through exhaustion or until my eyes become so encrusted with dry eye-goo that I can no longer see! Thank you so much!!!! - February 5, 2004 by Paul McIlhone

Awesome - Ryan Geiss is the man. MilkDrop is even better than the Geiss plug-in. Amazing. - February 5, 2004 by Chris Lyons

Freakin Awesome - I set the visualization as my desktop and I no longer get any work done... I sit here and drool on myself for hours on end. I believe it to be an alien mind control device sent here to mush our feeble brains. I can no longer distinguish the sensory overload induced flashbacks from the real world. I think now drugs are obsolete. - January 27, 2004 by Nate Chessher

Wow - Words cannot describe how good this is. Download. Now. - January 26, 2004 by Leighton Parr

Ryan Gei(niu)ss - this must be the best eye candy going!!! top rate i?ve seen the rest and this is the best. nothing compares to the hipnotic fx of this vis. love the desktop mode! - January 19, 2004 by wizz kid

Superb - A quite superb viz, which responded well to the music and followed it covincingly. - January 19, 2004 by Nigel Andrews

Fantastic! Bombastic! - This is the Esential AVS Plugin! Thats All! But only in 100% usefull when you have Powerfull PC with Strong Graphic Card - January 2, 2004 by Adrian Stan

the best - it just doesn't get any better then this. - December 5, 2003 by Asp eritus

simply the best - no stupid windows or gui gettin in the way just nice clean trip! - December 3, 2003 by Brenden Weaver

Duhhhhh... the colors... - If you enjoyed the original Winamp AVS, then this plugin will make staring at your monitor become a full-time job, as you'll find many similar effects that can run at ultra high-detail without skipping frames like AVS. Prepare to see your electric bill increase by 25 percent and your GPA drop at least a full point. Your computer will probably be on about 6 hours more each day, and you'll be doing a hell of a lot less useful stuff with it thanks to this overly aesthetically pleasing plugin. Start browsing the furniture store. You'll be replacing your desk chair with a recliner in no time. - November 29, 2003 by Silent Rob

The best visualization ever! - Not only is it the best performing plugin Ive ever seen, but it incorporates practically every sweet preset Ive ever seen, and some that were brand new to me. GET IT, you wont be sorry. - November 25, 2003 by George Jameson

Milkdrop - AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - November 6, 2003 by tim wilkinson

WICKED - This is the best visulisation you will get. It dosent matter what size you have have it, it still runs smoothly (unlike the Winamp AVS, were you have to mess around to get fullscreen just right). GET IT. You will not be dissapointed. - November 5, 2003 by Luke Beale

Mindblowing! - Absolutely mind blowing, if your reading this, there is NO reason why you shouldn't download this right NOW - October 27, 2003 by Paul Waldorf

The best plug-in yet - This is the best plug in I've ever seen, and I've downloaded a lot. Geiss has put out some amazing stuff, but Milkdrop takes the cake. 5 stars for this one!!! - October 8, 2003 by David Pond

It's Wonderful - Truly a work of art. The patterns are everchanging, and you really have to watch this one, or you might miss something! I found it super easy to configure from the keyboard, and it has everything you could want. - September 30, 2003 by Paul Larison

10 stars - this plugin rocks........the best ever even better than geiss 2 thanks mr geiss - August 25, 2003 by paul bushee

This one leaves you speechless!!! - his plugin is one you just can explain. There really are no words to describe how wonderful and well built this plugin is! Just another one of Ryan Geiss' masterpieces!! Keep them coming man!! - August 25, 2003 by D Mendez

Not just an average plug-in - I'm rather impressed with MilkDrop; it combines classic visualization schemes with the versatility of a fully scalable, manageable, 3D visual system that seems to run fluidly on any pc - and thanks especialy for that. MilkDrop provides for those seeking relaxation as well as exitement. I really enjoy the steroeo-3D mode Mr.Geiss has included in this work - with the Red/Blue glasses, the visualization seems to pop right out of my monitor, mere inches from my eyes. Complex in its simplicity, relaxing, entertaining, mesmerizing, hypnotizing and built with the not-so-wealthy computer owner in mind. :) - August 23, 2003 by Jason Bullock

epileptics beware - great colors, and mind-blowing effects... the frame rates are awesome, too! sometimes, i think that i just might flop onto the floor, and spaz out! - August 21, 2003 by steven rasmussen

Best visualization plugin for Winamp, period. - This is the best, by far. I think this is actually better than all the Sonique plugins out there as well. This one... man... all I can saw is wow. I got an account just so I could write this one review. Hands down the best, and I can say without a doubt it's much better than Tripex3, which is cool but gets boring fast... this one is always changing, and always a different exciting trip. - August 18, 2003 by Arcy D

OH MY GOD! - I signed up for an account to say this plugin is hands down the best plugin EVER! - August 17, 2003 by MilkDrop r0x0rs

awesome city - i have Syntrillium's 'Snolqualmie' and 'Kaleidescope' both '5 Star' screen savers but 'Milk Drop' is easily as good and FREE...'Milk Drop'doesn't repeat itself and has the most diversified, trippy expressions of any screen saver going...the numero uno hands down...i've had no problem with it...Athlon 1.4ghz..80gig..760ram - August 3, 2003 by john smith

T H E plugin - i've done a thousand plugins in my life and this one is simply... I really don't know how to describe it. Just click that d/l button! By the way, why am I logged in and who's George???? gee... - July 28, 2003 by George Deka

vagabond - This one ROCKS!!!! Best one I have ever downloaded. - July 19, 2003 by Scott MacQueen

Impressive - Running this thing on max mesh and fullscreen on my secondary screen at 30 fps runs smooth at round 20% cpu, and looks really great :) Keeping this on one screen, and mirc or other stuff on the other rules :) I dont see how this could get any better, but if a new version comes along, Ill be sure to check it out :) I can only recommend everyone to try it out, in addition to saving you the money you would otherwise spend on acid, its also quite relaxing, though its probably equally addictive! :) - July 19, 2003 by Gul Bil

WOW!!! - WoW!!! I think it's very, very, very COOL!! Ryan Geiss!!!..In russia love you!!! - July 11, 2003 by Gnip Nikolay

Great Artist - One word =Awsome! - June 27, 2003 by tim stanley

Good but... - I really loved it, until I realized that there has to be a memory leak somewhere, because it lasts for a little bit(longer the lower the render size is) and then it glitches out on you. :( PS: I've only used it in desktop overlay mode, not fullscreen or windowed, so it might just be a problem with that mode. Unfortunately, that's the best mode it has! :( :( :( :( :( - June 3, 2003 by Brian Henry

Nice. - Runs way smoother than AVS... - June 2, 2003 by Paul Corbin

Who said "this sucks"? - This is the best plug-in that i'v seen, it's very dynamic , good fps (about 20 in my 500 mhz celeron)and is very cute. And the best, is no boring !!!! you can see milk drop by hours. - May 24, 2003 by Benja Joui

Best Ever - This thing is the absolute best plugin ever. This is second to NOTHING. - May 17, 2003 by Felix Sargent

my thoughts - this plugin looks good even at 320X240 @ 16 bpp (although it tends to like to show purple abit too often at that bit depth... dont mind it!) and at this setting , it is running at an average of 40 fps on a public pc running dangloads of background software, windows 2000, a pentium 3 '~664mhz' , '126' mb ram, an intergrated intel 82810e 'video controller' with 'approx 4 mb' video memory.... so theres no excuse not to run this.... slap on something like "Paul van Dyk - Nothing but you" , and turn this on. for this, you dont need to think. you dont need anything else. and use 7 9.4 6 for the first 3 fields of the transitions options , and 45 seconds for the hard cuts. - May 10, 2003 by Tai Chow Sing

Hands down THE BEST - I am a huge avs fan, and usually I dont use othe visula plugins cause they are buggy and run slow, etc. BUT Ryan broke the mold with this one and its the only one I use now. Milk Drop run perfectlyto sounds and even the mood of the music, changing songs!! it blew my mind man! - April 30, 2003 by Alex Kinderflake

Whee! - My music taste might change... milkdrop stays :) i already spend hours of hours watching it without getting bored, coolest vizzy i've ever seen. - April 25, 2003 by Peter Berg

5 stars without a doubt - I saw my friend run it on his Duron 1300, there were about 8 of us there, and we listened to music and stared at it for over an hour without getting bored. It astounded me with it's responsiveness, sleekness, large variety of trippy effects, convenient shortcuts (and help display) and customization. When I got home, I downloaded it and it ran at almost the same speed on my Pentium 233 because, unlike most Vis plug-ins, it actually utilizes 3D acceleration. I was astounded even more! I definitely recommend this, you'd find it hard to use any other Vis plug-in after! Small download, pretty, configurable, user-friendly, fast. 5 stars without a doubt. - April 18, 2003 by Steven Wilson

Just awesome - This is my favorite plugin, bar none. Great work, and so many different screen vis types to choose from, something like 40 or something. Great work, can't wait for your next one! - April 16, 2003 by Mike Bergman

Hardcore... - This is the best plug-in i've ever seen. And it's thousand times better if you are stoned :) - April 15, 2003 by Martin Wagner

Only one Comment! - Visual Orgasm!!! - March 23, 2003 by Maik Horvath

Endlessly configurable !! - The coolest thing about Milkdrop is that its endlessly configurable! When you get bored go to the hompage and download some new ones or experiment and try to make your own. Compare that to most vizzys that get boring after a few hours that you cant modify. - March 22, 2003 by Billy G

farking Gr00vy :D - Very nice... very hypnotic. I can stare @ this one for a looooooong time. - March 12, 2003 by elite hacker

Flawless - For half the price of a Dell/Gateway/whatever, you can build a crankin' rig that will run this thing the way it was supposed to be run. A P4 2.53GHz + 1280x1024 @ 32-bit on a GeForce4 will yield a constant 99 FPS easily. Having a party? Line out to a big-screen TV or a wall projector and steal everyone's admiration as they stare with glassy eyes and a gaping jaw. VJ Mode lets you fine-tune this baby on a seperate screen so you can keep the eye-candy flowing without interrupting it. I've actually seen a few DJ's use it at a club I frequent. The only 'complaint' I have is that it is a bit sensitive to certain types of music and the waveforms will look a little out of sync as a result. Still smokin' nonetheless. - March 2, 2003 by james kvinsland

cannot you see that I am serious?! - Ok, this is has the best visulizations I have ever seen. Now that I've got that out of the way, :(. It makes the sound skip a bit. That's okay if you're listening to lyricless techno, but if you're listening to anything with lyrics or instruments, it is damn annoying. I'm not going to open up Winamp2 for awesome visuals and choppy sound. - March 1, 2003 by Colin Cheney

Simply the best! - This just blows me away. I've been looking for this for years, and finally its here!!!! Enough variation that i can play a full days music without a repeated scene, so fast i like my pc again and so addictive i've managed to quit all my other vices because they make me look away from the screen!! OH MY GOD!! - February 28, 2003 by Bis Bissett

THE BEST I HAVE EVER HAD! - mY BROTHER RECOMENDED IT TO ME AND I RECOMEND IT TO EVERY ONE IT RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - February 15, 2003 by 123 123

