madSpin 2
Featured Plugin, 2002.
Featured Plugin, 2002.Mesmerizing swarms react to your music. Now more hypnotic than ever. Take one part Madspin, two parts strobe light, three parts police siren, and a cup of Habanero peppers, and you have madSpin2. An OpenGL visualization plugin featuring hundreds of translucent images, sparkling and bouncing in time to your music. Improvements over the original include a simple configuration system for star pictures, MUCH improved music intensity detection, new spin types, new blend modes, new pictures, speed optimizations, and framerate detection so it runs at a reasonable rate on slower computers. Source code available at
Download visualizationFebruary 1, 2003 by Joseph Sola | 260579 downloads |

Staff review
Essential visual pluginMadspin returns in high style with an incredibly configurable plugin. Impressive beat response and smooth fluent motion... customizable color pallettes and star pictures. The star pictures really bring this plugin to another level... definitely a download to treat your eyes to.
I have got a question about the RED BLUE ANAGLYPH 3D color palettecurrent colors are red and blue on white background. Is it possible to edit this somehow to achieve red and blue ON BLACK BACKGROUND? I am planning to have this Winamp visualization on my party projected on a wall. The white background would enlight the room very much. Black would be much better. Or would the 3D effect not be as good as on white background? Thanks for any help. - December 10, 2009 by meine_zweitadresse
nothing for epileptical people! - I tested nearly all plugins in this database and this is my alltime favorite (since the first version) It is so madly fast, that the monitor can?t display it fast enough (a good monitor test!) In combination with trance music it is like a drug. You?re staring at the screen, hear the music is getting faster and the lights also on the screen. They fly so fast around that your eye can?t recognize them fast enough. After some minutes your only staring at one point and awake, whats happened? Thats madspin! Its a digital drug! Be careful! Also it doesn?t repeat the effects as often as other plugins. I really love it, since years! - November 15, 2005 by chro max
W00t! - This is SO COOL! I knew it would be great when it said 'epeilepsy warning' but never this good! I like the 3D mode. It's great! - July 22, 2003 by Elizabeth Tankersley
Approved! - 1337! - June 17, 2003 by Eric J
I have no reason to experiment with hallucinogenics... - This is the vis that will replace all of my previous plugins, including Acidspunk, R3, Milkdrop, and even the venerable Tripex. OMFG IT 0WNZORZ!!!!111 - May 8, 2003 by Mykie .
Wuh? - Sorry man this one won't let me install it. Is there a different dir. to place it? If not then there are some issues on yur end. - December 21, 2002 by Josh Hart
a new form of a drug! (cardiac infarct warning) - I think madspin is one of the best plugins like milkdrop, tripex and geiss. What I really love on it is that its damn fast. When you stare too long on it you can't stop it. Its really cool, but people with epileptical problems could become a cardiac infarct! : ) CHROMAX - October 2, 2002 by chro max
COOL!!! - really nice! cool textured particle moving around very fast, many options, and you dont need a FAST pc to use it!!! Try it :-> - June 11, 2002 by Jan-Erik Johansen
What is happend with your homepage? - do not exist, why? - April 29, 2002 by Borg Number_One
Mad Dreams2 - Hi Joseph, congratulations for your "madSpin 2". Since it was released my dreams became more wild! - April 18, 2002 by tais jardim
Whoa!! - Major improvement over version 1...which i liked too...definately cool...:) - April 10, 2002 by Atmo Designs
WinXP Sux... - WinXP is the worst Microsoft product ever...MadSpin runs fine on my HP Celeron 733 with 92 mb & a TNT2 32mb...dont know what yer prob is...oh yeah ITS WINXP!!!! - April 7, 2002 by Matt Blair
