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> > Visualizations


A musical water fountain.

A musical water fountain.

The water fountain bounces to the music.

Download visualization

September 24, 2001 by Butch Kratzer69338 downloads

MFVIS - A musical water fountain.

Staff review

Water fountain type visual

Decent plug-in.... kinda basic tho... no configuration options either. At such a small screen size, it's a bit difficult to see things clearly.


very nice - I like it a lot, but wish it could be made larger. - December 23, 2007 by Scott Leitner

OK - Seems a bit blocky. - December 30, 2002 by Nathan Smith

good - its good but it needs to be more customizable - December 3, 2002 by Matthew Rozier

PRETTY KOOL - IT COULD BE BETTER THOUGH - March 20, 2002 by ron cruz