On a level beyond earth - Simply amazing. No paralells. Kick the people that couldnt run it in the head. They missed the instruction about installing on a COMPUTER. If you have a computer, Get winamp if you dont have it, and install milkdrop. Those of you installing on your ashtray get out of here. You're not worthy of the greatness. And those of you with a rockin' system, dont forget to crank the settings and get a towel. What are you waiting for? DOWNLOAD IT! - February 9, 2003 by Big Belfy

COOL - Cool,Break out the old 3d glasses for best effect. But needs more visual addons. - February 8, 2003 by P Devries

I just don't believe there is any other better - I have seen a lot of plug ins like this but this one is just the best. Turns u hypnoticed in a virtual world with apparently no repetition at all. i truly cant believe is so well done. Is great - January 18, 2003 by marcos palotes

Wow........!! - It takes you in to the world of never ending colours & fantasies, but it will not work under direct x 8.1 - January 6, 2003 by Muralidhara Yadava

The best!!!!!!!!! - I love you, Ryan! - December 25, 2002 by nenah mikica

buuuutiful - Ryan Geiss has done it again! - December 25, 2002 by Endre Egeland

Unbeatable, Forever! - Ok, let me tell you, I used to run this with Winamp 2 on my old gateway essential 433 (a very cheap PC two/three years ago) and I had no probs, even on a self installed Voodoo 4 graphics card, now that I have a very powerful and very capable PC I built entirely myself, this thing is incredible!, all other viz's are just purty, this WILL f**k around with you eyes, and WILL make you trip! The Girl who said she has been vizing for five years and said this is the best one ever, is absolutely right! I can't agree more! I will reinstate a review every week just to promote this masterpiece, and I truly think it can NEVER be bested, NEVER in the entire existance of Winamp and it's viz's, everyone already knows what is so TECHNICALLY great about this godlike invention! and I run this Creation in Winamp3 thanks to a special plug-in found on the Winamp3 Site, But I suggest you try listening to Flaresound: Housemusique (Poundhouse Afterhours) while watching this godlike creation!, gee, I am so dumbfounded by the incredible quality of this Viz, that I forgot what I was gonna add, so that's all, Just Remember, all other viz's are just purty, this one WILL make you trip! - December 21, 2002 by Kevin McKissick

Breathtaking - It has everything the regular Geiss has and more! What Creative did to sound, Ryan Geiss does for visualization. Think of the best vis plug in. Now think of it in 3D. Wow! - December 18, 2002 by Dmitry Zinenko

Milkdrop - Ryan Geiss does it again with this awesome viz. Can it get any better? - December 4, 2002 by Ricky cyberdork33

Another Dimmension! - This is Betweed Time and Space. Incredibly nice beat syncronization and very original. Perfectly done themes with super-cool graphic fade/mix in-out. A must HAVE! Geiss is the father of Visuals!!! ;) - November 30, 2002 by Victor Arce

Definitely worth it (if you have the hardware) - I stepped up to Milkdrop from G-force once I got my Visiontek Geforce2 MX 200 graphics card installed. Milkdrop practically blows G-force away (considering that it actually utilizes 3d graphics acceleration)! It runs surprisingly well on my Celeron 566 MHz with Win98 SE. (I wonder if the 394 MB of PC 133 RAM helps; maybe...) I haven't used a different visualizer for at least four months, because I am always satisfyingly amazed at the variety of patterns the program comes up with--and they fit the music perfectly. Keep it up, Geiss! - November 18, 2002 by Chris Smith

Simply the best - Milkdrop ist simply the best. Some say: This Plugin is not working on my PC.. Ey..Man correct Your PC-configuration! Some say: Geiss is better: How can a thing be better than a thing that already is inhabiting it? Some say: Milk Drop ist not so good. Ey man... open Your eyes and see how correct Milkdrop is recocnizing the Music and take a look of its endless varieties... And ... at the end... with an ATI Graficscard the Plugin works with Overlay in high resolution and is the best Wallpaper ever seen on the PC! Even six Stars are not good enough for Milkdrop. - November 15, 2002 by Mario K

tripped out stuff - this is a cool visualization gotta get it - October 27, 2002 by Corey Thornton

Mildrop 1.03 - This Fuc*'n plug in rocks, its the shit and can not be compared to any other in any way. Thanks for the progy and keep up the good work! :) - October 13, 2002 by evropej alimi

The Best Visualisation To Date - This is the best viz so far. Amazing fx. So trippy me and my gf sit and watch it while listening to tunes and smoking shit for hours and hours. But to the author: When are you gonna come out with Winamp 3 support? Can't wait cuz Winamp 3 is the shit but no visualisations support it yet. I know the rest of the viz - freaks are waiting too. Thanks for providing this kick-ass plug-in. - September 29, 2002 by cpt tripzz

Perfection - After hating WinAmp3 and reinstalling 2, this was the one plugin I KNEW I had to replace. No matter what I find, nothing compares to MilkDrop. I'm so tired of looking through the "new" plugins only to find 50 MORE AVS presets...if MilkDrop doesn't kick your ass, then you don't have an ass to kick. - September 29, 2002 by Chaos Blackflame

It's ALIVE! - Wow, this is wonderful. It seem to act like some biological organism.. I don't need another plugin since this simply creates most amazing looking variations of effects.. A TIP: For those who use fullscreen in this plugin, you might want to move the Windows taskbar, to remove it's flickering through. - September 26, 2002 by Jaakko Saari

Great! - Brilliant visualisation. Stunning beat recognition/matching. - September 20, 2002 by Justin Stanford

Simplified AVS - This is really nothing more than a simplified AVS, with a harder interface. I dislike it. - September 6, 2002 by Ryan Pennucci

God like - No plug-in can even begin to compete with this. I'm running on a Windows 95 with an outdated voodoo graphics card and it still runs perfactly. Don't even bother with those other visualizations, this is the last one you'll ever need to download. Ok, I kind of sounded like some stupid salesman but its true. Download it and find out. - September 5, 2002 by Charlie F

stare at this when smoking something goooood. - by far the best plugin. ever. period. end of story. so get it. again. again. turn this on when you're smoking some doobage - September 4, 2002 by Kevin Xiao

Hellz Yeah! - Best plug-in. ...Ever. - August 18, 2002 by Scott Wilson

damn......... - Whew, all i can say is "wow". Personally, i think this is WAY better then acid spunk (you can run it in a window =P). The visual effects are great and it runs smoothly weather your in window mode or full screen with almost no slow down what so ever between the two modes. Give it a shot, bet you'll like it...... - August 16, 2002 by Madjik 2k

Can I say WoW!!!! - Id like to say there isnt a high enough score for this plugin so I gave it a five. You need a pretty good system to take FULL advantage of this plugin so no 486 systems please. When you download this turn off all the lights put your fav. song on, grab a big ol' fatty and start trippin' to the trance like visual's that will blow your mind. The only problem I had with this plug-in is......wait there arent any! DOWNLOAD NOW!!!! - August 8, 2002 by Kenneth Leblanc

Beautiful - Oh man. This visualization can truely be classified as art. I was looking for some new plug-ins, but I figured I couldn't find aynthing better than Geiss. When I found out that MilkDrop was by Ryan as well, I downloaded it. I was immediately satisfied with this conclusion: MilkDrop makes Geiss what Geiss makes of the default Winamp visualization. It's truely amazing. It rarely repeats itself, and really brings out the best in abstract electronic music. You must definitely give this a shot. - August 5, 2002 by P!nyl eh?

Eyecandy - This surpasses all of your earlier work, Ryan. This is great! Endless combinations with smooth and fitting transitions.. I love it! - August 4, 2002 by Kim Kep

Realy Hot - This plugin is the best of all!! - August 4, 2002 by Jacob Benselfelt

GET THIS NOW - this is by far the most intellegent visualization plug in out there. ive downloaded nearly every noteworthy one there is, and this is vastly superior to anything ive seen. Some might argue that Tripex is better, but aside from nicely polished graphics, its not nearly as progressive or innovative as what Ryan has done here. if youre going to lose your vision to any plug in, this is the one. stop wasting time and load this baddy. - July 29, 2002 by Kenny Park

He's Done it again - This man makes some of the best Vis stuff out there. Check out his site. Dremples.. I mean how cool is it all !! It makes me wonder what these guys are on when they make this stuff. ! all u need is the right music and the right visu and ur well away !!! - July 29, 2002 by george applegate

What can I say? - This thing as well as tripex, and geiss, are by far the best vis for winamp... - July 25, 2002 by N Z

Dizzy - Very nice Plugins.. This Is The First Time I Have Been Dizzy With A Plugins... Try It... On Close Combat... - July 24, 2002 by Daniel McSum

nice!!! - good job! best plugin - July 23, 2002 by Jevgeni Shatohhin

new generation of plug-ins - beautiful and accurate visualisator. Can work in desktop mode(!!!). The only disadvantage: MilkDrop feels good only on fast machines - 1.5 GHz and higher. The best visualisator I've ever seen - July 22, 2002 by andrey popov

Great piece of work - Love all the visuals, wish I could get to work a little better with two monitor mode, but I am sure that is just me and trying to get them right. I want two have full screen visuals as well as full screen i/o screen. But still one of the best I have seen - July 21, 2002 by Ron Ridge

dude, wow - dam man, the best ever, dont download any other till you try this. mad props to whoever made this, just super trippy. I can watch it for hours... - July 16, 2002 by ted greenwood

Works much better than other visualisations - I've got a crappy (built-in) video card on my system, so visualisations (especially full-screen) tend to run slowly and jerkily, even at resolutions of 400x300 or something. I ran this visualisation at my desktop resolution of 1024x768 in full-screen, and it was VERY much smoother. :-) Definitely worth the download. - July 16, 2002 by Lee Clarke

IT DOSENT WORK - screnn comes on white and black and it looks like computer garble 1 star cause it dosent work. - July 16, 2002 by CAM PRIAS

WinAmp never made LSD so much fun! - I agree with all positive comments that have been said thus far and would like to add that this plugin has taken its place as my #1 favorite visualization plugin (bye, Space!) Keep it up! You're a genius! - July 12, 2002 by John Public

BEST VIZ PLUGIN EVER!!!! - This plugin is da bomb. i got an amdk6-2 at 500mhz, and an ati radeon, and this plugin runs seamlessly at 1024x768 on 32bit color. This is the most beautliful plugin i have ever seen that will even run on slower computers. It has smart transition timing with the music too. You must give this one a try!! - July 12, 2002 by bryce toler

its the badgers nadgers............. - two words describe this plug-in one isnt printable the other is BRILLIANT a must get for anyone who likes seriously addictive visuals.........definately worth the full five stars . - July 11, 2002 by paul fitzgerald

in-freaking-credible - This plugin is absolutely stunning. I could sit here and watch it for days. I might have just soiled myself. - July 10, 2002 by Erik McGowan


This Is God Like!!!!! - I am watching this through my web app as I type this, you can set the overlap colour to match what ever you want to see through (i.e. white for word docs) in desktop mode and bingo, makes wrighting reports in word a hell of a lot more interesting. - July 4, 2002 by Hex _UK

hmmm - this vis is good...almost toooo better watch it ryan...we watching you... - July 3, 2002 by Richard B.