This is the best - Granted im running Amd 1900 wit 512mb on Windows Xp and last years model Geforce 3 Ti 500 But this is the #1 ! congrats Joe and dont worry bout the whiners trying to squeeze another year out of their 486-dx's - April 7, 2002 by bob Brunette
A MUST-TRY ! - I run WinXP with a dual screen setup. Most important for me: full-screen on one of the outputs and being able to work on the second screen. Runs smoothly, no system fu**-ups ! Ah, and: OEVs are ok and fast! - March 31, 2002 by zaphod beeblebrox
Class, and doesn't crash. - Runs great, never crashes, good beat detection. Nothing more to say. - March 31, 2002 by Lee Hardman
epilepsy warning - this plugin is entirely sprites ,textured particles moving very quickly and flashing.rearranges themselves in different patterns,but it doesnt neccesarily spin.if only the change in the effects can be more dynamic than just change every 15 secs or 30secs or whatever,like how milkdrop does it...also i like the feature in the configuration window that tells you how long you have been using the plugin. - March 30, 2002 by Tai Chow Sing
Rapes my CPU - is extremely CPU hungry, but doesn't support multithreading (ie using both my CPU's) why doesn't it just use my video card for rendering ffs. go get tripex 3.04 use it, and learn from it, it wh00ps this plugin hands down - March 30, 2002 by Ben no
trippin - damn that's some good shit. only 300 times better than the original - March 29, 2002 by martin rosenberg
Excellent - What an absolutely brilliant plugin. The visuals are great and it's the first time i've seen beat matching that actually works. Nice one Joseph. - March 29, 2002 by Jason Rhodes
It's OK - I have been following this plug-in through it;s devolpment but it isn't really all that good considering all the good 3d plug-in available Tripex 3.04 and R2 Extreme. And no where nearly as configurable as MilkDrop. It just gets a little boring and the details is not there sadly. Who are these Winamp reviews? Have they seen other plug-ins? I think not. - March 24, 2002 by John Baker
this sux - Geiss is still the best this thing runs 50 percent of the time but looks like crap - March 24, 2002 by Jeremy allen
this is absolutely fabulous - I've literally been staring at this thing for over an hour. The effects are great, and I just started to read how to control them, so I'm extremely happy. Keep up the good work! (BTW, I'm not having any problems running it with XP). - March 24, 2002 by J F
Crashes - I love the effects, but it can't go to the next song without crashing. I bought my compter last October, and it has Directx 8 and an Intel Pentium 4 processor, so it's not the machines fault... Fix it. I want to use it more. :( - March 23, 2002 by Ryan Matthes
Neat! - Runs fine in my WinXP! More agressive that my alltime fave, Milkdrop. Very colorful and dynamic. - March 22, 2002 by Simon Krogh
WOW - I liked this one, the colors are great, and everything...Try some Daft Punk while watching it! ( OH YEAH I have WINDOWS XP and IT WORKED GREAT! ) - March 20, 2002 by Keith Bryers
nice but... - but it frozes my computer when I close it. it run descently with good enough effects, maybe a bit repetitive... - March 15, 2002 by Pascal Dallongeville
DONT DOWNLOAD: CRASH!! - DONT DOWLOAD THIS PLUGIN!!!! It crashed my WinXP system the first time i run it!! I got a blue screen for about 500 milliseconds and then the system just rebooted!! - March 15, 2002 by Jeffrey Roberts
MaD kooL - realli nice, hoT n KooL at da saMe TimeZ. KeeP up diz kick azz woRk! l8Terz n taKe caRe - March 13, 2002 by RaVen Unforgiven
Really MAD!! - Quite good, but a bit slow,it's just running 20fps on my piii 1 ghz,if others use faster'll hypnotize em' !!!!! - March 13, 2002 by Jurassic Rex
Configuring - There is a great feature in the configure screen of this plug-in that allows you to either set the fps or the # of stars. It comes with a default of 30 fps per second. This feature REALLY helps computers with poor 3D cards. BTW, if you liked the first one, this one is HUGE improvment. - March 13, 2002 by Jimmy James