NeoREALITY:These Presets were made by Neoreality (WinampCommunity) for the Upcoming skin M3, a Wa5 skintributing the Matrix Trilogy. (unofficial) In thisPack you will find some of the best Matrix PresetsAvailable
New AVS techniques-Mouse Input
First AVS Game- Matrix Invaders by gaekwad2
and a host of cool AVS from Artists
February 10, 2004 by M3 Team | 55557 downloads |
Staff review
Matrix-themed compilationOverall good comilation... featuring works by different artists such as el-vis, Zevensoft, etc. Some visuals are better than others, but, they are all fairly good. There are quite a few that don't look all that Matrix-related tho.
AVS... - Only for AVS... - November 17, 2004 by Neo Mirada2000
help - hi, i just download it and install it, but doesn't show me the plug in in winamp5.03/pref/avs. someone can tell me wth must i do is for winamp 5 this plug? any help is apreciated mns: [email protected] - April 21, 2004 by darg0r Er_Murazor
much better than mine - its good too see people with some talent do matrix presets FINALLY! - February 14, 2004 by Grant Birrell
WAAHOO - OH YA THIS IS TO COOL!! And it goes with my skin!!! - February 13, 2004 by Neoreality M3
waaaahooo - beautiful, no event the similitude to winamp but the effets are incredible GREAT GREAT !! - February 11, 2004 by FRENCH WINAMP