The most beautiful - MilkDrop is the best plug-in I have ever seen. It's absolutly marvelous. It's easy to spend 1/4H before his computer seeing the various and beautiful graphical effects. Even christmas dancer is not as good. On my duron 900 I'm at 30-40 fps with a Geforce256. You have to try it !!! - July 3, 2002 by polo cacao

Smetske - THIS PLUG-IN IS DA BEST!!! Well it just is you know, I've been looking on it for some time now and I have a hard time to find two sequences thqt are the same. The only thing this plug-in lacks is a way to skip songs and stuff like that... Maybe in the next release? I suggest something like the managing thingie in tripex3. - June 25, 2002 by Smetske ...

Pretty nice... - Yeah it`s really cool on my Athlon XP1800 but don`t know about others who have weaker pcs. Man u`v got to try it!!! - June 23, 2002 by nick mikk

AWESOME! - This thing is fucken aweosme!!! its the best visual thingymabob out yet! keep them coming ryan! - June 22, 2002 by DJ Svaana

AWSOME!! - This is the BEST plugin' i've found! Perfect for what i needed, i'm using it in my car mp3 player with is hooked up to a 5'6 inch LCD screen, I love the inscreen playlist and being able to adjust font sizes so i can read them on my screen. Only plugin' i've found for exactlly what i needed! only thing missing is a clock, maybe in the next release? :) Definatelly an A++ plugin! - June 19, 2002 by Daniel Brooker

Killer Ambient Visual - Works unbelievably well for tech-ambient stuff like plastikman, autechre or boards of canada. have a shmoke, kick back and enjoy brilliant visuals. - June 14, 2002 by robin ellis

Argh... - Made my PC crash twice within 2 minutes and I only run it twice! - June 11, 2002 by Marco Herrmann

Awesome - Look no further! This plugin is the best. Way to go Ryan Geiss! - June 9, 2002 by Lil Man

BEST - This is the best plug-in I have ever seen for winamp. The variety, the colours, the whole package is great. Keep it up man! - June 8, 2002 by Snowball Rex

OH MY F'IN GOD!!!!!! - This thing rips!!! If only we could combine this with Geiss, we would have the ultimate plug-in. Damn good job! - June 6, 2002 by Michael Lorenzo

:) - The vis greatest plug-in for Winamp. Get the latest preview versions and thousands more effects at - June 4, 2002 by John Baker

qwerty - JAW DROPPING PLUGIN! when used with chillout music (like Cafe del Mar...) This plugin is also incredibly "smart" in following the music. But beware, the plugin is not very responsive to musics like trance, house, techno... there are better plugins for these music styles. - June 2, 2002 by rolf rolf

And they say mathematics is boring - No other plugin is more vivid, colorful and imaginitative than Ryan Geiss's Milkdrop. A philosophical journey through music which makes 2001: A Space Odyssey pale in comparison. Just when you think you've seen everything it has to offer it does something completely different. It is suitable for almost any kind of music and has many advanced features for VJ's etc. Performance is adequate, 30+ fps, on my Celeron 950 with Geforce2 GTS. - May 29, 2002 by Robin Palm

The only best - Is very beatifull plug-ins with smoke effect, beat effect in real time and very lite CPU process. - May 27, 2002 by kifux kifux

Best effects I've seen - really cool graphics, seamless transitions. really adds to the mood of the music. - May 24, 2002 by Omer Ran

Mental Floss for cleaner ideas. - I gave up drugs and drinking for this 3d plugin. it's far better than anything i tried on the street an it's FREE!!! defna8ly a trippie pluginn if i evr saw 1 - May 22, 2002 by Kevin B

MilkDrop is the most FIERCE! - This is the ultimate visual plug-in. Truly shows off the power of a spazzed out system. - May 20, 2002 by Kro Slaw

VERY nice - Incredible. Captivates your attention. - May 16, 2002 by V�ctor Ocampo

Just great!!! - The best plug-in period. I used to use G-force and Geiss and I still love them, but MilkDrop blows them away if only because you can run it as your windows wallpaper. You can see the beautiful visuals WHILE you do other things, and if you set the color it overlays to windows grey it shows through your app. I love it! - May 14, 2002 by Undead Meat

Words Cannot describe - Bloody Amazing, Simple the best, no other like it, a must for all, This is the best AV I have ever seen , I even took the time to register with winamp just to write this review :-)......... Congrats to Ryan for makin this - May 13, 2002 by Robert Gray

Better than most music videos - Amaze your friends and trip out when you should be doing your homework. Sometimes I scare my family when they walk into the room and see me just staring at the screen. But once they see what I'm looking at, they join me and we all become one big, zombie-faced family. Don't download this if you plan on using your computer for homework assignments. You will not be able to resist starting up winamp just to watch this plug-in. I think I found a new religion. - May 13, 2002 by Chad Horne

bad as hell - it really deserves 6 stars cause this plug-in "rocks da house." it is a must if you have a fast computer and a 3d accelerator. IE: P4 1.7 w/ a Ge Force 4 and 512/ram, it is unbelieveable. if you liked G-Force and Geiss what the hell are you waiting for. Don't forget to tune your 3d accelerator. Loves antialasing and anistropic filltering tuned down. - May 12, 2002 by erick gonzalez

Good Stuff - Milkdrop and R2 extreme are both superb. R2 wins on the visuals but Milkdrop is better for responsiveness to the music and i love the ability it has to display the whole playlist on screen. Perhaps the graphics could have be more exciting as the excessive squigly line effect on many of the presets looks ok but not spectacular. Other than that it is top stuff. - May 11, 2002 by Bruno Scalera

It can?t get any better than this! - Sweet Lord, MilkDrop is excellent! Ryan has outdone himself, I didn?t think there could get any cooler than "Geiss", but I was wrong... What will he do next??? I can?t wait!!! - May 8, 2002 by Howard Harvey

Black!!!!!!! - kick a****!!!!!, this thing was cool by itself, but it blows my brain out of its socket when you go into the settings and change the overlay color to black. its as though the black text and lines all over my computer are raving on lsd to the music.!!!!!! KICK A**** - May 5, 2002 by thomas devol

Needs a 6th star! - Very few visual plug-ins like this can mak the same hypnotic, pleasantly nauseating feeling Milkdrop creates! Anybody who put 0 stars for this either has a horrible PC or can't stand the feeling Milkdrop gives them! - April 28, 2002 by Shawn Johnson

Buckle your seatbelt! - Wild Plugin!! I love it! I like the fact that besides the wild colors and designs, you also have onscreen display of the song, and time. - April 23, 2002 by Joe Mobster

Far Above - Beyond any shadow of a doubt the absolute best visualization ever created. Slick can't even begin to describe it. You haven't experienced vis until you've seen this baby as 1024x768x32 at 40 fps. Move over G-Force, Geiss just killed you. - April 19, 2002 by Michael Purvis

Hmmmm... - :Picks eyes up off the floor and proceds to place them back into head: Yes...quite lovely indeed. - April 19, 2002 by Andrew J

Awesome - This plugin is what I use to test videocards on computers I build. Awesome graphics, and if you can pick up some clear colored plastic, it's awesome in 3D. - April 16, 2002 by Jason Combe

Forgetaboutit! - Nothing else even comes close. I challenge anybody to come up with a vis that's even in the same league as Milkdrop. Let's see what ya got! - April 13, 2002 by T Galbraith

COOL - But i have to say that the damn thing is sooooo smooth that i started to feel a bit sick watching it for any length of time. Motion sick that is and not sick as in fed up or bored. Other than that its good. I may keep it as a back up to my fave plug in which is G-Force V2.0 (sorry Ryan) - April 13, 2002 by neil dodds

A class of it's own - No plug-in i saw came even close to this. When the original Geiss plug-in came out, we sat there, our jaws dropped, our mouths stayed open for quite some time. Now Milkdrop does it again. When "Geiss" is doing 90 on the freeway, Milkdrop is Warp 9. Especially with the awsome presets from rovastar, unchained, etc. There simply is noone else out there Ryan! - April 13, 2002 by Christoph Stahl

Holy Mother of God... - This is the most amazing plug-in I've seen. I sit here and stare at it for hours. Everyone needs to have this! - April 12, 2002 by Travis Smith

Jebus... - Thats what I say when I peel my eyes away to look at the clock and see how long ive been staring at this for. - April 12, 2002 by Ryan Morse

superb - after years of looking at plugins that basically do the same thing. i have found one that does what its supposed to , it reacts at te right time to the music. thank u ryan for making me stare at my computer and not do anything with it . :o) - April 8, 2002 by steve stewart

Good! - this is one of the best i have! - April 8, 2002 by Jan Sch�tte

Slick - This plug-in is quite good actually. The frame rate at 1024x768 at 32bpp is excellent. (well it is for me) - April 8, 2002 by Daniel Shaw

Looks Cool - Hey, I have downloaded this plug-in 5 times and I can't seam to get any of the graphics. Just my song title comes up even though I have all the system requirements. It looks like it would be cool though, so here is my 4*'s. (does anyone else have this problem?) - April 7, 2002 by Rhiannon C.

Das beste Plug ?berhaupt !!! - MilkDrop ist das beste Plugin, welches ich bisher jemals gesehen habe! Geiss 4.23 ist NICHTS dagegen! - April 5, 2002 by Michael Sauer

Absolutely Awsome - Very Awsome Plugin! Works Great, Looks Cool, It Has To Be One Of my Fav's! Download It! - April 5, 2002 by Brandon Kramer

But wait, there's more - Before you post a comment, there's something else you need to see. Whether you're going to praise MilkDrop for it's beautiful effects, or deride it because it's mostly been seen before - you ain't seen nothing yet. Head over to where you can download all of the custom presets in a couple easy files. There's new effects being developed all the time, and each is more stunning that the last. If you're planning to give a low score because "AVS is better", I suggest you look again. While there may be things that AVS can do that MilkDrop can't, there are just as many features MilkDrop has that AVS lacks. Wit the Preset Authoring Guide at writing your own presets is simple, and you can generate attractive, original, and fast eye-candy in a matter of minutes. Finally, if you're going to put down milkdrop because you couldn't get it to run - don't. Go and visit the Milkdrop troubleshooting forum instead, where we'll be more than happy to help you out with your problems. - Krash - April 3, 2002 by Krash the System

This is the Mutts Nutts!!! - This plug-in is by far the best I have found for winamp so far!! If u do not have this in your collection then u deserve to be bannished to outer mongolia!!!!!! - March 27, 2002 by Howard Staples

wicked - i think this thing is one of the best i have downloaded so far - March 18, 2002 by Christina Stam

This sux - I really didn't care for this plugin. I deleted it right after i downloaded it. - March 15, 2002 by Jill Nicholson

Just don't get any better.... - This Viz Kicks Ass in every way... every time i rig this plugin thru my 32" Widesreen... using my Athlon 2000XP with a GF3 it never fails to impress me or the ppl i demo it to. if i run it Trough my 22" Trinitron monitor at 1280*1024 it runs at sold 63FPS, and the thing just look awsome in every way.. the only way i can think of to make this plug in better is for me to get a bigger monitor and a bigger TV, it kicks ass.... if u cant justify giving this plug-in a try then u need yo ass kicking.... - March 14, 2002 by philip Kerman

