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30 new presets with effects like Fractals, 3d DynMovs and 3d SSCs.

Finally, here is my fourth presets pack: LP4 - Digital. I've written a new installer with uninstall system. It's also fully compatible with both Winamp2 and Winamp3. For this pack I would like to thank: UnConeD, Alt-iii, Duo, EL-VIS and NemoOrange. Because of the complexity of some of the presets, you might want to run them with pixel-doubling on. Feel free to comment...

Download visualization

April 17, 2002 by Sander Kupers37646 downloads

LP4 - Digital - 30 new presets with effects like Fractals, 3d DynMovs and 3d SSCs.

Staff review

Impressive collection...

30 top notch visuals here... a treat for the eyes. Interesting styles, patterns, and movement... quality throughout. Smooth usage of layering here as well... helps give these an extra amount of power to entrance you for a good length of time. The author also has comments for every preset which give a good description about the visuals...also lets you know what music was being listened to when each preset was created... a nice touch.


Digital Masterpiece! - Everything in this pack is in perfect harmony. Nothing less, nothing in excess. Simply perfect! Now I can say that you created your true first masterpiece, I just can't stop watching it. - April 18, 2002 by tais jardim

Techinic & Fun! - This is the pack that have everything a masterpiece needs. Perfect techinic with inspired feeling. And, man, there's a LOT of wonderful presets. I still didn't choose my favorites, 'cause it's so hard, each one seems better than the other. Congratulations SKupers, you're now among the top masters! - April 18, 2002 by reynaldo paes

This is the best! - The best pack from the last times. This guy is iluminated! - April 18, 2002 by dee math

Brilliance - I don't have even a tiny doubt to give this pack a 5 stars simply not because of knowing him, but he truly knows how to turn numbers into artistic visuals. It's a must have to all avs purers, like Joaquim (a great mavster supporter on this planet:) said. - April 18, 2002 by Daniel Joe Tandiman

I Knew it! - Yes Skupers, now it's your time to shine! I'm happy that this time the staff got your "thing". I hope that all the avs lovers, like me, enjoy this brilliant masterpiece. - April 17, 2002 by joaquim jardim