Killer - This is the best plugin ive seen yet - March 12, 2002 by D Something

the BEST! - Oh yeah! This pulg-in runs full speed in 800x600 resolution and 32bit colors! My computer is p200MHz MMX, 32mb ram and GEFORCE2MX200!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Two months ago I got S3 Virge DX and I didn?t get this plug to work but now it works GREAT!!!!!!! WhiteCap runs good with that 2D card. :)))) - March 10, 2002 by Pasi Koski

probably the best - tripex is cooler looking but it has like 5 themes and it's not as variable as milkdrop, I wish i could get my hands on some 3-d glasses because i would watch the velvet underground flow forever on milkdrop - March 8, 2002 by Ryan Kay

amazing! - this is the best plug-in for winamp. if u havent downloaded this yet u r mad - March 5, 2002 by Richard Calland

not the best - everybody giving 5 stars???????? WHY????????????? - March 5, 2002 by jacek karma

Got Milk(drop)? - A really good Vis. - March 4, 2002 by Gordon Baird

WOW! - No other visualizer comes close to this!! EVERYBODY should download this! - March 2, 2002 by Ryan Kennedy

Stunning - Lovely effects, but it response to the music is what makes it stand out for me. My top visualisation! - March 2, 2002 by Luke Ross

Finally, dual monitor support with VJ-mode! - This is what we wanted/needed. Now its going proffesional! THANX, all other plugins fade away with MILKDROP. (They loved it here in Holland disco's) - March 2, 2002 by chip swing

so so..........SWEET - Yo this is some good s#$t i am amased ive been looking fore some good plugs but i have stoped looking it gos great with techno rock acid jazz but other slowere types dont work as well like jazz or classic but i guess no one has to worry about that i say if you want a fast pased od of color down load it now its not for the faint of eyes (DO NOT WATCH IF YOU CAN GET MOTION SICK easly) i still think its one of the best i also like the wierd names for all the presets keep them coming! - March 1, 2002 by Ryan Bond

Milkdrop??? - hey this ting is very VERY GOOD, butMILKDROP?!?! ........oh yeah....the guy that wrote the first review.....calm down.....its just a frickin plugin....... - February 27, 2002 by Adam Broussard

I'll never leave my screen again! - Wow, this is the most amazing thing for WinAmp I've ever seen! I watch it for hours now and it doesn't get boring. Woo-hoo! - February 25, 2002 by Corinna Riebe

grab it - excellent - that explains everything - February 20, 2002 by Janis Zamovskis

FANTASTIC - If it were down to me, I?d give SIX LARGE STARS! Amazing! Do you want to OD on Eye Candy Big Time???.Download NOW!! - February 19, 2002 by nylon amulet

I have found God - I am now devoting my life to this program. Beautiful! - February 19, 2002 by Irving treadway

oh wow! - this is the best full screen i've ever seen! it is completely hypnotic. incredible!! keep up the great work! - February 17, 2002 by lauren eschwie

Brilliant - Runs nicely on most machines above 450 Mhz. Cool effects too. - February 17, 2002 by Filipe Gonsalves

Dazdodger gav it 5 points - very good work - February 13, 2002 by Thomas Zemlicka

FanBloodyTastic - I thought geiss was good..then there was Tripex...but milk drop just gets better...i need sleep i have bloodshot eyes from watching this..I will return... - February 12, 2002 by Joseph Burnett

Nice Work Ryan Geiss - All I have to say is that this plug-in is outstanding! Since I have been using WinAmp I have been looking for a plug-in like this. It is incredibly beat responsive and quite pleasing to watch. I listen to alot of Techno music and this plug-in makes the music come to life for me! Listening to music for me is a serious hobby, I like to listen to intricate guitar work alot and some of my favorite music is Techno, When I listen to music I like to become part of it and "ride" with it if you will.With this awesome plug-in not only can I take the ride with my ears but I can also see what it looks like! Thanks for a great piece of work Ryan Geiss! - February 10, 2002 by Dominic Barnes

Best there is - Just downloaded and this is THE BEST plugin there is. The 3d may not be that cool, it's lke Gforce but a much easier interface. You can change so many paramaters and view your playlist WHILE THE VIZ IS FULLSCREEN! Get it, it's well worth the little amount of space that it takes up (not that I wouldn't give it a gig or 2 if it needed it, it's that good.). - February 8, 2002 by Matthew C

WHOA....... - My roommate and I have spent hours watching this because it's so addicting. I've never seen it repeat anything, and it's really beat responsive. If there's a better Winamp plug-in, I almost don't want it because this RULES. I wish there was an option for 10 stars!!!! - February 7, 2002 by Erin Olson

Awesome - Best visualization i have seen, lots of presets to choose from and the ability to do a lot with. - February 6, 2002 by Dave Houghton

Help - Hey guys which plugin is the one that can u set it for ur WALL paper.. and u can make it transparent while ur browsing through the web? - February 5, 2002 by Chris Lee

Cool - This plugin is pretty sweet. Keep up the good work! - February 5, 2002 by Alex Thornton

Perfect VJ Plugin - I've used a lot of plugins in the past, but i have to say this is the best VJ plugin i have ever used. Good transitions, a buttload of options , and it's FAST!!! Keep up the work Giess, you rock!!! - February 4, 2002 by Bryan Madar

The Best - I have tried others and this one is the best***** - February 2, 2002 by Marc Germain

*jaw drops* - amazing dude, simply amazing i'd send u money but..... no...... ;) not quite that good but damn near - February 2, 2002 by Josh Ibach-MacKeen

Realy Great - This fullscreen plug-in kicks ass! Many options, jet really easy to handle. And ofcourse most importend: Beautifull. Great download!!! - February 1, 2002 by SHiemsosne SHiemsosne


yer gota ave this un - I am a big fan of these pulgins and for me this milk drop has got to be one of the best its realy relates to the music - January 30, 2002 by jeff shepherd

Awesome! - This is one of the best plugins I have ever seen! Not too complicated, but with all the twisting and turning, it is amazing to watch while hearing music! Great job! - January 30, 2002 by Adam Boyd

Can't Get It - Can't get the beautiful MilkDrop to Download....Losing Sanity!! SOS - January 29, 2002 by Trisha Grice

ABSOLUTELY THE BEST ! ! ! - I have been using computers for ages and have enjoyed this particular plugin far beyond most for the past year and suggest, more than I can imply, that you must have this in your collection of plugins. This truly is an amazing plugin to sit down and watch over and over again for there is also something new that you never expect. Thank you so much for this truly incredible plugin available only at !!! - January 26, 2002 by stuart neft

in-freakin-credible - Best. Plugin. Ever. - January 26, 2002 by Steve White

rating * 99999999... - Mess with the best..... In short, best plugin yoiu can download. It's deffinetly the best I've seen, and I've seen many. DOWNLOAD NOW !!!!!!!!! You wont be sorry. - January 26, 2002 by Micsa Marius

excellent - Best I?ve ever seen. - January 24, 2002 by Sk�gget Savage

Give the man dosh... - hey d00d do you do this kind stuff for a living.... I want some of that action.... - January 24, 2002 by Man Droid

Good For Tool - This is a really really good plugin. The colors, schemes, motion respond very well to music, especially for Tool. All Tool lover's out there should download this plugin... it's a great vis to watch while listening to Tool, I swear Geiss wrote it for Tool...... - January 23, 2002 by Matt Olsen

THIS THING ROX!!!!!! - Download this right NOW! The most amazing plug-in in the world! It's hypnotizing and addictive! NOW, before it's too late!!!!!! - January 23, 2002 by Benjamin Wheat

the best ever made at this time - All the effects are great and awesome. I use it a lot of time. - January 22, 2002 by Joel Marion

3D Glasses Really Work! - Ryan did it again! Totally Awesome! I have a 20 ft. screen for my computer. I ran milkdrop on my P4. While in the 3D sterio mode, using red, and blue lens 3d glasses. It really works in 3D! Pops Out At Ya! I like the preset named color tones! Awesome! - January 21, 2002 by Joseph Mahoney

very very good!!!!! - great 3d twirl graphics!!!!!!enjoy!!!!! - January 19, 2002 by george923 tourtsis

better than a glass of spilled milk - really, much much much better :) love the swirlly effects! - January 18, 2002 by appel boom

Best Visualzation plugin - I have never seen a visualization plug-in as beautiful as milk Drop. Normally, even though my computer is powerful enough, i can't get decent frame rates on full screen visuals, but im cranking on average about 70 fps. - January 17, 2002 by Andrew Stanton

Good stuff - Love it man, keep it coming! - January 16, 2002 by Ryan Wallace

Can it Get Better? - Well, I am astonished. There is only one floor with this visualisation, and that is after staring at it for more than 2 hours solid, without blinking, the room starts to revolve around the screen, then the whole world and finally the whole universe. If there is anything better out there, I have not found it yet. Superb job, 5 stars are just not enough. - January 14, 2002 by Eternal Damnation

3d acceleration = Joy - It just doesn't get much better than a 3d accelerated version of Geiss. - January 12, 2002 by Mike Thiesen

Oooo yeah!!!! - Yes!!! This is it!!! Great work by Geiss. Very nice plug. Greetings from Poland! - January 12, 2002 by Kamil Zadora

Very Nice.... - I must say this is the best one I have downloaded, and I have seen quite a few plugins. This is by far the best. Very Good! - January 12, 2002 by Jeremiah Zink

Just like... - ... poison! its perfectly. the best plugin i've ever downloaded. u would be stupid if u r visua fan and if you dont dl that shit. its the best. the greatest. the flashest. the .. poison trip simulator :-)) - January 10, 2002 by Johannes M�nch

Oh yes - Once upon a time Climax was my favorite, but as technology went forward, Climax didn't... I'm proud to say that this is the most impressive VIS that I have ever seen.. I can literally sit there and get lost just staring into it wondering what it's going to do next... geiss has never dissapointed. - January 9, 2002 by Jon Ball

sweeeeeet - this is yust gr8! with my dualhead 3d card im rnning it on my other monitor with a fps of 15 to 80 :-P this is yust a HUGE plugin that revolves the world :-D!! Ryan your the winamp god! :-) - January 8, 2002 by inferno acid dieuwer


Reminds me of the '60s - Despite the subtle fact that I wasn't born until the '80s has no effect on what I think of when I see the psychadelic effects procured by the awesome plug-in formally known as MilkDrop. Another plus: if you happen to be capable of rendering at 2048x1536, you will be happy with this. - January 6, 2002 by HeX Glazer

See your music. - This plugin may appear like Geiss at first glance, but it is very different. The way Milkdrop responds to every beat of the music is incredible, far from the responsive capabilities of Geiss. There are many more types of analyzers than there was in Geiss (well over a hundred). The simple interface and ecstatic "eye candy" effects makes this plugin ONE OF THE BEST. - January 4, 2002 by Jonaed Zaman

SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - The best sh!t i've ever seen!!!!!!!!!! good job man!!!!!!!! - January 4, 2002 by anton me

Thought Geiss was good? It's nothing... - Geiss was good. This, well it defies proper description. Running at a silky-smooth 30 FPS, it just blows your mind. If you only download one plugin, download this one. I know - it's clich?d, but THATS BECAUSE IT'S TRUE! - January 3, 2002 by Peter Street

INCREDIBLE!!! - This has got to be the single most llama-whipping plug-in I have EVER seen! EVERYBODY MUST download Milkdrop--you're visualization experience will be forever changed!! - January 3, 2002 by g w

Super - THIS PLUG-IN ROCKS!!! - January 2, 2002 by Luuk Spijkers

just awsome!!! - yeah man, very cool plug-in!!! every body!! download this right when see it!!! otherwise it is to late!!! you will not be sorry!! DO IT!! I DON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER!!! - January 2, 2002 by invictus forever

WOW! - Smooth, Fast, and accurate to the beat! I have yet to pick my jaw up off the floor. Download this now. No, not later, NOW. - December 30, 2001 by Chris Ertel

WOW! - This is seriously THE best visual plug-in I have ever seen... amazing! Ever since I have seen i-Tunes visuals I have been looking for a winamp plug-in that could compare. I have found it! Great work! - December 28, 2001 by Catherine Bak

Hmm.... - Wow! SOMEONE's a little too envious of this plug-in, don't you think? - December 28, 2001 by Adi Feldman

Ultimate!!! - Superb work....the depth is unbelievable!!...Really takes me away on a trip!!...thanx man! - December 22, 2001 by Jorgen Sjobom

Don't drink something before U watch this... - I really ever thought that Geiss would be the best visualization Plugin. But then I tried MilkDrop. I never saw anything like this before. This is incredible fast and absolutely nice in colour. And the changes between the several kinds of shapes and colours is mostly very smooth. And last but not least is the beat detection improved in comparison with Geiss. So absolutely lovely stuff... - December 21, 2001 by Sven Steinkopff

Great - This is a very nice plugin, but it need something.... I don't know what that would be, just try some thing like a little more techno stuff or some more acid colors... download it NOW!!!! - December 20, 2001 by drugmouse []

kickkkkkasssss! - sweet plugin... real smoothe and great FX - December 19, 2001 by hank thomas

Holy F*%! is right! - This is soo Good!!!!!!! - December 18, 2001 by Juan Varela

simply the best - stunning graphics, and my new favorite plug in! - December 10, 2001 by Tom Ni

This Plug-in is BLAZIN - Let me put it to ya this way, I have never rated anything on So I hope you can realize that this plug-in is probably the best I have ever seen. I especially like how you can personalize for what you want to see. So go on download it, give it a try, I know you want to, BELIEVE ME YOU'LL LOVE IT!!! - December 10, 2001 by Frank Barry

Simply Stunning - Download it now. - December 4, 2001 by Julian Harse

sweeeeeeet - mmmmmmmm. hardware acceleration. so fast. - December 4, 2001 by Jason Lange

digital art - some can make art He does. - December 2, 2001 by cyb0rg b0rg

Utterly breath-taking... - Well, where do begin when describing such an accomplished piece of visual coding? MilkDrop delights as much as it confuses the eye and mind, with some of the most inspiring and beautiful effects I have ever witnessed in an audio plugin. Your usual slick 2D dancing wave effects are seemlessly belended with some truly jaw-dropping 3D contortion and manipulation routines. For example, one of the most atounding effects is when the viewer is shot down a Matrix-style tunnel through layer upon layer of their audio, until they gradually slowdown upon reaching a towering cube-like structure. Here, your audio dances frantically across its massive surface like electrified shards of glass, as you slowly pan and pivot around the thing, before being drawn away again in an ever accelerating shower of light, which all the time jumps and glows in perfect time to your music. And speaking of how well this plugin performs, I ran this on a very modest machine, at high-res, in 32-bit colour, and only noticed one effect which slowed the display down marginally from its unusually slick framerate. Coupled with the intelligent beat detection, and the awe-inspiring range of effects and transitions - both 2D and 3D - this plugin should be ignored by absolutely no-one. It doesn't get any better than MilkDrop... - November 29, 2001 by Pete Fairhurst

BEST PLUGIN EVER - I love looking for vis plugins... and this is the only one i like. AVS sucks and all others pale in comparison to Milkdrop! Im confused as to why it's so hard to find Milkdrop on the Winamp website - It's the best vis ever, period, until maybe milkdrop 2 is ever made. GO RYAN GEISS!!! - November 28, 2001 by aislen stork

Milkdrop is a true work of art!!! - Milkdrop is a real masterpiece, to me it's one of the top 3 vis plug-ins out there, download this and be amazed !!! Geiss you own! - November 27, 2001 by Matthias Stevens

5 stars is not enough - THIS IS AWESOME! Yet another nice one from Geiss... - November 27, 2001 by Angry Weasel

One of the best plugins ever.. - fast, friendly and a very nice thing to look at. - November 26, 2001 by Matthias Faust

KICK ASS! - THIS ONE ROCKS! This should be located in the 'not-to-miss or we will kick your ass'-category! - November 25, 2001 by Jonathan S.

Amazing. - Beautiful, high-speed, flowing graphics. Amazing. :) - November 23, 2001 by Kevin Gadd

The Best one for sure - that's a fact. Mildrop is the best I've ever used. Also customisable, and provided with a lot of presets. Such another masterpiece from Geiss ! :) - November 21, 2001 by Hari Seldon

the best.... far away the others... - mixing 2d style with 3d rendering....damned that really rocks ! smooth transition, very fast animation...yeaaaahh, i'm flying :) - November 19, 2001 by zeduck master

Wooooooooooowwww - This vis is friend and I got dizzy watching it. :) - November 18, 2001 by Kevin Ivers

Keeps getting better and better... - This is just fantastic. Not only it's the best looking plug out there, it's also versatile and oh so smooth.. and you can even turn it to a living stereogram... Ah, the joy! I love it... - November 16, 2001 by Eran Goldin

This is a good one. - This will fuck your shit up. - November 15, 2001 by Juan Coronado

Great!!! superb!! - I'm running on 1280*960*32bit, and damn.. it looks great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BEST I EVER SAW!!! - November 13, 2001 by r kuijsters

The Best - This, by far, is the best plug-in that I've seen in a long time! keep up the great work! - November 13, 2001 by Jaime Ann Rehus

The BEST vis-plug-in - ever! - awwwwww yeah! feel the music! - November 11, 2001 by Malte �hlers

Did you know?? - Everybody knows that Milk Drop is the best of all Winamp's plugins (side by side with Acidspunk!). But what you may don't know is that Mr. Ryan Geiss have been upgrading his fantastic creation from time to time. So if you downloaded it for some time now, you must do it again. Milk Drop was recently upgraded and NOBODY TOLD US! In fact there about six different packs, and which one is better than the other, so download them all and keep on trippin' with this surrealistc dream. Joaquim Jardim (from Brazil) - November 11, 2001 by joaquim jardim

High without illegal substances! - I hereby declare this plugin "milkdrop" as best ever! You can just keep watching it without getting bored! I suspect the maker of putting subliminal messages in it, just to keep us tight to the screen: 'keeep looooooking aaaat theeee screeeeeen! doooooont looook awaaaay!' Thanx man! tristan - November 10, 2001 by Rikard S�derberg

make it work... - Plug-in executed illegal operation. Restart of Winamp is recommended (1) closely followed by winamp itself crashing... well done. - November 5, 2001 by Triffid Hunter

I registered just to give this commend ! - I'm a plugin freak, and MilkDrop simply ended my quest. All visual effects are so well done which made me feel they were designed for every song I've played !!! There probably will NEVER be another plugin like it. Good Job !!! - November 5, 2001 by Tao Yang

Thanks for this amazing plugin - I recently DJ'd at a couple of parties around here and brought my computer and stereo system with my projector andgot my dual monitor card to let me mix with winamp and play this visualization on the other monitor (projector) and i was playing the music and the peeps were just staring at the projection in, you got something going on, keep up the good work....btw, i told them to download it for their computer and gave them the link on the screen =) - November 5, 2001 by Dan Czar

Milkdrop is the best thing since sliced bread - milkdrop is the coolest plugin ive ever seen it is very very responsive, it works very well, ever since i discovered the desktop mode i never turn it off, it never ever crashes the ol' computer :) very very nice thanks - November 5, 2001 by Alfred Das

Holy F*ck!!!!! He did it again! - This F*ing sweet!!! I have a laptop very heavily loaded down with P3 1GHz/ 256MB/ GeoForce2Go w/32MB Ram. The WinME OS on my laptop runs like shit [like I only have 32% of system resources avaliable once all my crap loads in the sys tray] but this visualization in simply works awesome!!! (Even in 1600x1200x32!!!!) The smoothness blows the rest of them out of the water!!! - November 5, 2001 by Adam Stobinski

A bit too impressed! - Awesome display of water like ambience, a nebula of swirling colors engulfs your consciousness, as hypnotic light patterns impress themselves into your psyche. While most effects can be seen on other plug-ins, MilkDrop contains a little something extra that makes it stand out and topples G-force as my favorite plug-in. - October 24, 2001 by David Weiss

I like it - Frickin' nice plugin. I like it, I like it a lot. It's almost as beautiful as R2. - October 23, 2001 by Erik Vroon

Ok - This had ok graphics but wasn't very good. - October 20, 2001 by Leif Heflin

THEEEEE PLUGIN!!!!! - MilkDrop "knows" the music and can change with the feel of the music almost perfectly! NO need to interact by changing settings. It does it ALL for you! Just sit back and TRIP! VERY FAST, CLEAN, and HIGH QUALITY!!!! GOOD JOB! - October 19, 2001 by John Craig

Milk does a winam good - This has to be the best plug in i have ever downloaded. It runs so smooth it brings a tear to my eyes. Geiss you out did yourself on this one dude. The best thing is setting the overlay color to black and watching all the letters come alive or freaking out someone typing a paper, because all the letters will disolve then come back. GREAT JOB! - October 9, 2001 by Tyler Jefferson

The best 1 * * * * * - Just one word: Master!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - October 9, 2001 by Nicol�s Arteaga

the best - best plugin ive seen. i was a big fan of geiss but this one seems much better. theres also a 3d mode but i cant find any 3d glasses anywhere. runs great on my: 850 amd athlon geforce 2 mx 32mb ram (i hate this video card) - October 8, 2001 by eddie gandolfi

Will somebody please pull me out of my monitor...? - I just discovered the desktop overlay feature from reading a preceding review, and thought it deserved mention and another 5 stars. I don't care that it's obscuring what I'm looking at half the time... it's still the most brilliant thing I've ever seen on my computer screen. My Word documents sure look purtier with all sorts of wavy colors goin' through em... Best damn plugin...Ever. Man, do I feel bad for those of you that can't get it to work... Just keep buying new hardware and tweaking your OS till it does, cause it's that good. - October 6, 2001 by Marco Carag

woooooow - niiice graaaphiiicsss. great customization too. so smooth and supple. - October 6, 2001 by Chris Young

ohhhhhh, yeahhhhh - try setting this baby to desktop mode, and set the overlay filter to pure black(0,0,0) and then set all your windows colors to pure black, and atch the trippyness unfold to a new level :) awesome job, runs great(+-30fps) at 1152x864 on my PIII400, win2k, radeon VE. - September 30, 2001 by Joseph Belton

milkdrop - hey, this one really kicks the llamas ass right up to heaven. i'm flabbergasted! - September 29, 2001 by Leo xxx

wow thats great - this is the best plugin i've ever seen forget milk and the others - September 28, 2001 by brian harvey

GREAT - This is a GREAT visual! i would love to have sex with the creator! i love you man, i watch this everytime i get stoned and i FREAK out! MilkDrop RULES - September 23, 2001 by Miles Stevens

Get this now! - Absolutely amazing... this would have to be the best plugin ever, bar none. The 3D effects are absolutely amazing, even on low-end machines. You can get a newer version from, which includes these animated titles, which looks absolutely awesome! Download it now! - September 23, 2001 by Drew Phillips

Mmm...pretty... - Desktop mode ROCKS!!! I don't think I'll be able to go back to wallpaper that doesn't move... Thank you Ryan for another ground-breaking plugin! - September 13, 2001 by Elson Liu

Preview looks cool, but... - the thumbnail picture looks cool, but i cant seem to get it to work on my computer. "couldnt create offscreen surface" it cant be video memory either. i have a PIII 1.0ghz, Voodoo5 5500, and 768MB RAM so i think i got the minimum requirements down - September 10, 2001 by Ryan Blenker

Mesmerizing Visuals - This plugin is really mesmerizing. You actually have to take care showing this at parties, since people stop and stare for long periods. Very good beat-detection. Runs like a charm @ 1152x864x32 in Windows 2000 on a P3-600/256MB/Geforce2GTS. - September 10, 2001 by Lasse Hansen

best 3d plugin available - this plugin is by far the best. i really loved WhiteCap and GeForce, but this one runs so much smoother, and has some neat effects. you really need to add this one to your collection. - September 10, 2001 by joe blowe

Daaaaammmmnnnnn!!!! - This man is awesome! In addition, he should be writing operating systems as well if he can make plugins this good. I have a laptop running WinME with an AMD Athlon 850MHz and ATI Mobility RAGE video card w/8MB RAM and it runs SWEET! Download this now! I'm looking forward to his next one. Keep them coming! - September 10, 2001 by Jason AUSTiN

WOW!! - This is rad!! I'm entranced watching this one. You can even set it to animate as your desktop background! This is by far my favorite plugin. - September 9, 2001 by Dave Rosen

Best plug-in ever!! - I am addicted to Milkdrop. View this one with a (very) fast computer and a good video card on a video projector. Terrific. And believe me, every party/event will be a hit with this one, I did it many times already. - September 6, 2001 by Mark Schwartz

great on dual monitors setups! - This plugin is great, it has built in support for dual screens and lets you choose wich screen you want the display. this is a feature Ive been missing on plugins and Ive tried alot of them. My second display, on a ATI all-in-wonder 128 pci card manages to boast 38fps in 800x600x32 so I do belive that other slower setups manages to run this exelent plugin. :) - September 4, 2001 by Cheng Bang

Lacks in compability... - I'm sure MilkDrop is really great, but I obviously need a better computer to run it at all. (Voodoo 3000, 256MB RAM and a Celeron II 750 don't seem to be enough...) - August 29, 2001 by Sam Persson

The best there is... - and that's all there is to it. If you have a killer system, you'll NEVER use another vis! Favorite song to "watch" - When the Music's Over by the Doors. Download this vis, watch it to this song and you'll be a believer too! - August 26, 2001 by Jeff Presto

This plug-in rocks!!!! - I love this plug in. It runs excellent on my 1.8Ghz Pentium 4 with a GE Force 2 MX video card dont now how it would run on a lower end pc but I dont care:) Did I mention I love this plug-in. Get it now and you will see why. - August 25, 2001 by Koneki Inc.

Hot Stuff As Usual - I am allways "thrilled" with the quality of ryan's work. I saw someone's review saying that it "sucked" , because they had windows 95 and things didn't work. well...... windows 95 is what sucks , not these plugins. UPGRADE! :) Matt - August 24, 2001 by Matthew Wright

it makes me feel all gooey - ryan, it's beautiful -- i can't look away. - August 21, 2001 by simgod .com

Nick and John say... - It's our DESK-TOP, man! Only 4 stars, because I think G-Force's visualizations are better, but it's not our DESKtop, man! - August 17, 2001 by John Lyon

THE BEST - Out of the some 25 plugins i have THIS one is the best, Wheeeeee Truley THE BEST THERE IS :) - August 16, 2001 by jeff line

One word...AWESOME - I have never experienced such a captivating display of music in motion such as MilkDrop, a definite way of getting lost in the depths of your mind...keep up the great work Geiss! - August 16, 2001 by Daniel Mercier

IF GOD WERE A PLUGIN - If god were a plugin this wud b it!!!!! i downloaded it xpecting it 2 need a better pc but its THE BEST GODLIKE plugin for winamp that has ever been created!!! Why download another plugin ever look no further!!!!! - August 15, 2001 by friendlyhacker 1

_______ - Need I say more? - August 14, 2001 by Nick Brickett

A Masterpiece! - This is the best plugin i have ever seen. Its so good that there simply is nothing else to say about it! - August 13, 2001 by Tom Hanna

genius - beutifull coulors dance and twirll this completes any musical experience - August 13, 2001 by bob doh

Unbeleivable - Quote from Chris Farley in the movie "Tommy Boy": "Ive seen alot of stuff in my life...But that...was... Awesome!" Great work Geiss, i love it! If I could i'd give it 10 stars! - August 12, 2001 by Scott Johnson

Absolutly Fabulous - This is the best plug-in I've ever seen.Beats everything else to death with a spork! - August 12, 2001 by Matt Blair

geiss does it again - this guy is the best visualization plug-in creator around. i don't know how complex it is to do, but he always makes the ones that look the best. just as his last one was getting competition he makes this one and all others once again pale in comparison. - August 10, 2001 by halfmoon .

Geiss Does it again - KICK ASS PLUG-IN. DOWNLOAD THIS NOW. GEISS DOES IT AGAIN - August 8, 2001 by Trevor Kennedy

If you have Window 95 your screwed - IT SUCKS!!!!!!!! - August 4, 2001 by Chase Lipovac

best avs plugin i've seen in a while - not for the fact that the plugins are gorgeous (and they are) but for the fact that it lets YOU choose how to run it. you can run it windowed or not and you can change the transitions and fps and whatnot, plus it never crashes winamp. love it love it love it. - August 2, 2001 by brian connolly

Amazing - I couldn't believe some of this stuff when I saw it, truly amazing. Great work. - July 25, 2001 by Daniel Wolgemuth

PHAT!!! - One MAD and I mean MAD Plug -IN!!!!!!!! - July 17, 2001 by Bally Singh

Trip!! - My computer aint the best, yet it works so smoothly! The best plugin i've ever seen or downloaded - without a doubt!!!! THE FUCKING BEST, DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!!!! - July 17, 2001 by Andrew Pelly

great with shrooms - I watched this for a while after I munched some shrooms and was blown away. The display is (even when sober) very organic and electric at the same time. By FAR the best vis plug-in I've played with. - July 11, 2001 by nick williams

never see better - it's incredible, it looks very good, and lot of more fast than avs. I have an Athlon 750 and geforce1 DDR in 1600/1200/32Bits, i'm at 20 fps!!!! i have never see that before. If you want to see a fast very beautiful 3D plugin, dl this, I bet you will like it. - July 10, 2001 by simcp simcp

wow - Absolute insanity. oh' the delta's... wow. - July 10, 2001 by Fidel Andrade

WOW Gotta try this - Okay, so you say it's another 3d plugin... Well ... Do you have any Anylgraph 3D red/blue glasses, yeah the goofy looking ones that you see nerds in movies with.. Well you think it's trippy now, throw on a pair of those and hit F9 while running MilkDrop... WOWWWwwww.... Don't fall over! This plugin is the best ever! - July 9, 2001 by Jim Golightly

ooooh - its so pretty! good to zone out to - July 9, 2001 by Echo Delaroux

Too Cool for words - Absolutely the best I have ever seen, Coot, trancey with brilliant evolution. - July 8, 2001 by Mike Skitt

Absolute Ass Kicking - System: 1.4 Ghz P4 + GeForce 3 Graphics card Desktop mode @ 1280x1024, 48x36 Mesh size The thing looked absolutely sickening. I almost couldn't work with that thing as my "desktop wallpaper" and my music blaring. Wayyyyyyyyyy awesome - July 8, 2001 by james chiang

Worthy successor - This Vis-PlugIn is the worthy successor of Geiss? Geiss! Awesome. Don?t download this if you are planning on working on your computer, it will keep you from it! (It?s keeping me from learning for my exams right now!) Ryan: WinAMP kicks the lama?s ass, MilkDrop kicks everything! - July 8, 2001 by Benjamin Streeck

Best Winamp plugin since Geiss, MUST HAVE! - I've used plugins since the first version of plugins (winamp 1.6) and used most plugin that's come out since then. Never used that lame ole AVS, good architecture with a crappy engine. Now that Llama whippin' team has finally made a plugin with a great architecture and a truly brilliant and efficient engine. You can customize this puppy down to the equations used in displaying a dot, has multimon support, and runs easily @ 1024*768/32bit with every feature on. Must have for anyone looking for a serious plugin! WOW! - July 5, 2001 by fak nfsa

No workie. - Somethin' didn't win2000 pro, direct X 8...not sure what's wrong here. - July 5, 2001 by Caleb Youker

FANTASTIC - Geiss is chief. This rocks. - July 5, 2001 by Adam Hopkinson

HOLY MOTHER $#%^#@!!! - This is the best plugin i have ever seen, and i mean i have ever seen, thanx man for makin it, I love desktop mode, it's sweeeeeeeeeet! I have a duron 800 with a matrox g450 and holy @#$!!!!! it run's sweeet ass sweet. - July 4, 2001 by John W

WoW!...truly got lost - wow...i truley got lost in the colors and movement and dephs...unlike other ones that every says they get lost in the colors but i always think they suck..this 1 is truly the best yet - July 4, 2001 by Andrew Herrmann

Simply Amazing - I am running an AMD t-bird 1ghz (g2gts), it looks amazing. The effects are almost life like, it almost seemed to morph itself to the music you are listening too. Simply brilliant...Get This SKIN!!! - July 4, 2001 by Adam Valois

Most Amazing Plug-in! - This plug-in is the best! It has not even shown to slowdown on my computer, it runs so fast... I have an AMD K-6 2 at 500Mhz, and a Voodoo 3000 AGP, this is the only logical conclusion that I could come up with but it could be better right? Well I even turned all the settings to their highest level, within the screen size, and it still looked great, thanks this is a keeper for me. - July 3, 2001 by nate barton

Geforce on steroids - If you have a decent 3D card and you liked geforce then you MUST get this. It's absolutely mesmerizing. - July 3, 2001 by Lou Ares

visuals - these visuals repllicate nature but at the same time are electronic and cool - July 3, 2001 by jamie noller

No Go - It looks very cool but I have never had the chance to see for myself because I keep getting different errors when trying to run it. All my other plugins work fine and I tried downloading and installing it again but still no luck. - July 2, 2001 by Jamie Benz

Looks nice, but... - I am running Win2k on an AMD thunderbird w/Voodoo 5 5500 AGP, but I get a "Coudn't create offscreen surface error"... Tried lower resolutions like it told me to, but still no work!!! - July 2, 2001 by Alex S

Once again-the king. - What a guy, manages to let me run a great VIS without using hardly any system resources. If you have a decent video card this VIS is for you. Even a slower system would achieve wonderful visuals. Have phun playing with the settings. - July 1, 2001 by Robert Atkinson

Please fix that - because of that: "couldn't create offscreen surface #1 -- probably out of video memory -- try selecting a smaller video mode (error#88760091)" Though the screenshots look fantastic, this plug-in doesn't work on my computer. Please fix that. It's a must have and I wanna have it!!! - July 1, 2001 by Nils Grunwald

lovely - I love this plug-in. - June 30, 2001 by Keshul Agrawal

Didn't Work For Me Either - The test screen looks great, but I had to give it 0 stars cause it didn't work for me. Probably my own dumbass fault, but I don't know what else I could do but download and install it. If it doesn't work from that point, there's nothing I can do. - June 30, 2001 by John Carbone

I'm IMPRESSED!!! - However created this plug-in is a real genious. It' very well done :great graphics !!. It kind of reminded me of the ending of final fantasy 7. There is a scene in the game very much like this plug-in. Good work man !! - June 30, 2001 by Anthonyo Alvarenga

cool - i just downloaded this file at 6:36pm 29th june 2001 Blake!!! - June 29, 2001 by blake shugSY

wow - wow...this is AMAZING! ... Geiss WAS my fav MILKDROP is my FAV !!!! keep up the awsome work! - June 29, 2001 by Anthony Massingham


MilkDrop - MilkDrop has got to be the best plug-in I've seen so far. Keep it up, this is unbelievable! - June 28, 2001 by Dustin D.

Most amazing plugin ever! - This is a must have plugin, never before have I ever seen anything like this, hats off! Takes visualization to another level.... - June 26, 2001 by Thorir Baldursson

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude - Very trippy. I've been a fan of the Geiss screen saver and winamp plugin for a few years. This is a sweet update to the line. I've used G-Force, but MilkDrop just has more features and more control. It also just made me trip out with out the need for drugs. Whoa. ::tripping:: - June 26, 2001 by Jonathan Lorenz

wat is milk drop - dis shit tight , nice 1 - June 23, 2001 by vutha khan

Oh Yeah - I am amazed!!!! It's everything they say it is! Oh well I am drunk. But what I see is great! - June 23, 2001 by Bleeding Messiah

Beautiful - This is the most amazing vis I've seen yet. I could spend hours just watching it. The only thing I'd like improved are the transitions between two osc-presets. - June 22, 2001 by Christoph Herold

Absolutely gorgeous!! - The Julia Fractal preset is on of the most beautiful things I have even seen in my life.. Great plugin.. perfectly synced, fluid, loads of presets, wonderful realtime preset editor.. Ran very well on my fairly low spec computer (overclocked 542mhz Celeron with a standard Nvidia TNT 2 16mb card) in 800x600 32bit. - June 21, 2001 by Joel Hedding

Incredible - MilkDrop is truly amazing. Geiss should be very proud of his achievment- it is a true work of art. Mesmerizing! - June 21, 2001 by james preiss

BAD ASS PLUG - This plug was the first plug I have ever F*CKED to litteraly - June 21, 2001 by Brandon McKeever

WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!! - wow... - June 19, 2001 by travis haar

Cool Effects, Bad Oscilliscope - The effects in this vis are some of the coolest things I think I've ever seen out of a vis plugin, topped only by Tripex. However, the oscilliscope is terrible... whether it's a line or a circle, it's the most blocky line I've ever seen... maybe I have a setting wrong, but it just ruins the beautiful renders. I've seen better Oscilliscopes in AVS. - June 19, 2001 by Matt Culbreath

OH MY GOD!!! - This is easily the best plug-in i've ever seen. I could watch it for hours...oh wait i just did. See what i mean and drag your little mouse to download NOW!!! - June 19, 2001 by brett schandelson

very good - I havent ran it yet but i'm sure its good because i've tried his old plug-in way back when u had to pay for winamp, and it was good.(the plug-in, not the paying for winamp) - June 18, 2001 by wa wa

Brilliant!!! - For such a small package size, this is an incredible vis. Awesome mixture of color change and seamless transfer from one style to another. I'm very impressed! - June 17, 2001 by Marcus Eyre

trippyyyyy - Very trippy when rollin -- rollin --- rollin - June 17, 2001 by ashley hendry

Drool drop... - This is by far the best visualization I have ever *been inside of*. In fact, it was so good that I registered just to write about this viz. Excellent work! *wipes drool from shirt* - June 16, 2001 by Steve Jewell

Kick A$$ - this is the sweetest milk i ever seen! damn fine! keep it up :-) - June 16, 2001 by Nic Borrott

it looks to be cool - great plug!! - June 15, 2001 by carlos marin

AWSOME - THE best plugin i have downloaded yet. Runs soooooo smooth even at 1152x864 32-bit. Best peice of eye candy i have seen as of yet. Shit hot. Good work. - June 13, 2001 by chris savage

Beautiful . . . - Simple, yet elegant and endlessly enticing. Smooth, gorgeous colors, one of my new favorites! - June 13, 2001 by Anne Cruikshank

no - errrrr - June 12, 2001 by tom jones

I don't belive! - I don't want to make you feel too good Geiss but this thing's like a trip I can't stop using it. I listen to music just so I can enjoy the plug in! And if u get some ministry of sound jammin in the playlist then ur set for a psychedelic trip like never before! - June 12, 2001 by Alex Marinica

WOW ! Very Good 3D Rendering - Nice work, Runs smooth and fast. The 3D effect gives it good depth. Sweet Job. Yes you must be able to run it at 32 bit, HUGE difference. - June 11, 2001 by matt armijo

My eyes are burning - I stared at this plug-in for 45 mins, and when I came to, my shirt was wet with drool. either I really like this one or I'm having sezures. - June 11, 2001 by jmz C

Ryan, I love you - You seem to do it right everytime. this thing is darned purdy,responsiveness is fantastic, and the effects are quiet the trippy deal. all ya need is this, shrooms, and funny little man by aphex twin and your set! thnx again ryan for the tight plugin! - June 9, 2001 by Phil Jones

:P - It was all screwed up, and didn't work - June 8, 2001 by Meredith Taylor

WTF? - It won't even show up! - June 8, 2001 by Daniel Nanez

Amazed - This is by far the best plugin for winamp i have seen to date, I can sit infront of my computer for hours just staring at Milkdrop.. I warmly recommend it. - June 8, 2001 by Andreas Kristensen

If you've got the power this IS the BEST vix plugin! - If your have a comp that can run this at its best (like mine 1ghz with a Gefore2) you will NEVER need any other plug in, even genisis...... not so grate for lower grade comps. - June 7, 2001 by Tim Griff

All looks and no substance - This is admittedly a very nice looking skin however, beat detection is ABSOLUTELY HORRID! - June 7, 2001 by Jack Danials

ugh.... like.... wow! - Holy cow... VERY kewl... put on the 3d glasses and you wont need mushrooms anymore. I have never had anything so graphics intensive run so smoothly on my old computer either! Really! - June 7, 2001 by Ian Straffin

Whips the llama's what?? - AVS just got kicked to the curb on my system... With a better preset editor, this will be the shiznit.. - June 7, 2001 by Gregory Heide

The Best - By far the best viz plugin out there. Very fast too, even on my low end computer. - June 7, 2001 by Fran Castagnozzi

THIS IS INSANE!!!!!! - i come to this site all the time for new plugins, and for a long time i havent seen anything better then whitecap and g-force. but then milkdrop came along, and oh my gosh this plugin rulez!!! download it now!!!!! - June 6, 2001 by ziad hilal

The Best - it kicks a** - June 6, 2001 by toxic coctail

it doesnt work!!! - i have an stb velocity 4400 with tv out and directX 8.0 and it will start up and all, but it doesnt look at all like the picture...just a bunch of dots moving around...whats wrong??? - June 6, 2001 by jeremy wiles

Best winamp plugin ever! Bar none - Inspiron 8000 laptop P3 700mhz 192 megs ram, rage 32 meg vedio card with a dual boot machine with win ME and 2000 and it kicks but on both operating systems at 768 by 1024 on the highest settings (it flies), even a new version out now 99d with desktop setting and more presets and a blit setting that even works on my win me side, but blit on 2000. Just wish it would remember my screen size in window mode from the last time I used it. But full screen kicks butt. Can't wait to show my girlfriend. Geiss your the best. - June 6, 2001 by curt love

Pure Passion! - Once again, the undisputed KING of the FullScreen Visualization works his magic. Brilliant, with panning and melting effects so subtle, I didn't know they were possible at 1024x768. Excellent work! This one is awesome, Ryan! (run on P3/800, 768 MB Ram, and Matrox G400 MAX) - June 6, 2001 by Christopher Kyte

My brain has just squirted out my ears! - I have allways been a big fan of Geiss... untill now! this absolutely blows it out the water. I have got this running on an XGA projector in a darkened room, with all my fave choons and a crossfade plugin so I get endless music! - June 5, 2001 by Scott Horn

awesome - I've been vizing for 5 years now and this is without a doubt , the best plugin i've seen - June 5, 2001 by SARAH BUTLER

Awesome for Dual Display - Wow. Not only does this plugin look awesome...its fast, and configures perfectly for multiple displays. I can do whatever I want on my main monitor, and have MilkDrop run full screen on my secondary monitor!! Keep it real, Punk Ziggy Style, Geiss!! - June 5, 2001 by Jeremiah Overton

Da Shiznit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Geiss ain't got a damn tang on this. This viz whips two lamas asses. Great job - June 5, 2001 by Dac Jones

Cannot find milkdrop in plugins menu - Strange, winamp doesn't even find this plugin, although I've make sure that vis_milk.dll has been installed properly in c:\progra~1\winamp\plugins directory. Can anyone help me or tell me why? BTW, my Windows version is Windows 98 Chinese. Thanks - June 5, 2001 by Christian Xu

OMG.. - I swear the man is a genius.. first Geiss then this! All I can say is 'wow'. Beautiful graphics, nice transitions, the whole works. Whoever gave it a 1 is gay. - June 3, 2001 by Terrence Yu

My B - well i downloaded the new drivers for my video card and it fixed the problem(thank god cause i was getting very very very frustrated)and all i can say is wow....this plug in RULES. ive only used it for about 2 mins so far and ive seen some really cool stuff. good work mr. geiss P.S. if anyone has trouble with the skin it may be your drivers, so get the latest for your helped me - June 3, 2001 by mike s

Nice, and made by a fellow Santa Cruzian.. - Another sweet product by mister Geiss. Thanks for your work..! - June 3, 2001 by jor mustermeir

Nice! - This is worth a look, no doubt! - June 3, 2001 by Carlos Zuluaga

Good!!!! - Very Good plug in, check for Fishthauses skins - June 3, 2001 by Abiel MuRen

KEWL... - LOVE IT...... - June 2, 2001 by Love ZX4ever

Whoow - MILK DROP is one kick ass Viz. - June 2, 2001 by dude yo mama

wicked - its the badest i want it - June 2, 2001 by chris samuels

Stunning - Milk drop has a multitude of options and pre-sets. Sit back and get lost in its hypnotic visuals. Download it now! - June 1, 2001 by Steve Moynihan

Sheeit, no beef required - This shit kix! Previously with the geiss plugin, you'd need a beefy cpu to get some decent vibes out of this bitch. But, now I just use my voodoo to get twice the framerate at twice the resolution! KickASS! - June 1, 2001 by Robert Gettys

This Sucks - This is one of the greatest wastes of time I've ever seen on WINAMP.COM. I downloaded, and it has clored srtipes over my screen, nothing else. Don't download it. - June 1, 2001 by Nick Smarto

Best out there! - This is the best plugin I have seen! It looks stunning at 1024x768 32bit color on a geforce2 pro. It has execellent graphics and superior frame rates. - June 1, 2001 by nanobyte ...

FANTASTIC - This is BY FAR the fascinating PlugIn I've ever seen. of course, it depends on your taste of colors and motions but I can't help but just sitting in front of my monitor and staring at it for hours!! - June 1, 2001 by Mario Gaida

Too Much But ... - I Agree With Jamie Fairlie It's Nice But It Requires Too Much Things That Most People Don't Have But If You Realy Want To Use It Buy A 3D Card And You Can Get DirectX For Free (The New Version 8.0) In ! - June 1, 2001 by Elad Argentaro

You'll not download a better plugin. - I always have to test new visual plugins, and as of May 2001 this is the best I've seen. Many varied effects, good beat response; it even has a red/blue glasses 3D mode! - June 1, 2001 by Duncan Howe

???WOW!!! - my god, i was a big fan of GEISS, but now, MILKDROP KICK ASS!, RYAN GEISS, MAN, CONGRATS! the best 3d accelerated plugin, DOWNLOAD IT... NOW!!! ------------------------------------------------------ Dios mio, era un gran fan de GEISS, pero ahora, MILKDROP NO TIENE MADRE!, RYAN GEISS, SE?OR, FELICIDADES! el mejor plug-in 3d que existe, BAJALO... YA!!! - June 1, 2001 by dj pax

Very Nice - One of the best looking plug-ins out there. Great graphics with good speed. - June 1, 2001 by Darien Watkins

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - THAT WAS BITCHEN! THAT THING FREAKED ME OUT AT FIRST, BUT MAN OH MAN THAT THING RULES!!!!! - June 1, 2001 by brian jones

absolutely the coolest - I have to say, I've tried most of the 3dvis plugins on here, and this is definitely the coolest one I've seen to date. I find its responsiveness to be incredible, unlike the previous review saying punkie is so much better. It responds amazingly well to the chaotic drums in Tool's latest album, which is what I tested it with. This is one badass plugin... I love it. - May 31, 2001 by Steve Sobel

Doh! - Kicks but for about 5 minutes and then my computer freezes up! Would get a 5 star rating if my computer could handle it. I have an intel celeron processor and a TnT2 16MB video card but apparently it isnt good enough. If you have better this will rock! - May 30, 2001 by Sean Brennan

Very gooood!!! - This goes straight to the elite crew of vis plug-ins... next to Geiss, AcidSpunk, Jet... Guaranteed quality from Ryan Geiss. I highly recommend. Over and out......:) - May 30, 2001 by Jaakko Niemelďż˝

Quite a Treat is Dropping Milk - It took a little time, but this plugin really has me fascinated now. It's approach to form is as free as it gets, which is not the best aesthetic for everyone. Nevertheless, I find it to be excellent in its fluidity, and utterly responsive to the spectrum--without fail. It looks astounding on a television, if you have a video card with a TV out cabability. And, most importantly, it morphs enough to keep me coming back and coming back. This is certainly one of the best five plugins I have come across. It's right up there with Acid Spunk and company. You should certainly try it, if you are considering it. I'm loving it more, all of the time. Thanks G! - May 30, 2001 by Glitter Bomb

Frame rate is KING - PROS: Very smooth color cycling, lot's of effects. Very trippy. Lots of configurable options. CONS: Not enough beat reaction, frame rate cap @ 35FPS. (Or so it seems. No matter what resolution or bit depth you drop down to, you can never break 35FPS. Pssh) Now, don't get me wrong here, some of the visuals are SUPER cool, but it's let down by the lower frame rate and minimal beat reaction. Here are some numbers : System: PIII@933MHz with a GeForce2 32MB MilkDrop @ 640x480 = 35FPS Punkie v1.6 @ 640x480 = 75~85FPS I'm very willing to take the decrease in on screen colors in exchange for superior frame rate. So in other words, MilkDrop is great. A very solid successor to geiss, BUT, in terms of beat/ryhthm reaction and frame rate,..Punkie smokes this plug all day long. - May 29, 2001 by Supa Cracka

Sucks - Probably is awesome but it wouldn't work on my voodoo 3. Most of the other plugins work on it. - May 29, 2001 by Nick Hornback

Maybe just my computer but... - Maybe my computer sucks, but this didnt work for me at all. It was a mesh of tons of colors moving, no shapes or anything. All the other plug ins have worked for me. I do have directx 7, maybe its something else I dunno. Dissappointing =(. I do have acidspunk II and Genesis. They all rock and run smoothly. - May 29, 2001 by Jenny Likes

Cool - Very cool attempt at moving geiss to 3d acceleration ;) The grid based iterative rendering doesnt quite give the detail and coolness of per pixel operations, but it sure is alot faster. The real time morhping of the grid is tres cool ;) - May 28, 2001 by Rowan Wyborn

Motion Sickness all the Way - I can stare at it for hours...never get bored, maybe a little motion sick but never's one of my favourites, if not favourite, Plug In. A must download if your computer can handle it, or if you can. It's more than a white spot...lines moving in ways lines aren't meant to move. I'm recommending this to all my friends ^_^ - May 28, 2001 by Rob Varga

umm....... - its umm a white spot... - May 28, 2001 by jordan bourgeios

absofunkinglutely great!! - This is one of the best triptoys freely available on the internet :) This baby even Works great after consuming 1/10th of a gram of 'Jack Herer', 'K2' or 'Silver Pearl'. (legal ganja here in holland) (and YES, I have a pair of red&blue 3d glasses :).. F9 rules) - May 28, 2001 by cappie quickzone

Fascinating - Really great but it doesn't seem to run under Windows 2000. And some guys here don't know to use winamp, he ? "only works with mp3's": works with ogg and aac too, except midi! "its umm a white spot..." uhm u should use winamp correctly , it works without any probs! Bye Benni - May 28, 2001 by Benjamin Lebsanft

Hmmmm,,, - Very Very Very disappointed,not mad disappointed, I looked at the pic there, absolutley nothing like it whenyou download it, I wish I could have those precious 3 minutes back to download a different, if you want a cool one, get the G-FORCE2 that has been the sweetest one I got - May 27, 2001 by JJ Bilimek

gruff - oh the gruffness of it all. - May 27, 2001 by Jane Dobbie

mind warping - I've seen many of the plugins that winamp has, and to this day NONE comes close to this....If ya take a little wine, or a little of something else then watch this.... YOUR MIND WILL EXPLODE!!!!, with the massive amount of color, and detail. If you get any 3D plug-in then MAKE SURE, ya get this one and put it on the top of your listing.... - May 27, 2001 by gerald demos

Great 3D - 2nd generation of "Geiss" 3D blast! Great stuff!!! - May 27, 2001 by eran karny

More than I Imagined - I didn't think anything could top Ryan's original plug-in, but this visualization has a beauty and complexity beyond anything I had imagined possible. - May 27, 2001 by Ben Wilkie

It's getting there! - I have to say I stopped using Geiss once I found AcidSpunk. MilkDrop seems to be the next visual plugin for me to use. Even though it's still in Beta, this plug-in just rocks. Hope everyone can get it working. - May 26, 2001 by Taylor Oberst

No, THIS whips the llama's ass - Nuff Said about this awesome little crappa' The hardware acceleration provided allows this little son of a gun to run in full screen smoothly on a 1024x768 even. Very nice work done here! - May 26, 2001 by Josh Whelchel

Not 'arf! - It's like Geiss but not so. Not sure where the 3D acceleration comes into it, but damn fine all the same. - May 26, 2001 by Adam Shailer

OMFG!!! - The last time I was impressed this much by a piece of graphics software was in the days of the Amiga500 demoscene. Combine a fast rig with a decent videocard with some of the best dance music and you got yourself a psychadelic trip! Geiss brought to perfection. This is simply jaw-dropping!!! I will personally see to it that Ryan Geiss gets his own shrine. - May 25, 2001 by Legendary Duane

Awesome..... - very nice. I have used geiss ever since Ryan started it, but this is even better. Also, check out his webpage and try the Drempels program. It makes me wish I hadn't bought Dreamrender earlier this week. - May 25, 2001 by Joey Brewer

***** - This thing is schweet! DOWNLOAD IT NOW! This is really worth 50 stars - May 25, 2001 by Joe Cabral

MilkDrop - Never thought I'd see a better plugin than geiss. Of course, only Ryan Geiss could outdo himself. This is a "must download" for Winamp. And take the time to play with the configuration settings so it is optimized to your system, it's worth the effort. Great job Ryan! - May 25, 2001 by James Paris

whoa! - This is the best vis plugin ever...then again probably after a year this Ryan dude will come up whit a hole new thing!... But any way this the only plugin i use after the avs (come on people, no matter what you say Avs RULEZZ) way better then geiss and geforce handz down! GEISS keep it up! - May 25, 2001 by ashik mahbub

Bad Ass Sheeit - I must say that I am impressed. A million times faster and smoother than anything else, not to mention more complex.. How does he do that?! - May 24, 2001 by son of a bitch

This is GREAT! - This is a great plug-in you've made. I highly recommend you to download it. Maybe sometime Ryan will update Geiss. I love that plug-in. :) - May 24, 2001 by Ryan Huff

Evolutionary - It's the next evolution to be sure - I'm tired of the over-used AVS style fades. Milkdrop is a little too abstract for my taste, but it's elegance makes up for that. Hehehe! - This is the one to beat. - May 24, 2001 by Layne Thomas

Big step forward - MilkDrop has a good variety of changing effects - many incorporate screen deformations that create very original effects. While I agree that good frame rates are obtainable it takes a good video card and 1.2 GHz to really produce premium results. On a 700 Mhz with (last years) Nvidia M64 it feels a bit sluggish, not reponding well to a driving bass line. But overall this is one of the best twenty best plugins ever. - May 23, 2001 by paul edenfield

Geiss this is good work - QUALITY PEOPLE cool I LIKE IT. Download. - May 23, 2001 by Michael Jonathan Evelyn

Geiss is god - Hard to better his previous effort (the Geiss Vis plugin duh!) But milkdrop does it. It needs the hardware to do it, but hell if you have the hardware may as well put it to some (damn good) Use - May 23, 2001 by Michael Jervis

The best ever - I have been acclaiming G-Force since the day it came out... Once again, however, Ryan Geiss has given O'mera a run for his money... and this plugin is the first I've ever seen that proves it can be done - it's better than G-Force! WAY better! - May 23, 2001 by Justin Swidler

Wow! - Beats any other plugin I've tried. It's stunningly fast (I was able to run it smoothly in 1600x1280x32). - May 23, 2001 by Herman Hedning

When you thought you've seen it all... - Geiss beats his already exremely popular plugin "geiss" by taking AVS to a whole new level. - May 23, 2001 by Colin Wood

Best vis plugin! - What can I say? Its got great vis effect, great framerates (even at 1280x960 32 bit color with a 32mb geforce 2). This just replaced AVS as my most used plugin. - May 22, 2001 by Tim Bocek

MilkDrop - Smooth... If you want seamless pychadelia Geiss is the man. - May 21, 2001 by ryan brown
